Is he the physical embodiment of weakness?


Other urls found in this thread:

He's clearly autistic with the way he speaks and the way he treats women like objects (not white knighting, even a non-autist sexist knows not to say that shit).

c l e a n y o u r r o o m a n d g i v e m e m o n e y

I think it's bloody brilliant

only stupid people get sucked into following these low IQ money hungry shitters

OP has a dirty room. Needs to sort himself out.

OP is a faggot who needs to clean his room
>in all fields



Why do you hate capitalistic ventures?

>only stupid people get sucked into following these low IQ money hungry shitters
IKR, "J. Peet the Beet" eternally BTFO!!

Who cares if he talks funny and is a scrawny old money grubber, he pisses off Uni faggots and commies

Not a single mention of the bill parliament was trying to pass that got Peterson involved with the tranny thing in the first place

are you a ridiculous mans idea of someone with a reason to live.

Lol an angry jew or negress wrote that one, for sure.
You can feel the subhuman SEETHING at the prospect of white people not letting niggers take all their shit.

Peterson is the white man's friend. He's our modern day Kant.

Will you be my father?

He's a clinical psychologist that likes to pretend like he's Socrates. He should stick to what he knows and keep his bible thumping pseudo-philosophical ideas to himself.


Race traitor "all my friends are Jews" Peterson

Peterson is a Commie you fucking moron. Race mixing and Jew loving and lying about WW2 and lying about Cultural Marxism's sources = CRYPTO Communist

Except for the fact that humanity is wired biologically and intrinsically to embrace Christianity and succeed. Marxism on the other hand...

It seems like the only reason anyone ever posts JBP threads on Sup Forums is to shill against him. It's always Canadians and like two argentines.

So uh, you realize that Peet would have ZERO support on Sup Forums right? Uttering even a single syllable in support of that retarded kiwi androthing blows your cover immediately.

You're a shill.

Who the fuck is lauren rose?

No, the people who give him money are.

There's nothing wrong with Jordan Peterson and his dadvice. But something's seriously fucked with you if you think you need another man to tell you who you are, let alone charging you fucking money for it. He's merely an oppurtunistic tradcon, and you're naive and a fool for seeing him as anything more than that.


I actually really like a lot of what he has to say about the deeper meaning of stories, archetypes and the idea that religion serves as a framework for moral truths that people may not be able to rationalize for themselves.

I also agree with Jim that he is shilling personality quizes for 10 bucks a pop to eomotionally weak people whilst clearing 70k per month on Patreon .

He is also a hypocrite regarding the free speech issue because he kicked Faith Goldy off a panel when she dared to talk to Daily Stormer.
Double ironic as Anglin has been kicked off the internet for saying unpopular things.

Peterson tried to justify it by saying Faith didn't challenge Anglin on his views enough by asking 3 hard questions (which Peterson deemed a minimum), and so he had to remove her.

>Except for the fact that humanity is wired biologically and intrinsically to embrace Christianity and succeed

Tell that to the Pope and Eastern Europe. Christianity is the reason why we are in this mess in the first place.

This idea that anyone who does anything worthwhile for society as a whole has to live in poverty is cynical and retarded.

It's not sustainable. If you expect your heroes to be poor, to intentionally inflict unnecessary burdens on themselves, they'll have no resources to get anything done, and nobody will ever have the wherewithal to stand up to you.

JBP is setting an example for everyone else to follow. Do you understand that? See, making money isn't always an exercise in greed. That's what an elementary school kid, someone who's never had to handle money, to pay their own bills thinks.

Sometimes making money, especially when it's paid from people who obviously find what he's doing extremely valuable, is a demonstration of RESPONSIBILITY.

>wherewithal to stand up to you.
stand up FOR you, sorry, fucked up typo skewed my whole meaning.

>I have a phone
Good for you.

Jordan Peterson is physically weak but has a mind like a steel trap. Sup Forums is just jealous of his mental consistency.

>if I call someone else a shill, people will think I'm not a shill!

That bitch is a kike

This guy has always been a faggot boomer hack. I've called it since day one. He speaks for hours and says nothing. He humble brags about how high his iq is. He's a conman.

t. contrarian brainlets who haven't actually listened to/read any of his work

all this sweetie posting... she mad haha

Chad nationalism isnt real, I have never met a sexually succesful white nationalist in my life. Chads don't spend 4 hours a day on Sup Forums.

Day off the rake soon.

"Hitler was losing the war and couldn't spare any resources and decided to accelerate the Holocaust instead of fighting harder at the front."
I dunno, but that's really easy to see through. Maybe some of the people that heard that realized how fucking insane it sounds.

