(((Net Neutrality Laws)))

Am I the only one around here who thinks government regulation is bad? Why is everybody shilling for it all of a sudden?

I fully support net neutrality as a principle for ISPs to adopt, and will gladly do business with an ISP that adopts net neutrality as a principle. I do not, however, support net neutrality as a law for the government to enforce. I think the government should get rid of any and all internet regulations and let the free market see who the bad corporations and ISPs are.

>b-but they'll all jew us!

You're telling me there's not one knowledgeable person out there who cares so much about net neutrality that they will create a net neutral ISP if shit really hits the fan? Not one ISP that knows what potential customers value in internet service and will seek to live up to those values so that they can get more business and higher profits?

>b-but big corporations will wipe out honest small businesses!

Not if the small businesses have the right resources and know what they're doing. Not if the free market has anything to say about it.

>b-but the free market won't do anything!

Ever hear of boycotting? The Internet's too important nowadays for people to stand idly by while they get fucked over by bad ISPs. If competition's great enough, (net neutrality laws will stifle competition, by the way) the free market will flock to the most honest and net neutral businesses, leaving bad ISPs in the dust. Only poorfags and welfareniggers will be stuck with cheap, shitty ISPs, unless a net neutral ISP also happens to be the cheapest.

Everybody appears to be showing their inner Reddit all of a sudden. They think the government will save them from getting fucked over; what they fail to realize is that government is there to fuck them over. What really needs to happen is for the government to take its filthy paws off the internet and let the free market sort out the bad apples.

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Learn how the internet and physical infrastructure exists and then come back . Monopolies are not apart of the american free market system.

>Am I the only one around here who thinks government regulation is bad?
no, you and every other anacap

but i agree that regs should be limited, but define what a good really is so people are buying apples compared to apples

>dude competition lmao

I fucking had libertarians.

>Why is everybody shilling for it all of a sudden?
>I fucking had libertarians.
>r*dit spacing
you hate intelligence as well

>government regulation is bad?

When you see a government "de-regulating", you have to ask yourself what's it getting in return?

The world is 4-dimensional chess game. Governments can often give up power to get something in return, or something for their lobbyist cronies.

>Dude competition
>Dude free market
Literal retards. How the fuck are you so ignorant about infrastructure, and the reason why telecom companies are monopolies to begin with? If fucking jewgle can't get a foothold as an ISP, GOOGLE, with its infinite fucking money and influence, you think local competitors can?

You want a free market in the telecom industry? You start by fucking dismantling their monopoly on physical infrastructure than, and only then, we can start talking competition, no government regulation, and true free market. At the very fucking least force them to sell to start ups.

There is nothing wrong with the status quo of the internet. Fuck off shill.

Copy Blasta
B-but nothing was censored before! Thats because Verizon wasnt able to openly be asses about doing it.
The FCC had a rule that got challenged in court by Verizon in 2010 that PREVENTED ISPs from THROTTLEING OR BLOCKING WEBSITES.
Verizon won the case, only on the margins that telecommunications services needed to be reclassified as a utility (Title II) in order for a rule like that to be upheld.
This led to the massive NN debate that got us the rules in 2015.
Comcast Corp. v. FCC 2007
In 2007, Free Prenss, Public Knowledge, and the FCC filed a complaint against Comcast's Internet service. Several subscribers complained/(and)The Commission believed that Comcast had "significantly impeded consumers' ability to access the content and use the applications of their choice"-Comcast complied with this Order but petitioned for a review and PRESENTED SEVERAL OBJECTIONS-in 2008, Comcast amended their Acceptable Usage Policy and announced a new bandwidth-throttling plan.
ISPs have slowly over the years been eating away at laws that protect against throttling and them not being able to control what content you see.
You fools need to realize corporations only care about their own interest
In surveys by the American Customer Satisfaction Index, XFINITY has had the lowest customer satisfaction ranking of any company or government in the U.S. for year-XFINITY’s online forums are full of pages of customers complaining of throttling, especially on upstream speeds.
Time Warner Cable has come under fire for throttling YouTube videos, an issue they defended by explaining video buffering is “the way the Internet works
Cox has a history of throttling their Internet during congested periods. In the past, they have also set usage limits on broadband accounts, granting more usage to customers who pay for upgraded service

How do I get AOL to stop charging me for more than 20 hours a month?
>t. 1997

Agreed but allowing the few companies that provide service, regulate themselves, will lead to higher prices and shittier service/ access. No matter how this plays out, we lose. Need to create internet 2.0 soon

Funny thing is people are advocating for government regulation instead of the promotion of more ISPs to increase competition and consumer choice.

