
because not everyone's a poor nigger like all of russia

Nigger should hang
>touching whites
Where is a Richard Spencer rally when you need one?

>falling for the muh wealth meme
>dumb materialist mutt
Keep your Jose's and Pajeets to yourself, Mr. 56% for extra 1%

headline is intentionally misleading.
trying to spin it into a man vs feminist vibe, trying to make it sound like it all started because he was manspreading

but if you actually read it, it started with her asking him to give her space, which then prompted him to intentionally spread his legs to squash her as a show of aggression. Then punched her, saying "Ive raped white bitches like you"

This is a story of a black on white hate crime, but we all know reporting a black-on-white hate crime is like kryptonite to the liberal media, so they figured they could try to turn it into a male vs female thing, to generate the "right kind" of outrage. Most lazy people just read the headlines and pass it on.

When really the focus should be there a self admitted rapist on the loose who has no problem assaulting whites.

>Taking the public transportation to deal with everybody's shitty day
Lmao no. If I was poor I'd walk.

Yeah. He also was a dindu. I'm kinda happy that the feminists are getting what they wanted - diversity, right in their face, too.

>le 56% country is wealthier and more well off than your shithole, failed expierment country

I sadly take manhattan subways every morning to work. If i leave later than usual, I will almost always see a delivery service nig or two on the subway, and without fail they are the ones doing the man spreading shit, particularly if by women. Its ape-tier territorialism. So, I have taken to siting next to them and telling then to close their legs, Since blacks have a natural inclination to be put in their place, they always comply while muttering things they will never repeat despite me asking them to.

This is the only way to effectively address feminism. Call him a nigger but he's doing more to counteract egalitarianism than most of you will ever do

>doesn't ask him to move his legs
>asks him to stop mainsplaining

i have no sympathy because she was probably doing it so she could run to twitter/tumblr and tell everyone about she told an evil man to stop manspreading

chat shit, get hit

If you watch the video it was about both. Black on white crime and feminist on male harrashment.

The bitch actually used the term manspreading even after getting hit in the mouth (after the """"White"""" Knight appeared, of course, she was terrified and put in place until then).

At the end of the day, is another stupid feminist getting away with her shit. They don't care about bleeding if that grants them attention.

I'm honestly surprised this story is getting any time at all. Of course they'd blare it nonstop had it been a white guy but you'd think it'd immediately be a no-go topic the second they realized a nigger did it and the way they quote him it was obviously a nigger so they can't just not show pictures of it. The left really did start eating their own much more openly after their election loss.

epic forced meme

I'd rather be a poor than cucked.

Daily Mail is owned by Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT).

The CEO of DMGT is (((Paul Zwillenberg)))

>the absolute state of America
kek, I really can only laugh on this.


>be around blacks
>get chimped upon

At least she won’t go on about (((manspreading))) or other retarded feminist bullshit now. Plus she’s redpilled on niggers too which will be good for her in the long run

Just you can be beaten for it

i park that bitch in yo momma's pussy.


You...seem poor...

pick none

This. Happy to see a sense-making Russian here, most of the posts on Sup Forums with the russian flag are made by (((Navalnigger))) (((((((Lentach)))))) shills.