Dear Sup Forums, anyone out there?

I broke down today. I'm not even sure if I will get legitimate responses or that the mods won't delete this. Anyways...

Sup Forums, anyone just feeling hopeless/depressed due to life's circumstances, whether due to no fault of your own or your own choices? Share so I know that I'm not the only one here who squandered their potential and now stuck in a black-pilled state, a witness to the creeping degeneration of today's culture.

And to those rare anons who managed to turn their life around, how did you do it?

Other urls found in this thread:

might be answering to a shill, but oh well, perhaps not.
life is never constantly shitty, it gets better eventually, except if you're dead, then nothing happens anymore, so fight to live another day or kys.


kermit suicide

I laugh a lot.

Roll with the waves or get sucked under.

Social exclusion swallows all but the wealthiest and luckiest user. You are not alone.

gets worse

I turned my life around out of sheer will but I'm not white so you'll probably disregard, I will say this however, the first step I took was to get the fuck off of Sup Forums

I feel ya OP.

I feel you, but the only thing we can really do is try to better ourselves. We're the only things we really have in the end.

congrats you are weak and have succumbed to the mental health meme. when you have had sufficient time moping like a little child, start to act like a man again and take control of your own brain.

It all comes down to how you view life and interpret events. You can know what's going on the world and still be happy with your corner of it. You're just a piece on the board, but you can still make the best of your potential. Make the sacrifice of living life worth it.

When I get beheaded I'll do so knowing I lived as I should have, knowing found happiness and wisdom in non-material things, and knowing as well I was able to die at the hands of an enemy instead of fapping to images of a cartoon horse and Japanese toddlers.
>"He was so surrounded by the good things...
>"...that he didn't have a place to shit."

Life can be shit. But it does not have to stay that way.

Keep your distance from MSM
Don't listen to rap
Don't use drugs *TO COPE*
Look up Jordan Peterson Lectures.

Good luck user! :)

You aren't alone brother.
>take this:

I'm not white either, but I might as well be, as I lost my roots, and now adopted "white" culture, however you define that.

I guess Sup Forums is just another /r/incels: a place that will suck you in and spit you out even more discouraged and depressed than when you entered. Maybe it's best to leave this place while I still can, even if I finally found people like-minded like me, and it took a long, long time to find them.

Thanks Sup Forums for the 2 days' of entertainment and a special thanks to the anons who responded with legitimate words of advice and reassurance that I was not the only one to feel this way - strength in numbers, even if we're all individually missing a few pieces here and there.

I will continue to reply to people for the remainder of this thread.

commit honorable sudoku

just remember that solvency and strength always wins. it only seems bleak if you're still judging the state of the world in a sklavmoral lens. this chaos is what you were born into and what you were meant for

>not white
>i got the fuck off Sup Forums
yeah naw no. no you didn't. you're still here. try harder trayvon.

I'm Jewish.

You must learn the ways of /fit/ if you want to end your depression. Go to the iron temple and make your body a sacrifice.

>now adopted "white" culture, however you define that.

Turns out that not acting like a savage makes you white, well shit

>implying I don't lurk Sup Forums for the odd happening every now and then

I just don't stick around for very long

only you have control over you not the world no matter how fucked up or great it is, enjoy yourself you will be dead soon enough.

Jump a Plane to the USVI.
go snorkeling.
get tan.
get some strange.
eat fresh fruit, and fresh fish.
Cheer the fuck up.

Lift weights, get a better job, read ancient Greek philosophy.


1.) Lift and exercise. Make your body work for you. It takes less than you think and once you start you will feel better.

2.) Avoid TV and news. It's all designed to make you depressed. It's 1984 level shit... just turn it off.

3.) Learn about things that interest you. Read a lot. Reading will make you happy.

4.) Take 5000 IU is D3 and some sort of Omega 3 every damn day. Getting your D levels up will help in so many ways.

5.) As hard as it is, try to make connections with real people. Don't stay online. As you start to look good and feel good this will get easier.

