What went wrong?


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And all the characters suffering from a collective IQ loss.

Not enough Russia.

>1 cour
I think you know.

No, this Mary Sue bitch ruined everything

Chifuyu didn't win.

Kanzashi ruined everything; seriously they shoehorned her in earlier in the season when she should have showed up around episode 8-9 at the earliest , so a lot of novel content was skipped and the pacing suffered as a result

Best girl
She needed more screentime

Too much Houki.

Not enough Germany and France.

She already won, even before the series began.

Isn't the LN on indefinite hiatus since 2012 because too many fans disliked his waifu?

He went on indefinite hiatus because he's a lazy piece of shit.

The author stopped giving a shit and abandoned the initial story/character concepts in favour of tossing together half assed harem tropes and calling it a day.

The author.
This as well.

lazy cliffhanger shit end seas. 2

Best girl was introduced way too late.

But she's not Russian.

Did you even watch the show?

Yes, and read the novel and manga. She's Japanese, but soooo super special awesome! that every country in the world wanted her to be their representative, so she basically got her pick of them, and implies in dialogue that she could also change countries whenever she wants with no repercussions. See .

So, after reading all of that, she still represents Russia, no?

Yes in the sense that she is formally their representative, no in the sense that she's not actually from another nation like most of the main cast and mostly just represents the Tatenashi group, a shady Japanese organisation).

Not that whether or not she represents them pertains to my point, which was that she wasn't actually a Russian.

Look, you're not wrong, but neither is

everything that was good about season one wasn't there

I wold contest that any amount of Tatenashi is too much Tatenashi. She has a way of barging into the scene and mugging for the proverbial camera in a way that grates like buggery. I think the one chapter after her introduction that I actually halfway liked was the one where she played no part because she was a tazered heap in the corner.

So we can agree that was an unnecessary dumb post?

No. He referred to her as Russian, I pointed out that she wasn't.

...We should probably end this point of contention here before it becomes even more autistic.

>He referred to her as Russian
Read the post again, it's literally 3 words.

She represents Russia in the pointless in-story IS Academy national representative system, but she's the second Japanese representative in the much more relevant Ichika Bowl.

Izuru probably just didn't want another foreign girl better than Japan.

I heard someone got punched for wearing a Rin shirt in Akiba once.

That's pretty pathetic.

any high res illustrations from volume 10?

Else there's no reason for her not being Russian.
He was probably pissed when Charlotte became more popular than Houki, and now he doesn't want to risk another girl being more popular.

Not enough Houki.

What's her appeal?

Not enough of Char's Rafael. That thing looked the most practical of all the IS.

Just leaving this here...

How is Rin smaller than Laura?

It kind of was, in that the others were testbeds for experimental technology while hers was simple but practical. Her skills might have helped.

I tell you one neat thing about Rafael Revive, it's the only IS with an actual chestplate, and something about having that there really ties the design together and makes it look cooler than the others, at least to me.

Creator provincialism.


>no 3 sizes

Are those measurements made up?

They made the harem even more needlessly malicious than they already were.

But all of the girls are better than Houki. Except Ling.

How is Ling not better than Houki?

she is literally more useless than Maya-Sensei

Not true, she slapped Houki out of her stupor, so that's two points for her just for that.

Also, she has the cutest ribs.

They're from ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/IS_〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉

It's a wiki page where the measurements do not have a citated source from what I can tell.

She actually is a really solid pilot. The LN talks about how she is compatible with basically everyone as a partner.

In the S1 LNs, Char and Ichika actually sync up so well they manage to reflexively throw water to each other when they read the other person and knew they were thirsty.

Shoveling everything available plot-wise into 12 eps and focusing on the fanservice/harem elements, instead of Cute girls doing awesome things in powered armor.

They deviated from the LNs WAY too much.

They skipped actual interesting things like an entire character arc for Cecilia that included Rin cheering her up when she thought she might lose her pilot status AND her tieing against Madoka in a 1 vs 1 shortly after Madoka beat all of them on her own.

Are there LNs whose whiting breaks from the conventions of LN writing, such as overly descriptive first-person narration riddled with patterns that are supposed to be used in colloquial speech, not in writing? If there are, how do they fare among Japanese readers?

And that's why there's never going to be a season 3.

It's pretty clear that Charlotte is either the best pilot among the girls, or at worst tied with Laura for same, and given how she outplayed her during their match I'm inclined to say the former.

It amuses me to no end that Charlotte keeps pace with the rest of the cast despite having a previous generation machine but that Houki needs a *next* generation one to be in their league.

Yeah, Rin can be surprisingly mature when she feels like it. Shame she almost never does.

Not sure what you're on about, of the LNs I've read some have had third person narratives. And I don' really see where the issue is in a first person narrative using colloquial speech, given that the entire point of the style is writing as if dictated by someone.

Anyway, be careful what you wish for when you ask for that, because you might end up with something like Mahouka, which is dry even compared to technical manuals, and in which the character interaction reads like it was written by a bot.