Internet 2.0 already exists, it's just a matter of you figuring out how to use it. It's the equivalent of trying to browse Web 2.0 stuff from Netscape Navigator.

yeah once more they have completely given up on improving the agreements and cry for the government to lift them out of what they believe to be misery

The same people who bought the politicians on this issue also buy them to eliminate competition

Comcast wins

>Literal retards. How the fuck are you so ignorant about infrastructure, and the reason why telecom companies are monopolies to begin with?
they're usually not, and when Ma Bell broke up prices went down. when you get more than one broadband provider you usually pay better rates

How the fuck would you 'promote' more ISP's`?

Do you even know how a fiber cable works? You essentially have to close down the whole area for weeks in order to dig down cables.

Why in the world would you do that again, when there is already cables there?

It's like building a railroad right next to another railroad. What an insane waste of ressources and what a giant task that no honest small company would ever attain funding for.

>((They)) are literally Hitler
Seems kinda fascists to me user.

Comcast holds a monopoly in my area and they fucking suck enough as it is. I don't like government regulation but will the removal of NN give me other ISP options? Because if I have to pay top dollar to Comcast in order to have usable speeds on certain websites then that's bullshit.

>preserve and protect an open internet

Right like

>the Patriot Act
>The affordable Care act
>operation Iraqi Freedom

if you trust the government you are hopeless

>will the removal of NN give me other ISP options?

barrier to entry and twisting local laws are seperate from that and cumcast probably ensured they wont lose their monopoly

You voted for Trump and CEOs acting as politicians

You made your bed, now die in it.

Soros/obama net neutrality is best fellow Sup Forumslards

>but they'll all jew us
Yeah but will that isp be in your town city or state?

>not if the free market has anything to day about it

Again the internet requires infrastructure which governments grant natural monopolies to these companies. There is no natural competition.

Look I totally agree with you in a free market sense but unfortunately isps aren't working in a free market.

>Will the removal of NN change Comcast owning all the lines, refusing to sell to upstarts, and colluding with other telecom giants to stay out of each other's territories?
Gee, I don't know user, that's a mighty difficult question to answer.


Sup Forums makes 0 money
if it weren't for net neutrality, this site would not exist

>Ancap larper is a Corporate Jew

We should undo the Obama administration’s rules that regulate the web like a 1930s utility.


what? you fucking retard?

Net neutrality or soros/obama (((net neytrality)))

lmao @ the free market sorting this shit out. The big players have already created monopolies, even getting legislation in place to shut out small ISPs.

Great, I'm going to boycott the only ISP that provides any sort of service in my area because they actively made that happen. Should I downgrade my internet, switch to shitty satellite internet, and then relive my youth as I feverishly masturbate to slow loading .bmp images.

If anything, we need to crack down harder on ISPs. Fuck Verizon, fuck Comcast, and fuck all of you retarded MAGAmen circlejerking about 'muh gubmint regulashuns'

New fag doesn't know chans have been around before NN

>if you trust the government you are hopeless

Then why do you trust the government to repeal laws and regulations in a responsible manner.

>AB 1890 (ie Enron)

>Why is everybody shilling for it all of a sudden?

Where do you think that $18 billion from Soros went?

Yes, this. Niggers run the best things

That was kind of my point.


Whow the fuck are you memesters that still beleive the government has ever or will ever protect you from anything?

Are you niggers fucking for real? The same government that WANTS TO REPLACE YOU the same government run by the corporations they are "regulating"

The same government that gladly bails out big buisness and grants monopolies to its frends and uses people from within the industry as the regulatory leadership?

That lies, and is corrupt and has done countless horrible things and caused unknowable human fucking misery.

You think this same entity has any interest or had any interest in protecting "your internet"

I thought people on this fucking bored had a clue but apparently not. It was never your internet and fucking spoiler the US government was never protecting you or it.