6.) Happiness is a choice. You have to work at it. Only the very stupid and dogs are naturally happy.

Suck it up user, it's not getting any easier from here. Get a wife and have kids, then prepare them for the shitstorm. You have a family to keep alive, regardless of how hostile your environment becomes in the future. Teach them the fundamentals of that survival, and if things are as bad as we can predict, your legacy will carry on throughout generations.

>And to those rare anons who managed to turn their life around, how did you do it?
Join a branch of the military of your choosing. If you are incapable of turning your life around, then you are incapable of surviving independently. Unless you are a woman that can marry, then you have been sentenced to death

As hard as that sounds, it does not mean that you should lose hope, only that you should understand what is at stake. If you should fail, you will not die instantly, like a man who is executed. Far worse: you will die slowly, as a man who will slowly rot, first start with alcohol, then move up to opioids. The rest of that story is predictable.

If you want to make it, you're going to need to suffer. There's no way around that. But know that you can make it, and that if you should fail, you will lose everything.

All of this is excellent advice.

>4.) Take 5000 IU is D3 and some sort of Omega 3 every damn day. Getting your D levels up will help in so many ways.

If only there was some sort of magical, mystical fluid that contained a damn near perfect proportion of the 3 energy-providing macronutrients, as well as every vitamin and mineral known to man and SHITLOADS of D3...

All around good advice. It's moments like these that restore my faith in humanity even if we're all slowly losing the culture war and dysgenics will slowly suck the intellectual vigor out of people.

To all anons, I do lift and exercise, my brief hiatus made me feel so emasculated, especially compounded by depression and other issues, you cannot imagine. Also, I promised myself to never do illicit drugs or touch alcohol -- one of the things that I admire about Trump -- and I basically quit gaming, as I realized it was just a big time sink, and there was some recent study that more depressed people were more likely to play games or something along those lines. In addition, I do read, formally and informally, with things ranging from psychology, especially evolutionary psychology, financial literacy, body language, race realism, PUA, etc., that originally stemmed from me being unable to interact with women.

>Share so I know that I'm not the only one here who squandered their potential
I'm not sure what you're talking about. You live in a society with an economic system designed to keep you working until you can't anymore. The money supply and interest rates and wages and commodity prices are manipulated to ensure that practically everyone just barely manages to get by, often requiring to indebt themselves for many thousands of dollars.
Even if you have a million-dollar idea it barely lets you live a better life than your parents family/housing/travel wise.
Either way, you can only pass down a pittance share of it to your kids after taxes.
Meanwhile, the old money has dozens of trillions of dollars stashed offshore, and your government cares more about importing poors to depress wages. And no matter who you are you're gonna get shat on, because systematic institutional racism and discrimination DOES exist for you if you're a minority, yet if you're a white then the media culture, academic society, and corporate power structure shits on you and exploits you and expects more from you than ever before, while granting the few diversity hires who escape the systematic racism a mostly free pass (If your diversity coworker fucks up their job consistently you can't complain about it but you better fix it).
You were just born during a real shit era, and the only real upside is the information, communication, and entertainment we have available to us with computers and the internet, so you might as well enjoy that.

You have to change your daily habits. They obviously aren’t working for you. Start by getting more direct sunshine. Stop eating shit. Get some exercise.

>go to /x/
>daily /div/ thread
Ask away. Helped me anyway

Joining the military is my backup plan, if uni does not work out by me screwing up scholarship. I have big shoes to fill, too, since I come from a good household - both parents have degrees and I'm the only child.


Nigger I'm really pissed at r/Incels eating up its own dick so we now have a horde of ya blackpillers.
But I'm telling you, just wait until we get the 2nd global economic crisis, so the normies are gonna go politically nuts over food. After that, we might finally get revival of natsoc/fascism.
You know, religion helps, too. I was also rather blackpilled before I turned to Christ, it's scientifically proven religious people are happier.

