CAN'T STUMP THE TRUMP:terrible leftist drivel edition

Post your worst cartoons/ pol/.

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There's far to much communism in this thread already.





That is pretty redpilled on anti whites



>taking away people's health care will really trigger the snowflakes

he's not wrong


"Voting against your own interests" Dont know why but when people say this I get really triggered, like how do they know what your interests are?

My interests are to gas jews, move back to my home country (pakistan) and gas more jews. so obviously they do not know my interests

I always found this statement so dumb:"Vote in your own interest" which usually means handouts.

I vote for what I believe is the best for the country, not me, the individual. If you do the latter democracy is bound to fail.

Based. Need an AR-15 and some body armor before you head back?


>can drink a full glass of milk

Is this really something non lactose-intolerant people can't do?


his stuff is amazing

I had to shut off most of my brain in order to understand this.

I think reading this damaged me.
Everything now looks grey and to be made of ash.


what an insult

Wew, this really activates my almonds.

Gotta love these types of comics. Really makes ya think.

>Voting against your own interests" Dont know why but when people say this I get really triggered, like how do they know what your interests are?

They think right wingers are behind the times, backwards, people with racism they regard as superstitious and evil. Though most right wingers are the least racist people in society because they have committed to being color blind and basing things on merit and conservatives can keep a pledge (though it is suicidal).
I digress.

They think that because you are so behind the times and they have constructed so many Jewy intellectual castles in the sky that they are above you.
They think conservatives talking to conservatives is regression from the evolved, constructed nonsense they believe so they try to censor.

Mainly though, by 'self interests' they mean economic. They think conservatives are just lucky Obama maintained that road for them to drive to their job on if they are rich enough.
They think capitalism in its current state involves a single, stable circulating supply of money and that the rich hoard it.
They think you need to vote socialist in order to 'redistribute' in the form of handouts for everything.

The think conservatives are stupid for not voting themselves into some rich tax dollars that don't and can't exist.

Of course we have fractional reserve lending so money is created and destroyed. An exponential amount of debt is created that is supposed to punish the people who don't do anything for anyone.

Of course Commies and modern liberals don't know shit,
Everything they want to happen that they believe would open up a utopian society would turn the place into hell on earth.
As they have done over and over.
Of course it's controlled by Jews who propagate Commie agendas through their one way conduit controls of media and academia monopolies. Basically to rock public opinion back and forth and control the narrative.
Putting victim groups between yourself and the knowing Goy is also a motive.


I read all of these comments and I realize:

Trump won because the Left cannot be genuinely funny.

They cannot do this because they must constantly signal virtue or superiority, and being uppity is not funny.

The memes of the Right are egoless or self-debasing- when we go low, they go high, and they become high horse pricks while we become low like water, close to the people


Am I supposed to be for taxes?
Do you know why the Federal Reserve exists and what most "healthcare" and "military" tax dollars are spent on?
Hint: They are handouts to industry and niggers, like the straight up entitlements.


daisy ridley is the huwhitest huwhite girl to ever come out of westminster

these fucking leftists cant do anything but lie, can they?

Hobbits arent caucasian

>but the prez cant just make new depts

im an australian and even i know tha tthe pres can do this.

wtf do niggers think the CIA is? their cousins?

I identify as a tenured Oxford professor of quantum bullshit, that doesn't make it real.

>most of the characters are from before 2000
I mean, nobody's arguing the fact that most actors before then were white.

>my head is large
>I am very angry

the comic

Keanu Reeves isn't completely white tightey


If a good guy with a gun killed 29 people not in self defence THEN HE ISN'T A FUCKING GOOD GUY IS HE







wtf I hate the wage gap now


that's a very retarded comic

This guy is actually self aware enough to be kind of funny in his comics


What the fuck is an emotional support manager? Is that like those ponies people bring onto planes because of “anxiety” issues ?

strawmanning sure is funny!

these made me legit kek.

My jimmies are rustled

Weird, when I went to school for my BS, we learnt about cells and limiting reagents, and the Calculus.

This is particularly dumb because 'your wife is cheating on you with Ronald' is an action not a verbal insult. He's hurt by deeds not words.

oops - didnt mean to reply to 8001

Had a decent "heh"

Very subtle way of telling that future sucks.

I un-ironically refer to everyone as dude, but the lefties don't care because I have long hair, and they think I'm a hippy, despite subtly trying to drop red pills of the ancap variety at every opportunity.

>Guy says true, rational things
>Woman leaves for no reason
Is this anti-woman?

While they mention Bob Marley:

His daddy was a white Englishman.

So I'm claiming all that shit for us lot.

>Looks like all of the Hollywood Chris's combined

AKA "All leftist females are sopping wet for this guy and want to be BLEACHED all night but we'll pretend our principles matter more than that until he actually calls."

It's incredible that they literally cannot conceive of how we think or why we think that way.

If I asked most of you to fairly describe their points of view it'd be accurate, pertinent, and simple but they cannot HELP but deliver a strawman.








When he's addressed as "she ", his hair grows out?

>Participation trophies


All victories are temporary, they're celebrations of tactical brilliancies and ingenuity and standing by your soldiers.

Literally like saying "Eventually Bobby Fischer stopped being world champion and probably would've lost to Kasparov so I guess Bobby wasn't that great ahahahaha"

And another thing, we DO appreciate brave Nazi leaders even when we disagree with the message of the party.

People in the west admire Rommel, Guderian, and others for being tactically ingenius and showing humanity to British prisoners of war.

It's possible to have respect for a defeated foe.

>trusting the government

>almost half are in Cali and Texas
Get em out

>her skillset is being emotional
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? profit


I don't think this one is so bad, as far as you can go dealing with trannies, politely asking you to do something by saying it has an affect on >her mood doesn't even rate. It isn't accusatory and it isn't demanding. I mean in competition with assigned male and that disgusting freckled redhead comic I don't see why this one would get posted.



Very interesting to see them co-opting "patriotism" to fit their agenda. Be careful of these snakes.

This actually made me kek. Saving this for a future format.

You know I had to do it to em

Not a bad cartoon, but this is the most fitting thread to post this.
Hoping someone can do an edit.

Why are niggers who care so much about race so obsessed with white movies? Why dont you go watch some black movies. Dont tell me they dont fucking exist. Thats bullshit.

To be fair, horse girls really are fucking insane.

These leftist idiots (just like their jewish masters) main form of propaganda is projecting themselves onto others and holding out the truth as absurd and ridiculed. I cannot wait for the day of the rope.

Of course it's from Tumblr

>Trusting the US government
Holy shit anybody who honestly does this really is un-salvageable. I love this country but our government is absolutely fucking garbage and couldn't be trusted to tie their own shoes.


So a majority are not in school?

Because this is the pinnacle of nigger cinema.

They are actually planning a remake of braveheart now, with an mulatto-like african protagonist.

You heard it first on /pol.

... gay marriage doesn't impact birth rates

>white male who has no proven allegations
>2 Jews who masturbate into plants but are defended by the media

We really should talk about systematic emotionalism. Men are just as emotional as women, but are expected by society to refrain from acting on them or having emotional displays. Men today are oppressed from birth, but publicly it is portraid as the opposite, that men are in fact the oppressors.

to be fair, political cartoons in general make me cringe. No shortage of unfunny, lazy political cartoons on the internet, or webcomics that can't resist shitting the bed with a political rant.

It's especially bad when a gag webcomic goes on a political tangent.

t. Ben Garrison