Get a goddamn fucking clue nerds.

Local loop unbundling bro.

Republifaggots are against it though.

Too busy sucking the cock of the corporate overlords.

uhhh, no
the internet is based on diversity of sites and basic coverage of this would be included in every normal plan

"If Trump does it, it's bad" - Liberals

>nn repealed
>internet charges 100 extra smackers per month to browse Sup Forums

pol btfo eternally rip

no, sites must bid for speed. If you want high speed, you must pay more.

I'm in the same boat, Comcast bends us over and fucks us real good. If NN goes away it will be even worse. They'll have even more power than they already do now.

so Sup Forums would be a bit slow if they ever decided to part with cloudflare

the horror

Government protects our freedoms. This is about handouts or government over reach. They are protecting us from domestic Jewery.

Go here to call congress and tell them you're prepared to remember next voting season.


>shilling government regulation
Title 2 of the communications act isn't something new. It's been around since 1934. It protects everything from taxis to planes to phone lines. The difference is that the internet was not originally protected under title 2 "common carrier" so there was no law against preventing discrimination. Verizon literally said fuck you to the FCC because of this and that's why it was changed.
>Create a neutral ISP
That's the problem with the Internet. There is a backbone that is owned by the major ISPs. If you wanted to create a neutral ISP you would need to spend billions manually connecting the east coast to the west coast and every state together in order to avoid the companies that throttle your traffic.
I would also be pissed off if they started new laws about regulating the internet but they haven't. All they did was reclassify the internet to common carrier under the Communications Act of 1964. Just old laws applying to a new thing.

>things get worse
>think this is ok

it is getting awfully reddit here with all the (((NN))) hysteria. it makes me miss the constant blumpfy russia russia collusion spam

The govt. is in theory held by rules called the ammendments. Majors companies aren't held by those rules.

>this is what Trumpnigs actually believe

God, you trailer trash are dumb as fuck.

It's kinda important.

>Government protects our freedoms.
The government is the one taking your freedoms.

It is weird to see this thread suddenly become anti-govt. for a day.


Whenever NARAL is for something..you run in the other direction.

Welcome to freedom

govs are necessary to kill monopolies
capitalism is the greatest thing ever but hey look, monopolies are what destroy capitalism's perfect world
we need NN because companies like comcast have a monopoly over different pockets of users

That's because it's rare that actual Sup Forums gets involved in these threads.

Jews are on both sides of the NN argument.

I have a solution, lets all pitch in our money to create an independent ISP that can service the entire country thru proxy companies in different states.

>Rivers catching on fire is good.
>regulation is bad

Get the fuck out of here

You know what would fix this? If the government went after Cable monopolies. Thats it. Stop that from being a thing and this becomes much simpler. Cable companies should not have "turds" they all agree on.

lol i meant turfs

>it's rare that actual Sup Forums
I wish Sup Forums existed most of the time. I'm tired of the Trump threads.

Did you read my post? I know what the government is theoretically supposed to be but every observation would lead a SANE FUNCTIONAL HUMAN to conclude that they dont do what they are designed for.

At least with companies you can disasociate, they cannot force you to purchase a product

>inb4 I only have on service provider

AGAIN that is litereally because your local or state government agreed to support an ISP monopoly and it is once again a governmental overreach problem


The government is a monopoly first of all. Also its all these government regulations that hinder small ISP from coming up.

I'd rather have ISPs fucking around than those fucking loony leftist companies. The ISPs can try to block, but anyone who isn't fucking computer illiterate can get over it.

monopolies only exssit because of the government.

Me too

>You're telling me there's not one knowledgeable person out there who cares so much about net neutrality that they will create a net neutral ISP if shit really hits the fan? Not one ISP that knows what potential customers value in internet service and will seek to live up to those values so that they can get more business and higher profits?

the truly jewish thing about this is that the FCC raised barriers to entry before NN was drafted

>people actually think the US is going to regulate its internet like China after years of mocking them for it

Yeh government regulation is terrible in all indtances you very rational and pragmatic anarcho capitalist

Its not like rivera in cleveland werent literally burning before nixon made the EPA

Holy fuck , how do you keep breathing with such cognitive dissonance in your mind?

not true

google "natural monopoly"