Okay now excuse me
>I'm not white bu-
Nigger. If you ever come in a 50 mile radius of white girls, I'll dedicate my career to start the fascist/monarchic revolution in Russia only to drop a Tsar bomba on your ass.
Yep. Guessed it.
>ooga booga thiz playce wuz juzd layke ar shesh insells id maykez yoo moar debressed DD:
Had an opposite effect on me. Maybe because I am more of a political outsider than social. Like, literally do NoFap, lift/exercise, eat healthy, sleep well, quit vidya, read, become religious, get a job and boom - CHAD.JPG

There is no white culture (I mean this post ironically, "white" just covers too much for itto be considered it a culture unless you mean that whiteness surpasses culture which I may agree to but never in public and this post is satire). Having a unique take on consumerism and a seething contempt for government =/= whiteness. Whiteness is genetic.

A non-white!? Back to the wastes foreigner!

Bro, I'm a Mongoloid, not a gibsmedat. Also, I've never browsed Sup Forums seriously until 2 days ago. Also, everything you described in your last sentence I do or attempt to do, except the religious part and get a job, because I'm in uni.

Off topic, but since I mentioned gibsmetdats, this is what inspires me besides my dream girl at uni.

I have a brain injury and everyday is a living hell. I just feel nothing all day everyday. Its never going to get better and i dread having to do decades more of this. I used to be a real person.

Essential advice. Pay attention lads!

You ain't foolin' anyone user.

At the bottom means nowhere to go but up. Plot a course, cut it into tiny sections and work each section individually, and do it until it's done. It really is that simple.

>6.) Happiness is a choice. You have to work at it. Only the very stupid and dogs are naturally happy.

I like this

it's not your fault
we are going back to the era before ww1-2
where inequality of incomes come back
read this

theres your problem. read some fucking fiction! bonus points for sci-fi

Dune, Foundation Series, Stranger in Strange land all great jumping off points

and stay the fuck away from PUA, you start thinking like this it will fuck you up. the only good advice in the PUA is talk to more ladies. That is all it takes. numbers game user

do not enlist because you are unhappy. Watch barry lyndon or full metal jacket for the arguments against this move. Enlisting is a terrible life choice.

Death eventually comes, so there will be peace and rest from all this.
Whatever happens after I'm dead means nothing to me.

every second is misery, but there's always tomorrow, and tomorrow's a new day

At least you are not Ukrainian.

Got laid off a couple of days ago. So yeah, pretty shitty feeling being a nu-NEET.

Okay, good job. Don't racemix and you're gonna be fine. So, I hope you consider taking off the fedora & joining the community that shaped the humanity's history and culture for last 2000 years. If not, you're asian, so who cares. You could join any of their religions. But never ever fall for the hedonist materialist meme. Also, check out /sig/, it comes up pretty much each day since a few months ago. Mods often fuck with self-improvement general, despite it being literally physical part of fascism/natsoc doctrine, but it truly is /ourthread/.

The feels. Hang there ukrainebro, we'll kick the Juden off your backs and unite as one country - Panslavic Union, or maybe the New Russian Empire. It's just a matter of time until KGB implodes on itself and Russians finally get in power here.

I have an objectively good life but want to just say fuck it and cut contact with everyone and move to the mountains

I got myself a motorcycle, it helped immensely with my social anxiety problems and getting myself outside more. It gave me a way to introduce myself without talking. People at my new job were pretty interested when Is showed up on my super bike.

I think you should. Mammals naturally desire to live in non-densely populated environments. High social density causes stress and "behavioral sink" as result of it. Look up mouse utopia experiment and never trust "muh suburban retard" shills.

good post

Every bad thing that has happened to me in my life I deserve. I am a degenerate scumbag that is low iq and ugly inside and out. My only release from this pain and suffering is death.

I used to be like you OP, black pilled and naive....but you know what’s worse than being black pilled and naive? Being black pilled and aware..

