Sup Forums, I am sad

I was wondering if anyone could empathize with me here. It seems to me that having any expectations for what you want in a woman is "unrealistic" and any complaints about modern culture in regards to women is "you're just mad you want the perfect dream submissive girl to take care of you like your mother did, and to be your sex slave."
No, at this point all I want, is for a mate who can be a good mother. Who would be a faithful wife, and raise my children well. This is all I care about. Why is this so unrealistic? I don't know what it is like in Europe, but if leaf land is any indication of North American culture as a whole, it appears no woman wants to be a mother. And not a mother in the basic sense of literally birthing a child, I mean a mother that takes care of their child and puts it before themselves. What happened.

to add more: I feel that people have forgotten an important purpose of structure: to raise healthy children. A traditional family will do a lot better in raising a child than a single mother addicted to pills. partying and hopping from guy to guy with no regard for their child. But apparently being able to live like that is liberating/freedom? I think nihilistic hedonism is being sold to women as liberation.


excellent news goyim

i feel ya buddy. i am 37. i have tried more than 20 times to get a decent woman by my side. and the years tick by. in my group of friends there is only one succesfull couple. the rest are miserable, broke up with kids or still living as if they were 20. society is completely broken.

>I feel that people have forgotten an important purpose of structure: to raise healthy children.
That's deliberately being made shameful and impossible by Jews/Marxists/progressives/anti-whites.

Yeah well ... That Is Aldo happening un Mexicos major cities ... That's why i married a girl from a rural área where they are raised to cook you, take care of children , wash your clothing by hand ...

>you want the perfect dream submissive girl to take care of you like your mother did, and to be your sex slave
This comes directly from Freud and Engels. The latter being the co-author of the Communist manifesto, to give you an idea.

Just try to a partner who accepts her nature and doesn't depress and frustrate herself by trying to be a man. Women who are interested in cooking, decorating, health and so on.

But what reason do progressives have to fight such structure? So they feel justified in drowning their depression in hedonism? Is it some sort of coping strategy to feel morally correct in their literal self destruction? That's all I can think of. I know your average middle class progressive isn't being paid by George Soros or some shit, but I imagine what I just described is what attracts them to these nihilistic mindsets.

>I was wondering if anyone could empathize with me here
I can't, I have never dated neither talk to women about that. Sorry leaf hope you find a good maybe, you could try outside Canadá. Life is long sometimes

There are lots of motherly women out there, you're doing something wrong.

Progressives have a really stupid REALLY REALLY STUPID idea of how progress Works because of some dialectical shit history and proggres are both things that go together always again dialectical ( the idea of history will eventually as it advance perfect itself ) so the old needs to go since its not progressive the new has to be embarace soon or later. Of course this is not what happens in reality history and progress are two different things the fall of rome wasn't progress it put europe in the hands of barbarians who had to scrap the pieces again. Thats why you see the typical idiot arguements of its (current year) as if it means something

>raised to cook you
I mean I knew spics were subhumans I didn't realize they were chink levels of subhumans.

East Asian, Eastern European and Middle Eastern (secular) are the way to go

i thought it's biologically all but inevitable to become motherly after giving birth and taking care of a baby.

ugh troll lefty poll troll bait.. read yesterday the value of this site is only 45k i will give 60k for it right now to get rid of the reddit trash

Pretty true with liberal women. They fell for the Buzzfeed "le children ruin ur life!!! lol u cant party!! XDDDD" meme. Thankfully there are still SOME conservative women here in the states otherwise I'd be in the same boat as you.

You're ready to accept a woman who will be a good mother and a faithful wife. That's all you need to be happy, and you're going to find her. Hang in there. Looking for the "perfect 10/10" seems like the highest endeavor, but what you must understand is that 80% of men are rejected by these Stacy's, because while men's standards keep dropping, women's standards keep rising to increasingly impossible tiers. 20% of men are getting that action, and at least 50% of those marriages end in divorce. 30% of men who suspect their child isn't really theirs are correct. This is because of Stacy cock carousel culture. Find someone who is faithful and ready to be a good mom - without already being a mom - and you're in good shape. Stacy's are overrated; they're the absolute worst of what happens when men give women the vote. AVOID THEM. I'm optimistic for you, OP.

This post was entirely unironic. I am legitimately trying to discuss why people, especially women, in modern culture (after college age) value hedonism so much. What caused this complete disregard for tradition (which has historically worked)? This is not bait.

Perhaps you are seeing the loud minority that our politicians(Jewish puppets) put on a pedestal everyday.

marry me
I'll be a good wife

I'm sad too. But at least i wish i wasn't.

Alright sand nigger back to the burka chamber you go

Be patient op. Learn a trade. Get a sport/hobby. Learn to skateboard or something. Cut your hair short, and shave with an electric razor. Dont give up, there are girls out their who you would be happy with who would be happy with you. Just hang in their bud. Going to work in a hospital helps too. Hospitals pay good money and female nurses are horny as fuck.

I lol'd

Lol the damage is irreversible. We've long since passed the point of no return. Next time dont be born in a shitty timeline.

this is probably the case. this shit is advertised everywhere you look in the media, it really does subconciously fuck with you

thot culture has been on the rise for years and it's at it's peak. it's irreversible. women have no moral grounding and no longer produce value for themselves because they can use their pussy to get by in life. they even think sex workers deserve respect and is an admirable field of work. it's game over

You're not wrong, they are being hurt by the entire established status quo.
All the crap commercialism aimed at them, toxic chemical stuffs for fingernails over a good nail file and skin exfoliation. Piercing of ears more than one time and in horrid gauging. And of course even a single ear piercing is a physiological social caging. What free they can be.