>implying the pope is catholic

Sorry, that "argument" doesn't work. I've seen most of his videos including his bible lectures, and aside from some incoherent rambling, it's mostly just plain common fucking sense. Again, there's nothing wrong with him or what he's teaching, the problem is that you have to be fucking stupid or seriously maladjusted to actually thing you're learning something, and a sucker if you're paying him money for it in the process.

Do you think you have to spend 4 hours a day to be an ethnic nationalist? Lmao leaf

Most people who shill against JBP have one and only one core thread that runs through their thinking, and it's uncannily similar to how the most cloistered, out-of-touch SJWs argue-- he's impure, he's associated with X bad things (accusations of which are always wildly inaccurate), so the only rational response is to not associate with him.

Honestly it seems like you people are coordinating, and furthermore, you probably know each other. You're probably an ideological clique. I NEVER see such a united front of people with this kind of immature, thoughtless argumentation, gormless categorical thinking anywhere else on Sup Forums.

Usually you'll have some diversity in viewpoints, or at least approaches to argumentation, even in the most retarded "I hate niggers" threads. You never see opposition to anything that's quite this uniform.

And there are the things that just stick out like a sore thumb-- people calling him a "bible thumper" or that he's "money hungry." Sup Forums is mostly pro-christian, at least the biggest trolls are, and they're also fiercely, I'd say ideologically pro-capitalist. Even opposing his views on identitarianism, they'd have at least a grudging respect for his perceived clout as a businessman. Hell, it's not too out of order for them to have respect for ACTUAL conmen!

He isn't weak.
You are just retarded so you don't even have the capacity to understand mental struggle.

Not even close to the blue ribbon for weakness.

He's a lying kike leaf anyone that falls for him will hang with him

sounds like you're paranoid muh dude. maybe it's just because all Peterson does is steal from Jung and Joseph Campbell. He's a totally unoriginal thinker/boomer who is exploiting pathetic neck beards.

Don't know about that, but it is known that he is embodiment of good goy.

>self-identify as Christian
>deny the resurrection
Heretics will burn.

>Honestly it seems like you people are coordinating, and furthermore, you probably know each other

Case in point. Paranoid, delusional, and as your Saint Peterson would call it, "ideologically possessed".

>some incoherent rambling
See, you can call JBP's stuff a lot of things, but "incoherent rambling" isn't one of them.

This is the kind of thing that you fuckers say that makes it clear you just aren't seeing the same things as other people. Whether you haven't watched his stuff really, or you didn't understand it because the cognitive dissonance overwhelmed you (it's not that complicated!) it points to one thing: lying.

People like you have lied so much in your life, including to yourself, that you have no idea what's true anymore at all. You aren't even equipped to figure it out--you've completely pathologized your nervous system. You think (well, you don't think because you don't really articulate anything anymore, you just ejaculate pat phrases, but you BEHAVE AS IF) you can change reality by personal fiat, force of will. Not consciously mind you, but you've trained yourself that the only thing you need to do to win an argument is stick to your guns, and not budge. You don't believe that arguments are a method of fact finding-- you don't believe you can PROVE anything by arguing your case, unlike most people in their natural state. In your mind, it's just one person's word against another's. It's one person's will versus another's.

This is the SJW worldview.

>grumpy-old-man Skynet
Kinda like that one.

I don't doubt that there is a vein of people here who are working together to try and soil his image (which isn't going to work), but I will say that many of the people here have realized his advice and "philosophy", if you'll call it that, are an antithesis to their very ideology.

Most people here are young, and most of them are the same as the SJW's he talks about, difference being the ideology. It's natural that they're react they way they are. They are ideologically possessed, and are not fully self-developed.

He cucked so hard. All he had to do is say I support free speech, but don't want to be associated with those types of groups even though they have the right to express themselves. he could have said anything but instead he cucked the fuck out.

Fucking christ man, you are assuming so many patently wrong things it's almost sad. You should learn to take people's views at face value, otherwise you're just going to come off as a holier-than-thou fedoralord to anyone looking for a decent conversation.

Your attempts at deconstructing my "or any other's" personality and in the process constructing the idea that everyone who disagrees with you is a hivemind is laughable and infact is the very thing that Peterson warns dumb kids like you about.

But hey, after all, I guess a high-IQ rick and morty viewer such as yourself is just too pure, just too know-it-all to imagine that some people might have ideas separate from their parent ideologies.


JP is great. The retards who argue against him dosent understand his purpouse.

