Has Assange became a joke?

>H-hey Mr.President, I helped you win against Shillary, r-remember?

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He is completely right about this though.

While you are quick to call him joke and debunk him...
hol up
Do you even understand what he wrote?
He warns Trump not to let CNN (people behind msm) control the narrative.
It's about herding people, they don't care about money anymore, they want power.
Anyway, trump already knows what he is dealing with.
How can you prepare people for truth bomb that they are being herd like pigs?

>they're gonna make your tweets slow and CNN really fast!!

>H-hey Mr.President, I helped you win against Shillary, r-remember?
No. Your excuse for a President is a joke
>OP, you are a tool

He is right because no one will actually address the language of this... instead they call it bad. Doesn't help their case that many arguing against NN are obnoxious instead of reasonable

Why is he using arguments a fictional baby trump would find appealing? It's like its not really Julian Assange but a satire account that decided to become a serious pundit.

>Has Assange became a joke?

Possibly, but not because of this tweet. All he's doing here is exploiting the fact that Trump is an easily manipulated moron.

Nah pretty sure that's Assange unless they skinned him and put him on animatronics for interviews. He is Trumps greatest ally even if some don't understand this yet.

It's almost like he's read up on the issue, used this knowledge to form a level-headed opinion, and then expressed that in a somewhat politically neutral way.
What a fucking asshole.

He's not for net neutrality as it is. He is hoping that Trump is going to do something about the censorship of unpopular opinions online.
Agree with us or not, Assange is for freedom of speech. No business should be allowed to enforce on us what our government isn't allowed to enforce.

Mr president please give more power to the corporations, gubmint is bad!

>wahhhh your tweets will be slow. Don't take away muh free Internet gibs
Donald trump doesn't care about poor people. And thats what I love about him

They could, and would, but government regulation needs to be regulated. We need some sort of regulation regulation.
>And then bureaucrats everywhere rejoiced

He is completely wrong. Shutting down this particular '''''''''net neutrality''''''''''' bill is not going to change anything for internet.
Stop being a fucking dumbass. Just because you're talking about the internet doesn't mean you can throw all the logic out the window and go full on MUH FEELS on the subject.

If Julian Assange is right and ''net neutrality of some form is important'' then Trump can shut down this net neutrality bill and introduce a better one.
The idea that companies will start making Trump's tweets harder to see is fucking insane.

>many arguing against NN are obnoxious instead of reasonable

>please give more power to the corporations
Which ones?
He's taking power from some and giving it to others.
Do you understand the dynamics of the situation or are you here because of all the pretty colors?

Net neutrality does nothing to protect poor people in the first place. If you wanted to have more accessible internet and more people being able to afford it, you don't want net neutrality.

If you hate poor people, support net neutrality, you fucking faggot.
I am so sick of people getting it completely backwards.
Stefan Not an Argument covered the topic in depth

Assange knows that's the proper way to talk to Trump

He is trying to say it in simple language so that Trump can understand it. It's a noble goal.

Google and Netflix are too powerful now to even really give a shit about this anymore - especially Netflix who said so outright.

Call me crazy but I think assange knows more about the internet than you do mate

I don't care how he is saying it. He is 100% wrong.
He browses too much reddit.

I love how everyone is starting to talk like Trump. Glad!

This right here

nice proxy, shill

They really did kill Assange and replace him with a CIA sockpuppet.

Why would I need a Latvian proxy, you stupid faggot?
Got to love how the moment anyone even touches the internet your idiot brains shut down. You can talk about race, you can talk about gender, you can talk about any political subject without devolving into muh feels, but the second anyone even mentions internet it's REEE SHILLS SHILLS STOP TOUCHING MUH INTERNET.

You're a fucking faggot. You are no different from all the leftists who start freaking out when you tell them facts about race or gender, it's just that you are a batshit insane leftist only on one subject.

He isn't wrong on the meaningful point. The big media companies have the best positions to negotiate with the ISP's for bandwidth priority. I thought you were just ranting autistically about how his tweets might not technically load slower.

Lol so if I'm poor I shouldn't support net neutrality? Well it's a good thing I'm poor. And I already don't support it. So stop pushing your agenda, because it's not welcome ehre

Chang still pissy he still can't find anyone to marry him

And you're a Jewish shill who wants Jewish-owned megacorporations to be able to censor the internet at will. Die in a fire.

Orange fuck only responds to baby arguments

And vice versa

I don't care whether or not you support it. I hate this retarded misinfo you idiots keep spewing.
If you support or don't support net neutrality, at least figure out what you're supporting.

Net neutrality is getting killed either way, just look at both sides of the arguments and figure out what it means. Look at the facts instead of having these kneejerk feels opinions on the subject.

