What does Sup Forums think of Napoleon?


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How so?

na/pol/eon. Based God

(((Liberator))) of the oppressed juden

A joo loving degenerate faggot

Fucker destroyed our Republic on some Amerikike pretext of democracy and liberty and we ended up with an unremovable dynasty of satanic pedophiles.

He also killed about a 100.000 Dutch boys in their primes on his retarded Russian campaign.

Fuck Napoleon and fuck the nigger Corsican mother that brought him into this world.

> “I wanted to make them leave off usury, and become like other men...by putting them upon an equality, with Catholics, Protestants, and others, I hoped to make them become good citizens, and conduct themselves like others of the community...as their rabbins explained to them, that they ought not to practise usury to their own tribes, but were allowed to do so with Christians and others, that, therefore, as I had restored them to all their privileges...they were not permitted to practise usury with me or them, but to treat us as if we were of the tribe of Judah. Besides, I should have drawn great wealth to France as the Jews are very numerous, and would have flocked to a country where they enjoyed such superior privities. Moreover, I wanted to establish an universal liberty of conscience.”

Idk man he seems based, misguided but based

His Y-DNA Haplogroup was E

Burger plz

I descent from a whore that conforted him. Don’t know what it makes me
>3,7% South Europe, Italy

Who want to put joos on equality with men?

A naive bastard


Kill yourself

Shut up jungle nigger, he was a great general and one of the things I would be proud of if I was french.

He's one of the great men of history, up there with Hitler and Caesar.

This is your envy talking. At most you'll be a shitstain in human history. At most. And that's being generous.

- Under 5'10 do not post.
- Le 85% Corsican
- Trap hair manlet
- ((( HIM )))

Based bong

At Waterloo, Napoleon did surrender.

In principle he was a populist cuck

You're giving me spaghetti cancer

The only thing he did wrong

The greatest French man in history
The weak should fear the strong


Why can't you understand
He was one of direct causes for all the cuckery in this planet

Says the country with polluted air and is causing people to die of various tumors.

The cancer is intensifying, the spaghetti is turning into a pepperoni
Goddamit pasta-nigger

>I'm so funny!
Brazilian bants.

The French have never wanted democracy, but they have ever wanted liberty. This is, for them, not a cultural paradox (here in Japan people want something similar).

That is, they are utterly statist, not individualist. Theirs is not the question of how to delegate political authority and violent authority to an educated and personally invested public body of interested individuals, but rather how to locate the best benevolent dictator who can affect a similar outcome but in a way that they believe is better because it removes the need for individual authority over violence (among other things).

Basically, the French are classical American Democrats after the pattern of Hamilton (before the American Dems totally lost their shit and became communists -- which blows my fucking mind).

With this in mind... Napoleon was a tyrant, sure, but he was THEIR tyrant. And quite good at it until he got full of himself.

Master class, really. Napoleon was amazing. He fucked up and that brought France down with him, but there is a reason France gave him a go at it twice -- because he was The Man.

Nothing strong about that manlet cucked corporal and by the time he made his move on Russia it was clear he'd just lucked out on a lot of famous battles.

He was an awful strategist, up there with Hitler but worse as a person because of his jesuit hypocrisy.

If it weren't for Bertrand and some other generals his incompetence would have destroyed him long before Waterloo.

I can see why the cucked French worship him though. And he wasn't even French.

Anyone who says he was evil should compare him against the other Aristocratic rulers of Europe. One should also remember that History is written by the winners, and Napoleon has been slandered for centuries by the descendants of the very same tyrants he was attempting to overthrow.

Agreed, the people needed a leader and direction, Napoleon gave that

"Burger please"


Come on Germany's boot. Surely you jest.

This planet is so fucking cucked in part due to Mussolini's incapacity of holding Africa
Africa for fuck sake.

Plus we kicked your butholes

>Let's Make Rome Great Again

What could I expect from a foking pastanigger

>Plus we kicked your butholes
You're literally an italian/german colony, be quiet.