>mad about free exchange of money

can't make this shit up


another roasties with a beta orbiter audience


Case in point, snide, overconfident despite not articulating anything worthwhile, pat argument that hinges on an insult, and reveals nothing of your own thoughts (if you have any).

Whether you actually coordinate with each other or not doesn't matter. You have nothing to offer.

> all Peterson does is steal from Jung and Joseph Campbell
That's like saying you're ripping off Jesus by following his example. Maybe technically, but you completely miss the point. Jung are fucking great, man.

Besides, it's more than just Jung, and Campbell, being mostly derivative of Jung, is rarely mentioned by JBP at all. If you'd included Piaget, Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche, and about ten others I can't remember right now your statement would at least be accurate. Still completely missing the point, but accurate.

Writer is the woman who divorceraped Dave Foley.

WOW thanks da- i mean mr. peterson! i totally didn't know that i should clean the crusted cum off my carpet!

>almost sad
Just almost sad? Why not actually sad?

Of wisdom you ass

He’s against pc culture as much as us, who cares if he went to the bitch site for an AMA

He's literally a civic nationalist boomer

>You should learn to take people's views at face value
Why should I do that? Explain it. Do you have a coherent philosophy?

>high-IQ rick and morty viewer such as yourself
Nigger you know you love Rick and Morty. Don't even try to deny it.

> some people might have ideas separate from their parent ideologies
Oh, you have your own ideas? Neat!

Share them.

And no, "JBP is building a gulag-themed sex dungeon under his house with all his Patreon shekels!" doesn't count.

Tell me how all of this has improved you?
OP is right, in that the only advise we need is to purge all weakness from ourselves. No more philosophising no more intellectual gibberish that can be applied to you here and now.

Sorting yourself out starts with discipline if you are not your own harshest critic then you will get no where.

Hitler was right in this world of eternal struggle those who do not want to fight do not deserve to live

Apparently she is some crazy bitch

and 100% sure she burns coal since she went on a tour of Africa after divorce(with 6 month old baby)

The writer of that article is Dave Foley's ex-wife.. look up the oldJRE podcast to see how fucking crazy she is and how she absolutely fucked him

>civic nationalist
I'd say his alliance with that particular idea is just a matter of convenience. It's the only idea that doesn't devalue the individual.

He accepts that IQ is heritable and real. He also says, surprisingly overtly, that muslim immigration is not a good idea. He's on the edge as it is-- he probably can't say more than that without giving the left ample ammo to get him pushed out of public life. To polarize things even more.

As he says-- always speak the truth, but do it MINIMALLY, i.e. don't hang yourself.

The point of the anti-identitarian stuff is that as an ideology it devalues the individual, and gives people an excuse to just take out people they don't like.

Notice he doesn't tell white people to stop reproducing. He actually says the exact opposite.

He's a civic nationalist boomer and people just like him are why we are in this situation

lol resorting to ad hominims right away. Also the hypocrisy of anyone on the left preaching that others should "take whats said on face value"... if you cannot see how blatantly hypocritical that is of anyone on the left to be saying right now, then you just prove his point.

Lefties lie, mostly to themselves now because people are slowly getting wise.

lie, libel, liberal.

Well said.

>Sorting yourself out starts with discipline if you are not your own harshest critic then you will get no where.
You *do* have to critique yourself, but being "your own harshest critic" is a little over-dramatic. I mean, if you try to one-up everyone else in the world about how detestable you think you are, that's not productive at all. It'll just destroy your will to improve, give you an excuse to just forget about it.

You have to make sure that you're honestly evaluating yourself-- it's possible to both praise and condemn yourself inappropriately. Sometimes within seconds of each other.

You have to treat yourself like someone you'd like to see succeed, but ALSO not let yourself get away with things that damage your future.

He talks of standing up against dragons, but he is a coward who won't stand up to actual dragons.

Here's a picture of her. Also, a rebuttal to the article on "Jordan Petersonny":

muh character assassination

can't give the goyim basic thinking tools



What got us into this situation is a lot of things, but it boils down to the idea that we forgot God.

There are a lot of nuances to it-- we lost our humility, we believed we knew everything, we believed we could get away with making the next generation pay off our debts. We believed we could abandon the old traditions, we believed that we were above everything.

And eventually, we sold each other out for a fistful of coins.

We did this to ourselves. By lying, by being arrogant, by our own evil.

Even me, a millennial, was complicit in my early days. I took out loans I knew I'd have trouble paying back. I was a jerk to people because "nothing matters dude nihilism lol!" I made my problems something to be dealt with by future-me.

There's always the option to repent. Whether that means actually getting religion or just doing what you know damn well you should do doesn't matter.