Since you asked it faired quite well among Japanese readers, mainly because the protagonist is a Mary Sue and his sister wants his dick. Narrative style is not exactly a consideration for most of these people.

Not only that, Tatenashi gets weirded out at one point and rescans Houki's IS compatibility - her compatibility increased from C to A++ in a few months. It's pretty clear that Tabane even has her super-prototype IS forcing Houki to be intrinsically better. It's such bullshit.

Yeah, plus the fact that it keeps spewing out new gimmicks on its own (as evidenced by the second golem fight). It's clear Tabane is doing *something* to her sister.

I tell you something though, now that I think about it there's an interesting parallel between Tabane and Tatenashi in that both of them are freakishly exceptional people who completely manipulate the lives of their younger sisters for their own alleged *good*, totally crushing the girls' own agency in the process. Chalk up one more story thread that will never be explored I guess.

Yep (the laser rifle thing was so weird). Too bad Izuru's a hack.

Plenty of the ideas are actually good. The LN talks more about the discontent among the male population (they're treated really badly by women - even Ichika got yelled at on a shopping trip - a woman told Char to control him better like he was an animal). That could be used for something.

Heck, the whole "can't tell the world our IS got stolen because then power would shift due to a finite number of cores" is a NEAT idea and a pretty good way to introduce extranational groups like Phantom Task.

I don't think that's it, especially since he allegedly based Rin (who becomes the universe's chewtoy for humor purposes all of a sudden) on his wife, which may say some things about their relationship (assuming the inspirations for her are true).

That fat fuck is married!?

Huh. I never checked for sources after hearing the rumor. Your reply made me check.

If myanimelist.net/people/12062/Izuru_Yumizuru is to be believed, then YES, IT IS CONFIRMED HE IS MARRIED. Holy hell.

>get all the special shit from her sister
>still can't be as good as Nazi Supersoldier or French waifu


>Houki needs a *next* generation one to be in their league
She's actually beyond them.
>It's pretty clear that Tabane even has her super-prototype IS forcing Houki to be intrinsically better.
A super prototype is necessary because anything lesser couldn't handle Houki's awesomeness.
Of course she isn't 'as good'. She is far superior.

This although there was a fair amount of France. Not enough China though.

>She's actually beyond them.
She is now, after Tabane's shenanigans have done their stuff, but at the outset she was completely sub par.

>Plenty of the ideas are actually good
Absolutely. It's not just the ideas either, some of the execution is surprisingly solid too. A lot of the better lines or moments from Homura's much acclaimed manga version originated in the novels, and now are merely getting exposure. He can certainly write well. He just can't be bothered. It's maddening really, it occasionally you'll see this glimpse of the much better series it was within his power to make.

>The LN talks more about the discontent among the male population. That could be used for something.
I guess. That element isn't really one that comes up much, and given my own storytelling preferences not one I really care for. I'm much more intrigued by the potential of the series as a character drama if everyone would just remember they *had* a character for a change.

So chapter 20 when? It's been like half a year without updates.

When RS gets a/some new TL(s). So probably never.

Damn. The manga was probably the only thing keeping IS alive for non-Moon speakers.

There is Infinite Stratos Quest. But it's Sup Forums exclusive and like all Anime AU quests hit or miss. (When it actually runs, that is)

IS quest suffers from "What if we did IS but replaced that dense cuck Ichika with a second male IS pilot super awesome badass American OC with special super soldier training" syndrome. I could go to fanfiction.net's IS category right now and I guarantee you the bulk of the stuff on the front page will be in that vein. Inserting a Mary Sue is not the way to fix Infinite Stratos.

Displacing a mary sue with a mary sue is never a good idea

By what metric in any incarnation is Ichika a Mary Sue? Bear in mind that merely being badly written is not what makes a character a Sue.

>What went wrong
Waiting too long for Houki to win. He needs to start having babies with her and influence it's readers to have pure babies with Japanese women.

Nee-san best girl.

He didn't fuck his sister.

I don't know why it was so shit.

But that World Purge OVA was pretty good, even the action scenes. It was like a completely different series.

Well, it WAS closer to its source material than S2.

Onee-san or imouto?

Author and artist are a hack and delayed the anime.
he producers should bu off the rights and write it themselves.

The only reason to watch this. She could save the franchise but sadly the focus is on those underage sluts.

Because producers, a demographic infamous for writing by committee and pandering to the base, would have produced something other than cookie cutter harem dreck (i.e. what it became anyway)?

I'd hoped Homura's manga actually being good might have lit a fire under him, but from what I hear of volume 10 it's as half assed as ever.

Best girl appeal

See, I know you're just stating an outrageous opinion to artificially prolong the thread, but I'm alright with that, so out with it. What is it that you think makes her best?

She gives Ichika what he deserves, obviously.

Ichika is a good boy, he deserves cuddles, not bruises!


That was an honest accident! Char is a good boy also!