At least we have the decency of not making a nigger our president

> talking shit about Mussolini

Kicked you butholes

Can't help it if all useful Italians had to flee the shithole that is the Spaghetti Kingdom

I mean, why bother at all?
Shitty irrelevant pastahole

Shut up and respect your masters colonial.
I don't excpect an indigene to understand the genius of Napoleon.

What? South americans including you are the ones who escape from your own favelas/cartel ridden shitholes. Not only we make your pitiful places bearable, but this is your thanks.

I'm not a fan. He sided with the French revolutionaries and then tried to conquer Europe

He was a revolutionary and should have been beheaded as soon as he took power.

> So we made a Bulgarian Jew mestiza our president

did a lot in his life

> And then a Lebanese Freemason

Who's leaving?

*copypasta from earlier thread*

Of course, spaghettini


>If São Paulo and Minas Gerais were an independent country we would have a better economy than the spaghetties. That's only 2 states.
>We have way more resources
>Man power
>Army, airforce and navy are better
>92 million whites. That's 46 million white males.
>We practically own our continent, while you're Germany's boots.
>We can build our own nukes

Of course this is a violent corrupt commiefaggot nation but Italy have the same diseases.

Don't think the Spaghetti kingdom is so much better than UMA DELÍCIA

Europe is dying, prepare yourself.
Soon the moslem hoards are coming and by God (at least you're not heretics) I hope you guys score some kills but eh.... You all know how Italy fares at war.


Kekty kek


>If São Paulo and Minas Gerais were an independent country we would have a better economy than the spaghetties. That's only 2 states.
Except it would have much more poverty, less GDP per capita, more crime.

>92 million whites. That's 46 million white males.
Brazil is 20% white at best.

Europe is dying, but suprise we're not part of Europe. Even Europeans don't consider us white and immigrants just hate us because we're not cucks like Sweden, German or UK. You have no culture by the way, you're just jungle niggers that got raped by spanish conquistadores.

sure is nu-pol here

napoleon was not only a complete robot, but he had a disgusting obsession with niggers and muslims. every single one of his conquests was to bring a new wave of subhuman mutts into french society

Jew puppet.

>says the american who brought niggers in his own land

Napoleon was Italian you dummy. Charlemagne is the greatest Frenchman; followed quickly by Charles "The Hammer" Martel.


>thread about napoleon
>people claim he's based
>american isn't allowed to call out the same french-liberal kikery that ruined his own country

i like him, he rode the waves of the times like a hero

How did Napoleon ruin his country?

>was a supergenius
>would memorize the enlistment rolls
>knew the name of every soldier in his army
>knew where every piece of artillery was
>was epitome of weaponized autism

I love these pictures.

>nu/pol/ itt
Read Reflections by Burke you fucking newfags.
captcha: revolution tate

Gorillion French dead, country bankrupt, lost its overseas possessions and killed European/white brothers.

If we go with that logic, Hitler was also a terrible leader that ruined his country.

What do you mean we have no culture?
Best music, best cuisine, great art, theatre, literature.

The empire (and Vargas, to an extent) made sure we wouldn't be a cultureless artificial nation.

>we're not Europe
You're not a Nordic, of course.
But I have some bad news to break to you...

You're the buffer between Europe and the moslem scum.
You guys better prepare.

Better yet

Come home, Italian.

He was of italian ancestry , thats why france won a few wars on his command.

>The empire (and Vargas, to an extent) made sure we wouldn't be a cultureless artificial nation.

Muslim scum doesn't want to go to italy, greece or spain, they want germanbucks or sweden. they can rape women at will too.

Bad news for you bro, they hate mediterraneans, that's what saved us, our hatred and their hatred towards each other. Nordicucks are the one at danger, as you can see in their countries.

The fact that he fell for Bulchers feigned rout at Waterloo was an absolutely pathetic end to his career. His officers tripped over themselves like stupid faggots trying to take the Hougemont from Wellington and well - after that, I lost a lot of respect for him. That being said; he shit on Italy and Austria.

47% of the population is white
20% may be Nords, but the rest -Iberians, slavs and levantines - are white also

>The São Paulo-Minas stuff
Would it? Except for the Vale do Jequitinhona in northwestern Minas, and the PCC favelas in São Paulo life would be pretty nice. I live in the countryside of southern Minas and its foking great.

