Daily reminder that if you support Net Neutrality, you are a shill

When NN is repealed next month, the internet will soon be free of liberal influence and propaganda. The conservatives will be the only ones not left deplatformed, and we will have efficiently won the culture war. Without the internet, the left will no longer have means to brainwash this generation (aside from television, which nobody watches anymore).

Victory is just around the corner, and Ajit Pai will deliver it to us.

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How did they use the internet before 2015?

God you people are a special kind of ignorant. What a fucking disaster. Just look at yourselves. Literally BEGGING to have your internet freedom taken away. Enjoy paying extra for Sup Forums, and all your favorite websites.

>da. The conservatives will be the only ones not left deplatformed, and we will have efficiently won the culture war.

you're gonna look real silly when some neoliberal CEO of some telecom company decides to block "far-right nazi terrorist" websites like breitbart and Sup Forums from being accessable to all their customers

>give up your freedom, goyim!
>trust this based shitskin!
Fuck you kikes are obvious.

p a t h e t i c

>Enjoy paying extra for Sup Forums, and all your favorite websites.
yes just like before 2015

comecast and verizon already blocked Sup Forums in the past

look who is the ceo of at&t

many such cases

Things change. Companies realise they can get away with things. It will happen slowly, using netflix etc. as an excuse first

>Ajit Pai will deliver it to us.

The only thing he's getting is a punch to the face when I go to DC next month.

I'm serious.

How much do they pay to you to stay stupid?
Fucking tool.

Will I still be able to say nigger on the internet with or without this law? If so It really doesn't matter to me...

Also nigger

Literally no proof of them planning on doing this at all, just leftist fear mongering bullshit


Based poo

so should i be torrenting like a madman over the next month?

Hi /leftypol/


everyone hold the fuck on.

How is everyone not on the same team here?
liberals, conservatives..

We are all strongly against letting this happen correct?

No, too many contrarians on Sup Forums

well its not like we have any say at this point anyway lol

Why not pass a rule forbidding them from doing it anyway?

You dont need to wait for disaster to strike to come up with solutions, and there is literally no downside to the rule from a consumer perspective. You are a fucking cuck if you give a shit about what happens to a telecom company,

So the rules get lifted and the democrat own media giants charge the fuck out of you?

Who is the enemy here...

That's bull shit.

We need to work together here and create some mother fucking hype.

You dumb mother fuckers better not argue over this shit while they pass it.

Stand the fuck up


I got 4 GB of porn


Are the shills even trying anymore?

Verizon's own lawyer literally said they're going to try to do this shit as soon as they're allowed.

>mobile poorfag tears

Verizon said they would years ago.
Guess who this shitskin used to work for.

Say hello to your new internet

My rebuttal. Don't cry leftist.

Do you have a quote/source?

>only 4 GB

I literally don't understand what is happening here.

are you guys trolling to be funny?

or are you guys so fucking pathetically stupid or such enormous cowards that you cant stand up to something clearly life changingly terrible coming from your own side?

What's going to happen to torrents?

Nothing. It just leftist websites that Ajit will let ISP's fuck with.

>aside from televison which nobody watches anymore
Why do you think no one watches tv anymore retard

This only hurts poor people. What's the problem?

>I literally don't understand what is happening here.
No, you don't. So don't try and talk about issues you have no idea

you literally have nothing except meme opinions
now go pay $150 for 8gb of 4gLTE™ data and then kill yourself.

I'm just tired of the ledditniggers who come here every other week to whine and say things like "net neutrality is about to be killed please do something about it Sup Forums!1!11" when, like always, nothing ever happens
What makes you think this time is different compared to the other 1000 times you bitched about "the death of the internet"?

It only hurts people who have money, poor people won't even have to make the choice whether to visit a certain website because they can't afford it anyway

Cum guzzling cuck.

