If black people weren’t destined to be slaves why are they so naturally melancholic and defeatist all the time?

If black people weren’t destined to be slaves why are they so naturally melancholic and defeatist all the time?

Blacks, you love the idea of the self fulfilling prophecy because it gets used in your racial debates lot, so why haven’t you seen your own race through the lense of the self fulfilling prophecy yet?

You keep trying to prove to the world you wuz kangz and not slaves and yet you keep acting like slaves so what gives?

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It would help if the liberals didn't soon feed them bullshit about how they're oppressed and how they can't make it in the white man's world because the system is rigged against them. Then when they speak out and deny that bullshit, they just get called Uncle Tom's who've been cucked by the system.


>and yet you keep acting like slaves so what gives?

Blacks are literally dumber than a gorilla. They have no prospects in life; that's why they can't make anything of themselves. Even the U.S. military doesn't let in anyone below 83 IQ. The ones that get in likely inherited some more IQ related genetic alleles from Whites (On average, African americans have about 34% White, mestizo, native american DNA).

forgot the image.

The black community as a whole is the petulant teenage child of white adult society. Like a teenager eager to prove themselves blacks wildly lash out and loudly proclaim their self-sufficiency and insist they don't need no one. The parent shows patient restraint because both know deep down the child is helpless without the parent's care and support. Unfortunately for all of us, most blacks can't into growth and progress.


>Blacks are literally dumber than a gorilla. They have no prospects in life; that's why they can't make anything of themselves.

This. All they want to do is eat and fuck.

Black people live everyday with the pain their of their ancestors. From 400 years of backbreaking slave labor, through Jim Crowe, and finally to the Civil Rights Movement, modern day kings and queens literally feel the struggle and pain. Some are able to fight through the burden and succeed independently, but most can’t and require our assistance. And can you really blame them?

Yes of course I blame them. What the hell does history have to do with any one person’s mentality on life? You think blacks were the only people to be enslaved or ridiculed as a race in the past?

Some people choose to look at empowering parts of their history and choose to see themselves as a product of successes, not an afterbirth of failure.

It is that very choice that black people seem unwilling to take or are completely oblivious to.

Their ancestors pain literally exists in their black bodies today. I’d recommend this great book about race by George Yancy. It will allow you to take a step back from your own limited world view and empathize a little bit about the struggles every black person experiences in white society.

That’s not biologically or physically possible. Pain doesn’t transfer to the baby in any way.

What you are talking about is psychological and that is purely dependent on the self. No amount of slavery or genocide from the past for my ancestors is affecting me physically. If I chose to see myself as a slave, I might worry myself about my ancestral slaveship all the time, but I choose to see myself as an individual with power and ability to make something of myself, so I look at my ancestral successes instead.

There is no excuse for not taking the high road other than trying to achieve a victim (slave) status.

>If black people weren't destined to be slaves why are they so naturally melancholic and defeatist all the time?

What you are saying isn’t necessarily wrong. I have always believed in the “pull yourself up by your own bootstraps” mentality, but for many black people, the burden of the past is too great to overcome alone.

That’s bullshit because plenty of other races have pulled themselves up just fine.

It is not the burden of any past keeping blacks acting like slaves.

It is the comforts of the victim mentality and the coddling of society that they seek. They inherently want those shackles around them to tell them how to feel and think. Hence, destined to be slaves.

He's baiting you hard and you're falling right into it

>still hasn’t become a bait farmer

This land becomes fertile by my hand.

You can continue to ignore the past and the crimes of white colonizers all you want. You expect black people to rise up by sheer will alone, just because you that you are capable of this feat. What you fail to realize is that your belief comes from YOUR limited scope from a position of inherent privilege while THEY have a broken scope that’s lost in a sea of hundreds of years of oppression. Both black and white people can learn a lot from each other, but whites must come forward with an open mind and allow black people to flourish and lead for a while.

I see what you did there, leaf.


because they are told by dumb leftists and jews that they are victims, that society is against them, etc...

Fuck that bullshit. You niggers and nigger lovers alway try to find excuses for your savagery. Try accepting responsibility for once, jungle bunny.

No. No other race hasn’t gotten to where they have by having another race “let them lead for a while”. Evey successful race has established their dominance and capital via cunning and strength and determination. There is no denial of history occurring here either. The whole scope of history is available to all of us for consumption in this day and age. Wether it is black or white it is clear all races have been enslaved in the past, and it is also clear infrastructure and quality of life only got better for natives after white rule. Whites have then given leadership back to some natives (like in Africa) and infrastructure/quality of life diminished. So now we actually have a historical basis for NOT doing the very thing you suggested!

The answer doesn’t lie in fantasies or experiments that have proven false time and time again. The answer lies in the one truth all cultures from the Far East to the West have developed: and that is self-actualization and self development for the sole purpose of ascension and self fulfillment.

NOWHERE in black histories or cultures will you find ANY philosopher that has detailed these exact principles on their own in parallel with the rest of the world.

Again, this indicates that blacks are destined to be slaves.

Well damn, you made some really great points. Might have convinced me if you weren’t a fucking leaf, so opinion discarded. Have fun during your government mandated poz session! Be sure to clean your asshole first so Justin doesn’t get smelly.

Justin is a power bottom.

>implying sane whites would want to touch that grotesque death-mask of a face

They're still slaves. They are selling them in Libya for $300-$400 each. Guess who's buying them?


Try reading the preface to the second edition section. It’s on the Amazon book preview and it’s hilarious.

>muh inherited trauma