>Infest everyone's phones
fucking based
an internet without phoneposters would be utopia

assange no longer knows anything because he's been dead for over a year

wow thats a reasonanle reponse. like the last line too. fucking die shill

Net neutrality is dead either way. Enjoy crying about nothing for a few years and being a low IQ brainlet.

again with the insults. shit life

I'm fairly intelligent, and I haven't heard a good argument for repealing net neutrality completely.

The current problems are of enforcement and vague legal language. Some enforcement regarding the free and full discourse on politicized topics, for example, would be a necessity, as well as declaring the infrastructure a utility, and to municipalize it. This has been proven to increase the speed and reliability of internet connection.

Throwing it all away without any protections against predatory local monopolies will only result in a more expensive echochamber.

Unless you're an accelerationist, this isn't a good thing. Don't make the same mistake the dems did with Obama. Your not always going to have your guy in office.


Except they can do that already.

Just instead of the isp throttling, twitter itself can slow down the page for trumps twitter.

Theres no getting around it

Stick to your politics about goats or whatever the fuck you have in your shit country. Under obama the FCC classified ISPs as telecomunications which requires them to treat traffic equally. So undoing this will give ISPs the power to throttle, and thats why they want it. Keep in mind these same ISPs are also cable companies, their bread and butter is packaged plans. They will do the same thing to the internet, do you think they'll offer Sup Forums in their package? No, any small domain will be throttled to oblivion, and any traffic to and from anywhere they deem illegitimate will be shut down.

Every time I see a post like this the only argument is insults and reeeeing, usually with a memeflag and racism, you know, to fit in.

Twitter is one company with control of their own website. An ISP controls all traffic. So no, they cant do it on a large scae, it was an example for trump to understand.

No one is talking about ''repealing net neutrality completely.''
When we're talking about ''net neutrality'' we are talking about one specific bill that's more than just ''hurr u will not get your internet throttled.''
You're straight up lying or you're delusional when you're saying that you haven't heard a good argument for repealing this specific bill. I don't think you've listened to the hour long presentation Stefan Molyneux did on the subject, or listened to any arguments by the poo in the loo who is against this bill.

Yeah sure just ignore the paragraph of facts because youre offended. Fuck off.

I was agreeing with you, faggot. Read it again.

Great job shill. Live long and go fuck yourself.

This is the same retarded line you keep posting over and over every time the subject comes up. No matter how many times that gets debunked you keep posting.
Just go fuck yourself already.
The bill is getting repealed, fuck you. You idiots make me wish it wasn't repealed and they brought in more regulations just to fuck with you.

None of the bill's specific language was quoted, so youre still just reeeeing. Not to mention you disregarded the protections I suggested that should be guaranteed or enforced.

I'm not going to shoot myself in the left foot because my other option is shooting myself in the right foot.

If there's a discrepancy with specific language of a bill, vote to amend it while keeping the protections.

they do that with net neutrality. Net neutrality doesn't force them to be neutral. We need to introduce competition into the market. Strip all the regulations, break up all monopolies and restart a healthy market.

Also, molyneux is a faggot, just like posobiec, the tranny, and milo.

Stop appealing to authority.

>I haven't heard a good argument for repealing net neutrality completely.
its not neutral?

>do you think they'll offer Sup Forums in their package?
the fact that you think this proves you aren't ready for this place

Internet should be treated like a library

He's right here.

Yeah aren't they just proposing the reversal of an Obama bill from 2015? Ie the internet would go back to how it was before 2015, nothing more nothing less.

because, let's be honest, trump is on the emotional level of a baby

Assange is referring to net neutrality as it was before it was formally introduced by Obama's administration. I.e. the default "wild west" internet. Obama's admin gave some really not cool shit the name "net neutrality," and all the plebs just eat it up. You and everyone else are victims of changing the dialect. Look past the name. Look at the details. Fucking hell.

Hes making a tongue in cheek comment that is right on the fucking money, who cares about who said it, the thing that matters is that it was said

Fuck off anti neutrality shill


Aren't we at significant risk of the FCC regulating the internet like they do radio and cable? Sup Forums will be gone faster that way I'd think.

Hmm. Funny how he said it was about all that, but yet tea party conservative groups, conservatives in general, as well as grassroot right wing efforts on the internet and right wing anything showing itself in plain sight was targeted by his admin during those years. They show you one hand, but you don't watch what they're doing with the other. Misdirection is the magician's oldest and most reliable trick.

Won't be persuasive, though, because acknowledging what JA said is true would make Trump look like an idiot who doesn't have a basic grasp of the issue. Rephrasing badly needed which leaves a path open to save face.

>your tweets load slowly
this is the most retarded argument you could imagine

He's referring to Trump's news source, Twitter, vs. competition CNN (his sworn enemy) it's actually a clever metaphor.

Oh you're edgy