>free of liberal influence and propaganda
You surely can't be this autistic. The media conglomerates that will now be controlling internet traffic are owned and operated by liberals.

no. no. no. no.
I can take sheer stupidity.
I can understand brainwash.
"global warming is fake, Hillary killed a hundred people"
Solid, cool.

This can not be twisted in anyway, unless you are truly so fucking dumb or such a stubborn coward that you don't have the balls to stand up.

Give me 1 fucking reason why this isn't terrible

>shilling the same propaganda for so many years you're trying to scare us with flickr, askjeeves, digg, friendster, and rhapsody being behind a paywall

Ajit Pai won't let them. He's /ourguy/ and will put them in line if they start throttling our websites. It's open season on liberals only, because those are the only ones ISP's know they can fuck with.

>a non white is going to protect pro-white websites and filter anti-white websites
That makes a lot of sense.

net socialism is cancer and there is a reason only reddit supports it.

i trust everything trump does

you're pai a jit

Wait, you retards actually think that you won't be able to go on Sup Forums?

Honestly hilarious Sup Forums doesn't even require a fast internet connection it's text based retards.

>in 2017, saying the n-word is NOT OKAY

it's all so tiresome

The opposite will happen. The two largest ISP companies are hardcore neo jewish globalists and are owned and operated by hordes of loyal SJW followers.

You really think fucking comcast, the same faggots that own NBC, are going to de platform leftists?

Get real faggot. Ajit is a shill and trump fucked up appointing him. He's not the only one that needs to go the cabinet needs a good refresh.

I think this is a joke... Or at least I hope it is.

So your saying the telecoms aren't run by liberals who wouldn't mind slowing down conservative websites and charge you more to get them at a decent speed?

He's a Republican. Not a Democrat. He won't let them throttle right-leaning sites, only leftist ones. Since they can't overcharge for right-leaning sites, that means they're gonna charge leftist sites even more until they eventually collapse. No more leftist propaganda.

Liberals are a kind of dirty nigger the world still doesn't understand

>implying Sup Forums won't get blocked

fuck net neutrality

Do you really think they will make clear distinction between right and left sites other than the mayor ones or the ones that are really clearly rightist or leftist?

Hold on, this thread is blowing my mind
i knew people were fucking retarded, but i really sincerely didn't think people were this bias and this shockingly stupid.

So let me get this straight
you're pretending to be an American patriot..

yet you want to restrict free information in the name of politics?

im genuinely asking

*replying to

liberals will only have access to a safe space on the internet where nothing can hurt them.

I am 100% sure you are trolling

yes, absolutely

There's "free information" and then there's propaganda. Leftism is a cult. Fuck them, their party can collapse in on itself, and when they lose their platforms that will happen.

Why didn't thye block it before?

This has to be Russian propaganda to get people fighting more.
No one is this fucking stupid.
no one.

bravo Comrade, i don't even like liberals and im triggered

what a fucking embarrassment to the United States you absolute cowards are.

I will literally support anything that triggers Reddit and the left at this point.

fuck off liberal reddit

>this is what anti-net neutrality shills and useful idiots actually believe

Protip: When you give natural monopolies free reign, consumers LOSE choice. Look what happened to your own fucking media when President Clinton deregulated it and allowed (((them))) to consolidate. Imagine what your country would be like if you still had real choice in the media. If you think Youtube demonetizing redpilled videos hurts, wait until ISPs like Comcast (which owns MSNBC, a fair and balanced right-wing news network) start prioritizing (((their))) media online. You're cutting your nose off to spite your face.

If you could easily set up an ISP (not a fucking reseller who just uses the big telecoms' lines), your argument might have some merit, but you can't, and you guys are fucked.

"lol theyre taking away my parents safety net, censoring the internet, and taking away the health insurance for my baby with cancer, but lol atleast we get liberal tears"

America had de facto NN (or something close to it) over the past 10 years.

There were attempts at enforcing NN by the FCC over the past decade and certain criteria set by the FCC which were very similar to NN.


