Wants to exterminate tens of millions of white Slavs and make the Holocaust, even if it happened...

> Wants to exterminate tens of millions of white Slavs and make the Holocaust, even if it happened, look like a joke by comparison
> Worshipped by cringey white nationalists
Explain this

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He's edgy and taboo which is enough to get dumb kids to worship him. I'll agree that the narrative we were fed on Hitler is a lot different from who he actually was, but he shouldn't be looked upon as some kind of god.




Mosley was far better desu

Hitler warned you explicitly of what you're facing right now. We dropped one millions tons of bombs on his women and children and funded/fed/armed the Red Army because he reclaimed a portion of land stolen after WWI that had voted majority NSDAP six consecutive years. Or at least that was the official reasoning.


>Hitler wanted to exterminate Slavs
>Slavs still volunteered for the SS
Fuck off with your Hollyjew propaganda

Mosley failed completely. Hitler and his followers destroy kikery in Germany and would have succeeded in stomping it out (along with Bolshevism) worldwide if we would have accepted his peace offers after he defeated the Polish Army, or if not then once he defeated the BEF/French Army and dropped hundreds of thousands of peace leaflets on the UK.


because he was a pan germanic, but whats more laughtable for him to be used as any icon for "white nationalism" is that also he (or actually the nazi party) used a bunch of niggers, and chinks in his army. ironically this is being used in Sup Forums nat soc thread to show how THEY are the diverse ones. meanwhile the allies were 100% whites, the colonies were mere goods providers that were treated like garbage, but african solders fought along side the germans. RLY MAKES U THINK.

Hitler didn't even intern the Poles until 1942. Kike NKVD head Yagoda famined 6,000,000+ European Christians in the 1930's by simply seizing enough grain to cause panics. Hitler fed them right up until 1945 and could have wiped Poland clean of Poles in 1940 if he wished to do so. He only annexed Danzig and a corridor until the rebellions, and at no point did he annex the entirety of Poland. Not even close. He had no intention to do so.

All pre-war racial laws (and non-POW laws) were targeted at kikes and gypsies. There were millions of Slavs/Magyar in the third reich and he not once spoke against these people. Listen to this speech where Hitler talks about "what is Europe?".


Even if some did that doesn't mean that the Nazis didn't plan on killing a fuckton of Russians, taking nearly all of the heavy industrial machinery in the USSR/Russia to Germany, killing a bunch of people via economically destroying and starving tons of people, etc.
The official narrative behind Generalplan Ost may not be entirely true and is subject to propagandization, sure, but that doesn't mean it wasn't at all planned and is entirely made up.

Hitler was vegan.

He wanted to reunite Germans after the travesty of WWI. He was pro-Europe and pro-white. All racial laws were targeted at kikes, gypsies, and POW's. You can't prove otherwise.


and how did he fail exactly? I haven't studied him but just being logical I would say that he might have fallen becasue they UK fash party was probably seen in a negative light after the outbreak of WW2.

Hitler wanted peace.

Mosley didn't fail you fucking kike. He was incarcerated before he could succeed. He was on the verge of winning the majority and they threw him in prison and smeared him for years while he couldn't defend himself.

You've got it backwards. Americans, British and French stole German industry after WWI and WWII. The Trotsky created Red Army needed to be defeated in the field. Nothing comes close to the crimes of Bolshevism, crimes that were committed on the host population during so called peace.

Imagine where Russia would be today if instead of funding/feeding/army the Red Army and dropping one million bombs on his women and children we would have fought beside the Germans and crushed bolshevism in two months flat.

Hitler tolerated based black guys.

You're a lying sack of shit. His best showing was 395,000 votes.

He didn't fail, see He was on the verge of winning Britain when he was jailed for protesting against the war.


Slavs might be white but they don't belong anywhere near America or Western Europe. Disavow


You're a lying cocksucker hoping nobody would call you out. He was never remotely close to power. I admire Mosley, but he was an absolute failure. Hitler fought the world and almost won. His struggle prevented the bolshevization of Europe and ensured communism could be defeated by attrition through the stalemate that emerged.


Hitler predicted exactly what would happen to America 80 years ago.

Hitler didn't want a war with us.


You're spouting lies hoping nobody would call you out. Mosley was never remotely close to power. Even Americans came far closer to fascism than the Brits.


At best they are white trash.


>Wants to exterminate slavs

Read a book.

Here's the most decorated SS veteran that survived the war, Leon Degrelle, a Belgian, describe how Hitler viewed his fellow Europeans. He mentions in debt how the views inside the Third Reich (religion, jews, americans, slavs, italians, etc) morphed throughout the war.