Yo, someone help me out; why don't we want the FCC running the internet? I'm opposed to the government having any more power than necessary on principle, but some specific examples for this particular case would be helpful.

the EPA is totally useless and should be abolished

it has never done anything good

for example, a few years back they have "inspected" a waste site and caused a huge spill of toxic materials
there was never a problem before the EPA came

Nice super reddit spacing.

unless that shit comes with the repeal of net neutrality, then there is no reason to support the repeal of net neutrality for the consumer or small business. The only people who would benefit from such a half measure is the current sitting monopoly.

fuck off retard, the EPA protects our nature

Fuck the Dumb Pipe Theorists. We want smart pipes. This isn't 1930 with Polish fuckers and crescent wrenches. We need an intelligent, innovative, and expansive network. Dumbing it down now kills all progress. Nowhere new in America will ever have broadband with dumb pipes. Dumb pipes are are good for water and sewer, not for Internet.

>monopolies only exssit because of the government.

Free market """solution""" to monopolies


Teddy Roosevelt's solution to monopolies


We can sign more free trade agreements if you want. Perhaps we can start with the TPP

>John Oliver for it
Nope. I can’t support anything that this asshole does. Looks like I’m calling my congressman about dismantling net neutrality. Next time, use a better spokesperson.

>every observation would lead a SANE FUNCTIONAL HUMAN to conclude that they dont do what they are designed for.

This is why i'm confused. The reason why the govt. fails is because it cares more for corporations than it's people. You are completely for that right now. Look at the intenet right now. There is nothing wrong with it. There is no reason it needs to changed or be controlled. There is no reason to give major companies like AT&T more power over the internet.

Look (((who))) shills for net neutrality. The only thing they are pissed about is the internet is returning to being a free place again. Rules enforced by bureaucrats is not a neutral internet. There was no problems with the internet in 2014 and there will be no problems in 2018. It is a trojan horse program to give (((them))) greater control of the internet.

>the EPA is totally useless and should be abolished

Yes because Conservatives and Trump cut most of it's funding because they are scared of climate change.

go back to /r/enoughlibertarianspam plebbitfag

>Rivers polluted
>Gov steps in 1969
>stop polluting rivers
>rivers more or less clean in a couple years.

This should be the end of the EPA


>EPA budget hundreds of times larger than before
>It as, through natural beurocratic growth, begun to tendril its way into countless problems it wasnt intended to be involved in
>Water rights
>Rare toads
>Oil Transport
>road Construction
>Indian Land Use
>flood managment
>Fire management
>Rare spieceis studies
>etc etc.

What do Environmental impact studies that hold infrastructure projects for up to 10 years have to do with fining companies for polluting?

So you are right, the EPA was needed and it did help the river pollution, but then it just keeps growing and growing and growing.

So even if there is something the Net Neutrality do you really think it would have remained a minor body as the importance of internet grew?

Why do you think Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and Cabal bypassed public airwaves? because the FCC already has a stranglehold on TV (at the behest of the big TV networks aka monopolies supported by the gov)

NET Neutrality is additional government due to government involvement in internet in the first goddamn place.



>even if there is something the Net Neutrality
who could imagine such a thing

They only last for a short amount of time. Apple at one time had a monopoly on Smart Phones (beating the BlackBerry). As time went on new competition came along and competed (android) .

good answer you fucking twat

your sewer system, your electrical grid, your water system, your fiberoptic network, your roads

these are all natural monopolies

>retard polsters wanting to repeal Net Neutrality
>dont realize that they are voting to destroy every single one of their own ideological platforms

Net Neutrality was created because companies like Comcast and Verizon started throttling Netflix and other companies at random. Comcast throttle netflex for it's customers till Netflix paid them. Net Neutraility wasn't created out of boardom.

>our sewer system, your electrical grid, your water system, your fiberoptic network, your roads
>these are all natural monopolies

Except they arent, they are monopolies because your local government made them that way or runs them directly

You mean the ones already destroyed by facebook and google today?

>netflix usses more bandwith
>Company providing bandwidth wants them to pay for it

There is nothing wrong with this

Buy a ISP line from a company sell your service to people who can offered it (most likely the rich). As time goes one more companies will and emerge and expand (if profit is made). Soon they will be able to put there own lines down.