"During the FCC's hearing, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association urged the FCC to adopt the four criteria laid out in its 2005 Internet Policy Statement as the requisite openness. This made up a voluntary set of four net neutrality principles.[27] Implementation of the principles was not mandatory; that would require an FCC rule or federal law.[28] The modified principles were as follows:[29][30]

Consumers are entitled to access the lawful Internet content of their choice;
Consumers are entitled to run applications and services of their choice, subject to the needs of law enforcement;
Consumers are entitled to connect their choice of legal devices that do not harm the network; and
Consumers are entitled to competition among network providers, application and service providers, and content providers."

The truth is no one really knows what's going to be the end result of this legislation just like no one knew what would be the result of NAFTA/GATT/Glass-Steagall 10 years in advance.

Maybe Ajit Pai and the Verizon shills are right and killing NN will usher in a new internet utopia. I wouldn't bet on it but it's theoretically possible.

>i don't even like liberals and im triggered

>Enjoy paying extra for Sup Forums
That's IF Sup Forums survives without net neutrality

>hurr durr it happened in the past so its fine if it happens again hurr durr
americans are seriously retarded

It's as if the people here deeply and truly want to be retarded

>We here at [ISP] proudly support Sup Forums!
>anti-NN shills will actually propose this

Oh well, goodbye burgers!

uhh yeah dude.
im "anti-sjw" because i don't want kids to die of cancer and don't want my internet fucked with so i have to pay more to go to certain websites.

Solid arguments

jesus Christ, you fucking people wonder why you're the laughing stock of the planet.
as if you figured something out the rest of us havent

>"Guys we cant stop this, it sucks but we have to support our side, niggers are on the other team. It'll be best if we comply and make it through this with better PR than when we came in, the sheep cant complain forever"

1.They are not censoring the internet
2 I can take care of my own family

They're not gonna say they support us, they're just gonna not throttle us when they throttle Twitter and Facebook and other left-leaning websites. They know Pai is on our side and will call foul if they start fucking with our websites.

>Beeing retarded enought to believe that net neutrality is good.

>Is another retarded Sup Forums fuck that will not survive the net neutrality.

and Porn, don't forget about throttling porn.

there is literally no way you're this naïve.
You're just a pretty good troll i guess, ok i feel better.

Just in case

You guys are so braindead you are shilling for Comcast, etc. to become your newest censors.
NN has nothing to do with leftist propaganda. All it does is prevent ISPs from discriminating between websites and end users. Have fun when your ISP decides your favorite websites are "hate speech" forums and cuts off your access, and there is no other option because the "competition" is just leasing Comcast's wires.

>they're just gonna not throttle us
ok man

How does leftist sites being throttled affect kids with cancer? You're really bad at your job, either that or you're trolling, because there's no way you can be this braindead and shortsighted.

There will be a $250 fine for every slur you use on the internet.

A $50 fine for every reported incident of pronoun misuse.

After three niggers, you can get your internet license suspended. Possibly be forced to attend a safe space class for the socially unreformed.

there were no problems in 2014
why did we need NN?

>Trump is LITERALLY hitler!!!

The cucks here don't operate with reason. They're rather let basedpajeet fuck them in the name of "freedom".

Who's the shill now?

Reminder that all of the net neutrality propaganda perfectly mirrors the anti-fracking and anti-pipelines propaganda. It is literal Russian propaganda designed to stifle and bankrupt the American economy.

The arguments also follow the same logic as muh free healthcare (which is already stifling our economy)-
>the internet should be a free public utility and no money should be made
>corporations are evil and Jewish

Don’t be the dumb leftist who buys into self-hating Russian propaganda. Notice the patterns.

Because sometimes it's more exciting to see a hot girl and think about what she might look like naked, than just seeing her naked.

>Have fun when your ISP decides your favorite websites are "hate speech" forums and cuts off your access
I won’t hold my breathe waiting on a hypothetical.