Oh god those glassy eyes.

Why do crazy women always have those glassy eyes?

The only man I've ever seen with that was Charles fucking Manson.

Nope, I won't be crucified for what others did. Boomers destroyed this country. And no amount of dicksucking on your part will change that. You sound like a weak liberal

Oh, I thought that was a reference to A.W. Peet, one of the early people JBP argued with at the beginning of this whole pronouns fiasco.

A.W. Peet is just a disgusting person. Not because of her androgyny. Back before she "transitioned" she did a talk about string theory, and she was just insufferable. It doesn't help that her accent is infuriating.

I hope everyone's masculinity is doing ok. This is how she brushes off criticism of her article:

Perfect example of the weakness this thread was made to expose. This type of thinking ALWAYS leads to self hatred and liberalism.

I have an initial aversion to Peterson because he doesn't appear to actually say anything of substance, but I'll give you guys here a chance to convince me that he's this hero of the west that you portray him as, and not some stupid civnat boomer who advocates for us to live in a happy classical liberal and mixed race society, while nevertheless intellectually dishonestly avoids racial IQ and the south africa situation, which would contradict his worldview. Also, the fact that he earns 70,000 a month from poor virgins and despite this, makes you pay for his stupid "personality quiz" test, which has about the substance of the million other free personality quizzes and horoscopes on the Internet.

But I'll bite my fucking tongue and wait for someone to prove how oh so wrong I am

Y'know, the thing about a leftist, he's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a dolls eyes. When he comes autistic screechin' at ya, doesn't seem to be livin' till he ad-hom's ya.

Meet the dude at a swingers club in Tronto back in 2008, won't go into anymore details.

>I won't be crucified for what others did.
Whether you are willing or not, there's an imbalance that somebody needs to fix-- or it'll get infinitely worse.

There are always people like you who refuse to bear what must be borne to make things better. Your life is already something to be incredibly grateful for. If we're all lucky, someone else equally undeserving of it will end up carrying your lot.

Just because they got away with something doesn't mean you get to. That's something I learned the hard way...

You're totally right.

But there is a deeper problem, and it's civilizational - The Mouse Utopia.

Civilization ~ Cities? What about non-cities/city based technology -> absence of God and/or soul?

OP needs to go back.

>Your life is already something to be incredibly grateful for.
Islam will take over because of people like you. You're holding a hollow earth on your shoulders and proclaim it to be solid. The weakness that bleeds from people like you is nauseating

He is afraid of what is to come and is trying desperately to halt the future. I don't know what terrifies him so much about being a guard at a concentration camp, maybe he enjoyed it too much. It is a shame because I really enjoy Jung and I love that Peterson knows his stuff. Oh well, he can't halt the great wheel of time.

>Chads don't spend 4 hours a day on Sup Forums.
I beg to differ.

Not surprised, Peterson is in some ways equivalent to Milo the fag - doesn't stand for a positive philosophy, and wants to preserve freedom, the "spirit of European traditionalism," to protect homosexuals and multiculturalism.


Burdening responsibility is the opposite of weakness. Breivik, Varg, Roof, the supreme gentleman etc are all examples of weak men who cracked under the pressure.

Haven't seen you in a while. Go back you a hole


The mouse utopia collapsed not because of something inherently wrong with having that many individuals in a confined space-- although, yes, we should NOT endeavor to have those kinds of cities.

The mouse utopia failed because it wasn't designed to accommodate a mouse's psychological needs-- territory, social bonds, etc. The narrow corridors and numerous choke points meant that it was VERY difficult to get around without bumping into a dominant mouse in a very socially unacceptable way. You couldn't go anywhere without intruding on someone else's space.

Imagine if the commies built a human utopia. They set out to prove that humans could be managed on an industrial scale. So, they set out to do it efficiently, taking care to attend to (what they thought) was a human's every need. There were plenty of beds, plenty of food but... there was only one bathroom per floor, and no door on it. Why can't you share a toilet with 100 other people? It's not like you spend more than 10 minutes per day shitting! There's no privacy, EVER. Curtains are inefficient, wasteful after all. And you don't get your own plate-- you have to eat out of a communal bowl.

After a few years of this, you'd go nuts and start gnawing other people's faces off too, or you'd go full hikikomori, and retreat to a corner and never come out.

That's not our fate. We're more adaptable than mice, and we have the ability to understand ourselves. We can fix problems, and we can see them coming, endeavor to never let them get that bad.

It all starts with being honest.

Breivik killed the people who would one day assist in the destruction of his country. You on the other hand talk big and jerk it to your own reflection