Is she right Sup Forums?

Is she right Sup Forums?

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I guess it's easy being perpetually butthurt when you're a cripple

I doubt she actually fucking knows what a nazi really is.

>commie logic

Commies aren't even human.

She has a address in her bio, and she frequently begs for shekels via tweets.

Advocating for violence is against Paypal's terms of use.

Report her page via link at bottom of screen:

Is there a point to this?

Is this supposed to be deep?

God, I want to kill these people.




well... lmao

anybody who disagrees with her, duh

All you goyim are so privileged.

The vast majority of national socialists have been dead for decades. At this very moment, they are nothing but rotting skeletons. Why can't the left just let go of this whole thing? I'm having a very tough time wrapping my head around this fetishization of hatred towards "nazis".

Can't fool me fbi


Who even is a Nazi? Who gets to define who's a Nazi or not and should be shot?

And she gets to determine who is a Nazi. Protip: it's anyone who disagrees with her politics.

She's so brave for standing up to those Nazi meanies. Make sure you send her lots of shekels ;^)


kill her

>fuck you pay me

They're regressing into niggers

I agree except the opposite way.

Communists need to be shot. The only difference is that we will be merciful once we take power and send the surviving communists to deprogramming camps.

I would take as a compromise that all Nazis be shot if all Marxists are also shot.

can someone doxx this bitch for the love of god

bump for this

If you believe people can deserve to be shot for their political beliefs and not their actions, what exactly is your problem with Nazis? That’s what they believe as well.

Communists aren't human so they get killed first.

Lmao all these western lib tweet comunists, they woudnt stand out a day in a communist Russia or which ever socialist hellhole.


She would have been among the first to go into the ovens.

Anyone to the right of bernie sanders of course.

Shes built for black dick

wtf I'm a communist now.

Not surprising to the least.


I like this choice

Way better than Lauren Shitburg.

arguing for physical conflict when you are in a wheelchair is pretty silly. Just another woman putting her lack of common sense and foresight on display.

>standing up

That's more than 140 characters wtf

If you aren't already blocked by that account then you need to try harder.

Leave it to the retards to look up to the USSR's shining example of "communism"

>to help compensate for my time+energy

Jesus christ. This is how deluded liberals are, believing that as long as they contribute time and energy they are entitled to be "compensated" with payment. Concept of actually giving something good doesn't even enter into their equation.


>cripple preaching about violence


nazis doesnt mean nazis to them. When they say that word, they mean 'white people who arent spooked by racism'

from ryan faulk, its in limited state and shiet but it sum up very well the situation

I love how these people post their drivel, and then put something like "this is very important", yeah, important only to you.. bitch.


Wasn't the character limit doubled recently?

I remember this thread from yesterday.
Someone posting something insightful
It's normal for your enemy to dehumanize you in order to make killing you easier
It takes a real nut to make you more human before they kill you

Reported her for hate mongering and calls to violence

They are a boogyman that the left use to justify their violence.

They are the violent animals and they try to pass their pulsion as righteous fury.

Sick, violent, disenfranchised people.


There are no nazis, that was WW2, like 70 odd years ago now, what is this chick drinking ?

would bang

She just doesn't want to be thrown into an oven
Too bad so sad

Yet you get crybabies and banned for pissing on the left. What's her point? Maybe quitting misrepresenting shit would help.

Even less surprising.
Jews are so obnoxious.

>MUH Holocaust is carried through the DNA goy! Give me shekels now goy!

I've never replied to her and yet she still blocked me.

Do you have more?

>online pan handling

Why does she hate National Zionists?

>advocating violence towards people with different ideas

Hitler once said " The Jews are definitely a race, but they are not human". It's painful to see how right he was.....

All those buzzwords. Where do they even get this shit?

Yes capitalism and colonialism go hand in hand. It was necessary for merchants to be backed by the state. We're well past that now though, with corporatism.
and for the notion that
>the patriarchy needs capitalism
that's true. the entire system we all depend on needs capitalism and there's nothing wrong with that.

Is it just me or do conservatives and liberals use profanity differently. This might just be confirmation bias, but it seems conservatives swear more casually and liberals tend to swear in a way that a child would.

Tbh, I am glad she's a cripple.
A degenerate commie Jew like her doesn't deserve to be free.

CIA niggers in the thread.

True, but you can't say that communists are human.

not even a thing that exists

Ooo so edgy
>not edgy

This train is never late.

Anyone got that post.jpg about the founding myth?

like liberals would actually do anything. in the race war this bitch would get raped and killed by niggers before she ever sees the rope

Communists can't comprehend that just because they aren't killing a particular race doesn't change the fact that they want to kill loads of people, or at least that they will kill loads of people when the myriad problems and paranoia set in during their revolution

and aparently a lardass.

If we would make national decisions on egoistic feelings yes, so no.

>Political violence is ok when we do it

Doesn't she realize most people also want to shoot commie fags?

Replace nazi with muslims and you would be the worst person in the world

even tho alot of muslims would not hesitate to rape her for years untill they got bored with her

just sayin

Auschwitz is the only cure for problematic kikes, freemasons , homos and bolchewists

>demanding an explanation on my stance of Israel solely because you see I'm Jewish is so cunty and antisemitic. Don't do it.

Every time.

Maybe it's a male/female thing

Shoop this beside the image above with her Patreon account info and tweet it to her. Sneaky jew.

>Let's murder these human beings who are exactly like us but just think differently, instead of trying to understand why they think differently and then trying to educate them.

Really activates my almonds.


Jesus christ, that chick loves buzzwords.

How should I react to this?

i like how nobody who uses the word nazi can define it so its basically like saying "assholes are assholes" and getting a lot of likes and retweets ofr it

To be fair, I think feminists deserve to die too.

I wouldn't lose time in trying to argue with them, because it's impossible


she probably can't even feel her butt to know it's hurt. I fucking hate cripples.

But thats using violence user you could seriously hurt somebody

It's real in her mind. Now send her some reparations you dirty goy!.

You know I want to criticize her but I think communists should all be shot as well.

Why try to steal last night's joke? Nig nog.

No but I'm fine with switching out Nazi and communist if they want to get down like that.


for a leaf you post pretty good

Yeah, it is okay for the left to use violence but god forbid we'd defend ourselves or kill these parasitic leeches.