Don't fall for the meme anonninho.
Ours is a great nation.
Corrupt and all but nothing a fascist dictatorship or a peaceful balkanization can't solve

His father was Corsican. Jews are very closely related to southern island Europeans. Not surprised he liked the jews

Nope, you are right. Germany is completely fine.

In retrospect a Europe united under Nappy would be better than the EU, as would be a Europe united under Hitler, Charlemagne, or Caesar.

Hate to break it to you buddy but:
>What was Stalingrad
>What was Dunkirk
>What was the Crimean theater
>What was the defense of Normandy
Say what you want about Hitler, I'm glad he managed to kill a lot of Jews even if it wasn't as many as they say. But holy fuck he destroyed any hope Germany had and he almost singlehandedly ruined the war effort.

effay af, w2c that sash?

>that ottoman rally
Looks cool, but yeah, you're right about it but he did make his country powerful while it lasted.

True, I think he started being a bit touched in the head the last few years of the war. It's funny tho how these people had to get destroyed by several nations ganging on them.

Oooo but I'm not talking about repefugees
I'm talking about real moslem scum, crossing the Mediterranean in warships.

How long till we all are forced to wage war on the moslem?
They're growing faster by the day while the west stagnates.

Y'all know eventually we gonna have to nuke Mecca

That seems to be a nice story

Destroyed kikestrianity forever, he will be immortalizef in the new state.

The theogony edition, no Abrahamic Mythology God worshipers allowed.





Fighting would be an option if the mediterranean brothers and sisters unite against them.

Even if he invaded Spain he only invades the state of kletocratic oppressors of peasants and briught equality, liberty and fraternity to the continent, death to all kings, and nobles.


The revolution must be spread.

War is bad duh

Napoleon Returns to Conquer North America

He more likely than not was definitely in the spectrum.


If you're not being ironic that's a waste of numbers.

napoleon rose inside the republic and destroyed it, restoring monarchy. thats the reason he is loved

he restored the catholic church

germany and england converted to republics in order to raise armies to destroy him

the french revolution is a historical atrocity and victory for liberalism. same for the defeat of napoleon

Has a good song

Napoleon solidified the presence of Republicanism and the spirit of the French Revolution - Equality, Democracy, Nationalism in Europe.

He is the reason for the decline and fall of Traditionalism.

He is one of the worst men of history. If he had not existed, and Royalist powers had quashed the French Revolution, we would be much better off today.

He was the last of the FrenchMEN.

Napoleon was a hero a fighter of the revolution, all countet revolutionaries met their fate against liberty, freedom and equality.

The defeat of Napoleon was a victory for Order, Tradition, and Hierarchy. Napoleon's victories were victories for liberalism, egalitarianism, and chaos.

You have it backwards.

smart at first but then went all autistic and invaded russia

He was a big fat kike. You have to really be stupid or reading your history book upside down to not realize this guy was running a jewish project.

A Jew project liberating Europe from feudalism to the system where all men ate born equal?

>where all men are born equal



here's jews writing about their own agent: archive.fo/iw0Op

Strange for a non-jew to call France “The Homeland of the Jews” and say “It is my wish that the Jews be treated like brothers as if we were all part of Judaism.”

I wouldn't say that.

Are men all born equal? I don't believe in that. He liberated normal people alongside jews, so in that sense, sure, bow to Napoleon. France has a jewish history going back 1000 years so he's not wrong.

Napoleon was fighting enemies of Europe, kleptocratic royalists that oppressed the European.people under an Abrahamic system, napoleon conquered the kings, the church, the clergy, and all the oppressors giving birth to modern Europe with all kings and nobles with no power.

More tellingly, what does Sup Forums think of Talleyrand?

He was a chump who got played like a fiddle until he wasn't useful any more.

>Monarchy, aristocracy, and natural order



fuck off kike shill

Well, the Church and the Kings were bad, but I don't like the Jews either.

>white guy who 'discovers' a america a land already inhabited by people
>>white guy then proceeds to steal, murder then enslave the original owners of the country
Um, how about we NOT talk about him?