Counted by a system that threw him in jail.

Seems.unbiased to me!

>You're spouting lies hoping nobody would call you out.
>"Mosley failed"
Pick one bubba

>Americans came closer to fascism than Brits
LMAO. who's the one spouting lies now you fucking sperg?

>His struggle prevented the bolshevization of Europe and ensured communism could be defeated by attrition through the stalemate that emerged.
>His struggle prevented the bolshevization of Europe

By moving their borders further west? at the end, even with goods intentions he seems to have accomplised nothing since the USSR just bleed to death due to a economic struggle. I would say that would have had happened either way. Maybe sooner if not for the uniting power of going to war together to war to stop the genocide of your own people (that was the soviet propaganda when they started they had to draft man to fight the germans).

I disagree that the slavs should be exterminated but they should be removed to make space for westerners. Hitler thought the same.

I think i'll just drop this right here infront of you all
* runs away*

forgot this one too.

Mosley's high mark was in 1936. He was all but irrelevant after Kristallnacht when the conservatives set him up during a speech and the media turned completely on him. They threw him in prison years later because he started only talking about peace, and was collaborating with all of the peace movements while ignoring any ideological foundation.

> Hitler fought the world and almost won. His struggle prevented the bolshevization of Europe and ensured communism could be defeated by attrition through the stalemate that emerged
He literally resulted in spreading communism massively throughout Europe.
Were it not for America getting involved in the European theatre literally all of Europe other than maybe some Northern countries like Finland would have become communist.

No, he wanted to keep them as an underclass and move Germans in as an upper class - by his own words.


Part of the slavic population was to be kept as slaves/laborers. Others would be sent to siberia. And then supposedly the rest would be killed.

They found 60,000 man slave factories in Ukraine. Listen to the Mannerheim recording and the speech Hitler gave justifying Barbarossa. Tell me what you disagree with explicitly and we'll go from there.


Oh wait, don't they ban everything on the other side of the argument in Poland? How can I debate with you when your government brainwashes you from birth and blocks even Hitler speaking in his own words giving his own justification and laying out his own fact pattern?

Were it not for USA we would have take all the Europe. Were it not for Hitler we would have done it somewhat later. His attack on USSR was a preemptive strike.

wtf are you guys saying im da kang!!!!!!

Hitler demolished the class system in Germany. The swastika was supposed to symbolize this. In his own words.. (starts at 40 secs in)


Checked and the souls of 3 million goyish Poles thank you, the souls of 2 million goyish Belarusians thank you, the souls of 5 million goyish Ukrainians thank you, the souls of 20 million goyish Russians thank you, and I thank you.

>Mosley failed because he was defeated
>Hitler was defeated but he didn't fail
Choose one.
As for saying Hitler saved the world from bolshevism, that's pure speculation because we don't know whether or not Europe would be bolshevized has Hitler not risen to power. Your opinion =/= fact.

If success is measured by accomplishments, then surely Hitler beat out Mosley by a longshot. If success is measured by the longevity of your ideas, then they're equal in success.


Kike Lenin and Trotsky exterminated tens of millions of European Christians. Hitler watched kike NKVD head Yagoda, kike Kaganovich, and kike-married Molotov famine 6,000,000+ European Christians in the 1930's too don't forget. 90% of the 1918 German revolution leaders were kikes, and he seen them as the destroyers of life and peace that had to be removed from Europe.

My grandfather was half-Ukrainian. He, and millions of others, seen the Wehrmacht as liberators. If we didn't fund/feed/army the Red Army and fought beside him we could have destroyed Bolshevism in two months flat.


>> "Wants to exterminate tens of millions of white Slavs and make the Holocaust, even if it happened, look like a joke by comparison"


Yes we do, because we all found out there were 60,000 man slave factories in Ukraine and we watched the Red Army invade Finland, the Baltics, and move against Romania.


Look at Russia now 80 years after the war. A third world nation run entirely for the benefit of Jewry. Now look what Germany did in six years of kike-free peace.

>Communist Jews kill tens of millions of goys
>Nazi Jews kills tens of millions of goys plus Communist Jews
>Nazi Jews leave Europe in ruins for Palestine

He’s not worshiped. I am a National Socialist in conviction, but a Bolshevik in practice.

> tfw we're all pawns in a massive game of Civ, and the holocaust exaggerations are just a psyop orchestrated by the opposing player when his missionaries were ejected from a competing country.

Also, Earth isn't actually hollow as stated in pic. related. There are a number of portals around the south pole that would create the illusion of a hollow planet to a pilot that is unable to reconcile the unexpected changes in terrain and elevation.