>quit my shitty dead-end job
>moved to another country
>went back to school at 28
>graduated, now working as a software dev

The entire process took ~ 4 years, but I definitely turned my life around.
Am I happier though? Not really, life is a struggle anyway.. but at least I'm happy I'm not stacking shelves for 10 hours a day

the ideology pol pushes and stands for wont mean anything if it is being uphold by weak willed people like you ?
you represent 50% of pol. weakass soyboys and selfhating niggers will never change the world ever.

Don't worry OP. We all know those feelz. The night is darkest just before the sun rises

So true. And more than half the people out there aren't worth knowing.
Things are definitely getting crazier & more degenerate.
The only thing in life (besides death and taxes) is change, so there may be hope for better days ahead.
I wish I could be more help, but I've been in a funk ever since I lost my favorite pupper after an extended illness. I'm old, so it's kinda late to try and start over.
If you're young, life is full of ups & downs. Things can turn out great just as easily as they can go to shit. And they might as well. It really is an adventure, but you have to help it along.

I endure, I go home to my wife and son, I sleep, I endure some more, and keep working for better.

>implying being degenerate and low-iq is suicide-worthy
The degen part can easily be fixed with teachings of Christ. Honestly, becoming a true Christian was the best decision of mine so far and it made me a happy, self-improving, moral man, out of a depressed nigger-tier materialist.
Also, IQ means jack shit if you're a great person. Being a strong, honest, reliable & simple man is literally a bajillion times better than being a smarypants beta-numale. Not to mention that IQ can be improved through reading and almost any mental activity. And you do know that IQ only measures logical intelligence, which is not the only type of it? There is musical, spatial, kinesthetic and many more forms of intelligence.

I've never felt close friendship, so I have extreme difficulty in creating bonds.Because of solitude, I became very cynical and aloof. There are days when I don't say a word and I don't even bother to initiate conversation just for the sake of it. I'm ambitious, but it's some lack of hormones that makes me so apathetic. Why even bother when there's no one to benefit from your effort? Joining a monastery is simpler.

go get some air, really go on a hike, it puts everything back in perspective.

Yeah, go to a big outside event too!

learn to love yourself. It's probably impossible to do now, but try putting down the vidya. Try reading more. Try looking up how to interact with people. Hell, go to a comic book store or a tabletop store and get into some Warhammer or some shit. Start hitting the gym more, and focus on improving yourself. The reason society degenerates is because people put more of an effort into changing it than they do to themselves.


Yeah, I'm looking pretty fucked here. I try to stay calm because obsessing over it increases heart rate and that's no good. At the same time, with little to show that I was here, I feel strangely free. I'd rather have a family of my own, but life and my own bad choices would seem to dictate that happiness and real relationships are beyond me in this life. Making friends isn't hard, but finding good ones is nearly impossible for me, and women? Hahahaa woman are another species from another planet for several years now. So lonely, yet so jaded and cold anymore. One day they're awesome, another day they're criminally insane.

Good goy, just lay down and let it happen.


Most people, esp as you grow older, become so absorbed in their own issues it's impossible to have friends like in your teens or twenties. If you have one good friend as you grow older you're lucky.

Women have been ruined by society. They are a mix between children and men. You have to accept this.

Happiness has to start with your own decisions. You also have to have a ground to build on: physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Some days are like that. When you're going through Hell, keeping going.

are you on drugs?
what has anything of this to do with going on hikes?
this isn't even a funny shitpost its just a fart

You can literally make your own world right now but you are scared

It's okay

baby steps OP

I know what you mean user. Some obscure unknown wevwite run by some dumbass mom and pop shop is gonna take five minutes to load and donald blurmpffff still has the nuclear codes. I just don't know anymore you know? Why even keep going. Five minutez, two scoops and two sips. Its just too much

>When you're going through Hell, keeping going
I know man. At least you have a wife and kid to come home to. I hope you're not gaijin with a nip woman who's demeanor changed 360 degrees and became a nagging housewife after marriage though

Have a virtual hug, user. Take deep breaths and focus on pure and wholesome things, like animals or pretty scenery in nature.

>gaijin with a nip woman

Checked, and guilty.