Big difference between fighting the American/British armed/fed/facilitated/trained Red Army and genociding tens of millions of your own people. You may believe the commies dindu nuffin and weren't preparing for an invasion of Western Europe but the facts prove you wholly wrong and then some.

Look what happened in Hungary in the 1950's. Look at what happened to Finland, the Baltics and Romania. You're dead wrong and you can't come to grasp the fact that Hitler warned you explicitly of what would befall your country 80 years ago and you ignored him.


you can't agree with everything someone wanted to do and did
are you surprised that everyone doesn't agree on everything?

fuck off shmuel

>> Wants to exterminate tens of millions of white Slavs and make the Holocaust, even if it happened, look like a joke by comparison

>> Wants to exterminate tens of millions of white COMMUNISTS and make the Holocaust, even if it happened, look like a joke by comparison

I'm all for this. Death to all traitors (Communists) of the white race.

It's not about worshiping Hitler or flying the NSDAP flag in 2017. Hitler is the most lied about man since Jesus Christ and the world must know this. It's imperative.


Adolf Hitler - They Said I Was A Dreamer

First of all,
>"Russia invaded these select countries so that means they had plans to take over all of Europe!"
is still speculation on your part.

Even if Russia had invaded Europe you're pretending as if every Europeans country would spread their cheeks and willingly become Bolshivized. You're implying that democratic nation's wouldn't band together against an enemy they already hated to repel them from Europe. You're wrong.

>inb4 but you're speculating they'd band together xDxD

The fact that at the end of WWII we had plans to invade Russia and kick the Bolsheviks out proves that the West was United in their hatred of bolshevism and would be willing to fight whether Hitler rose or not to "stop" it.

Also, what said. Hitler's failure to defeat the USSR resulted in half of Europe falling to communism but he's still success though, right?

>tfw Polish MPs were later murdered in Stuthoff

Fake and gay

He failed to defeat the USSR because we dropped a million tons of bombs on his women and children and because we funded/fed/armed the Red Army. All ostensibly because Hitler demanded a portion of Polish territory inhabited by Germans that was stolen after WWI and voted majority NSDAP since 1933.


He had six years to rearm during the Great Depression and defeat the Soviet, British, American and French Empires at the same time. That's the point. Once the BEF and France capitulated we should have accepted the hundreds of thousands of peace leaflets he dropped on the UK. Instead we sacrificed our entire empire and half of Europe to Stalin. Potentially destroying Europe forever.



kek you tell em 56% mutt, you do that.

world will not miss you

user explain this picture to me, PLISS

Captivating speaker.
Wish I could've attended one of those gatherings.

Sorry whitey you're on your own this time

"F-f-f-f-f-f-fake... and..... g-g-g-g-g-g-gay...."

Yeah no, pussy.

You keep talking about "if this happened".

>Hitler was a great success
>Well....he WOULD have been a great success if x, y and z happened but who's counting?

Get your head out of your ass you day dreaming pansy.

fuck im loling so hard at this

>imagine where Russia would be today
Nowhere? Hitler did try to exterminate russia, no russians - no russia, no germans - no germany, no frogs - no france, easy.

During the interwar period you were more judified than 2017 weimerica. You were blocking even food shipments between east and west in August 1939. Poland had bitched about self determination for centuries and then the concept evaporated.

In 1939 Germans in Berlin earned more than 6x the average yearly wage in Warsaw. The two situations weren't remotely comparable and anyone in their right mind would have, and did, vote to rejoin Germany.

And goodnight
It's fucking late

No he didn't. Jewish Bolsheviks were the ones exterminating tens of millions of Russians and hunting down every halfway intelligent goy they could get their hands on.

“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.”

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) Nobel-Prize-winning novelist & historian.


Why did Hitler hate jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you.

>saying anything to not get rekt by soviets and allies
Look at what he did, not what he said.

He didn't say it to anyone but Himmler, these were his personal thoughts and feelings.
It was a letter discovered in his Frankfurt secret bunker.

I know. But it doesn't mean Hitler wasn't doing the same thing - exterminating by millions. Drop this black and white perspective.

It’s a fun meme to scare kikes. Small payback for their turning christendom into a fedora nigger toilet

Aside from that - we have organic white AMERICAN anglo nationalism, we don’t have any connection to Hitler

He could have wiped Poland clean in 1940. He could have shot every woman and child he came across and dumped chemicals leftover from WWI on your collective slave farms. If he wanted to exterminate Russians like you claim he would have done so.