>who's demeanor changed 360 degrees and became a nagging housewife after marriage though

Thankfully, no. We get along great, she even pointed out "He first as loud as you do, and he has a diaper muffling it!" Good times.



>Thankfully, no
that's good user, I've seen shit you won't believe. Also, god the love of Amaterasu, learn to speak proper Japanese. You're gonna look and be treated like a fucking child when it comes to dealing with raising your kid. Stuff like dealing with in-laws and PTA meetings

JLPT N1, inlaws are a goddamned treasure I love, and no PTA because I call people dumbass way too often.

get /fit/ fgt

偉いっすね。I wish you all the best.
God I miss Japan-life so much

all in time...

>Everything will begin to come into focus. Even >during the American Revolution, the majority >were against the revolution. It was not until >January 9th, 1776 when Tomas Paine issued >his Common Sense that the tide began to >turn.

Pedo weeb

sick burn bro

Great advice, however
>5.) As hard as it is, try to make connections with real people. Don't stay online. As you start to look good and feel good this will get easier.

Although I agree with not staying online, I've found that I'm much happier being by myself. I only have like 3 actual "friends" and I am completely fine with this.

God damnit. Take your stupid shit to /r9k/ fucking saged.

Life without spirituality leads to what is described ITT.
It is therefore wise to learn from these mistakes and build yourself anew. Sometimes all these horrible inner experiences help actuate great inner change because of a strong wish to shed that old skin that keeps us down. And life will continue to be painful as long as you harbor ANY negativity in ANY form inside of yourself! This is the only way to freedom and oneness in love - removal of all blockages and accepting the unity with the Creator. Refer to pic for just one of the sources, seek others according to your own intuition.

This is the way most dangerous to the controllers, because it removes the sheeple state of ignorance. And if you doubt what has been said, know deep within you are misled and controlled, and love is really the answer to all of life's problems.

This. Both categories should be burnt alive/put in the brass bull.
Though it's true.

kek you have no idea

I yearn for the Sacred so much

Stop coming here, this is the most hateful place on earth; the negativity is palpable.

Whatever story you tell yourself regarding your life, IE. Your personal narrative, will invariably come true by virtue of your acting it out, consciously or sub consciously.

For example. An abused person who tells themselves they are a victim of circumstance with no way out is writing his own story, and it will come true.

Fortunately the opposite is true, if your personal narrative is about overcoming the odds through great personal effort and sacrifice, despite hardships, that will also be true.

Watch some of jordan petersons videos about the subject and do his future authoring program. Set attainable goals for yourself and strive towards them. Sadness is just a feeling, it doesnt have to be the rest of your life.

i fucking want to kill myself sometimes real talk

i could have been great

i am smart and talented

i could have been rich i remember knowing about bitcoin when it was 12 dollars and people used to trade papa johns for it

i am still a virgin

i feel like elliot every day but i know he took the cowards path

you need sam hydes book

I relate 100% to the things you said minus the virgin part, I have spent the last 17 years making a woman either cum so loud our neighbors heard and she's gushing a pint of thot twat on me near daily. Heck, I even had multiple girlfriends at one point. That was exausting and I felt bad, feel fortunate you're not in that position. It may sound glamorous, but in reality women command a tremendous amount of attention and you'll just be spread too thin to enjoy anything.

Regarding you poverty, I did the same thing and fell asleep at the wheel when they were 10 for $15 or something like that. It doesn't matter how great my personality is when I realize I could have solved all of our money problems in a decade.

Read philosophy, literature and learn interesting things.

If you're feeling black pilled you should watch American History X. Being black pilled isn't good.

Leafy here gets it. Life is worth living and you should just pursue your own interests after your needs are fulfilled.

If you can't do that kys.

Don't focus on the world around you. Often times we judge ourselves from the view of others, and leads to self destruction. This is why I no longer have any form of social media. People only post their smiling faces. That's only one example of course, but your main focus in life should be you and your betterment. Maybe stop watching the news, getting on social media, and maybe take a break from Sup Forums. It's hard to hear your own thoughts over everyone else's sometimes.