The extermination myth came about because the Soviets had to justify carelessly sending the majority of their 25,000,000 dead to their deaths for absolutely nothing and in the most senseless ways possible. Same shit happens in west now as well with the holohoax. We destroyed our entire empire, without the bullshit founding myths this post WWII order would collapse. It couldn't have been forged in the first place.


And you can prove it?

Millions of Russians running into German lines with nothing more than a rifle and two weeks training does not genocide make.

Wow August 1939. That's like 4 months after the war became a sure thing due to the Anglo-Polish treaty. I never heard of this blockade but maybe I'd have to read books that deal with the beginning of WWII even more closely. In the end it is a detail. Maybe not very important but if it happened.
Not sure how that relate to that post though.

You're wrong again. War was declared in September.

>killing workforce
>wasting resources on non-combatants
Sure thing. Genocide is not easy when you actually have to fight other people.

those "white slavs" embraced communism, which is a mind virus created to destroy societies. There is no reintegrating them back into their old societies because their old societies were gone, Erased by the soviet state like they never even existed. Also they were dutifully following the commands of the soviet government, hurling themselves at the reich and failing to provide any meaningful resistance to communist domination. They were the cannon fodder and lifeblood of his mortal enemy in a total war, the only way to address them is with the exact same level of violence they intended to show to citizens of the west. Their race did not matter it was their Ideology that demanded extermination, every communist state is violently expansionist and completely without mercy when it comes to the liquidation of populations they deem incompatible or troublesome to the communist state and global communist revolution. The simple presence of a massive soviet state on the eastern border was an inevitable war a ticking time bomb that was going to go off eventually because of the nature of communism. The fact that the slavs as a whole embraced communism as readily and completely as they did made them a unified and monolithic enemy in the eyes of Hitler, There are no civilians the kind of war the was fought on the eastern front, both sides sought the total destruction of the other and total subjugation of the opposing population. You're viewing a different world through the lens of soft hearted, western morality, when the reality was a death struggle between National-Socialism and Globalist-Communism the ideas of humans rights and collateral damage and civilian casualties didn't enter into, they were trying to exterminate each other.

TL:DR they weren't "White slavs" they were communists. Willing Obedient communists are a mortal threat to anyone they are in proximity to.

Germans did kill non-combatants.

Hitler decided to change his original plans in April 1939. Afterwards it's all downhill with Beck giving his famous and stupid speed about honor of nations and sending three of our battleships to London.

Because Sup Forums is full of single minded edgy 20 year olds jerking off to power fantasies and the idea they have access to the real "truth" of things.

But Poland wasn't communist you memeflag faggot

They should get the access to the primary sources instead.

I brought you a physical source. You can find a bit more info and discussion if you google it. It also says the source right on the article, you're going to have to contact United Press if you want to track down the original story.

> The fact that the slavs as a whole embraced communism as readily and completely as they did made them a unified and monolithic enemy in the eyes of Hitler
You mean the same Slavs who were militarizing and aggressively nationalist to resist potential Soviet military aims, the same Slavs who signed literal defense pacts with the National Socialists?


Poles had bitched about self determination for centuries and once they got land won by the blood of others the concept evaporated. The truth, once again, is that Hitler only demanded a portion of the territory stolen after WWI. This was the bare minimum required to reinforce the cut off east by land when the commie waves came for Western Europe. Danzig had a majority NSDAP elected government six consecutive years before the war and was overwhelmingly in favour of rejoining Germany.

I don't blame the Poles for not wanting to give up land without a fight. I don't even place much of the blame for WWII on the Poles and geopolitics, ie being sandwiched between Russia and Germany, made for a brutal history. I don't deny this.


Of course civilians died during the war. Germans treated Russians far better than Germans treated Russians, and even better than Russians treated Russians.

Look at Russia now. What a complete disaster some 80 years later. A third world nation run by Khazars.

It proves that NatSoc and the Swastika is a European concept and symbol.
Russia before Kike bolshevism and communism was a natsoc state if you will.
It was a Christian Aryan Reich like Ns Germany.
It was The Third Rome.
Europeans naturally create Fascist and NatSoc societies.
The Tsar's daughters used to draw Swastikas in their diaries.

People say > " well the Russians fought against the natzees ".
No you fucking idiots, Soviet kikes =/= Russians or Russia.
Imperial Russia =/= USSR

this guy gets it

** than Russians treated Germans, although it sure didn't help when kikes like Ilya Ehrenberg were inciting the rape of German kids and elderly. The entire war was a shitshow don;'t get me wrong, but Danzig was German and the Red Army needed to be crushed in the field. The fault lies chiefly on the British Empire and to a lesser degree the Americans.

The chief blame for the situation we all find ourselves into today certainly cannot be pinned on Germans, Poles, or Russians.