How do I enjoy life Sup Forums?

Basically I`ve finished off my first year of university majoring in the most boring, mind numbing 9-5 field ever (accounting). I expect my grades to be good since I worked hard, studied and all that good shiz but it`s come to a point where I don`t feel fulfilled or have a sense of aimlessness when I`m not studying.

I`ve hard wired myself to fully adopt the wagie lifestyle but now since it`s the holidays I`ve never had this much free time and all I can think about is study study study when there will be plenty of it next year. Even as I`m doing pleasureable things like watching movies, exercising, jacking off or listening to music, my mind is WORK WORK WORK. I don`t drink, go to parties or get laid in university.

What`s happening Sup Forums? Is this how workaholics feel? Am I fully transationing into a corporate cuck who`ll give 15-20% of my earnings to the NEET masterace?

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You need a productive hobby.

That takes time and effort.

Checked. Try roller skating or frog watching

Valkyria chronicles 4 is coming out next year.

>tfw good vidya is the only reason you live at this point

The problem is I listen to this guy too much and he’s shaping my mindset positively and negatively

Skate boarding seems like a good one. They always put up all these signs and knobs to stop the skate board kids, so I assume the skate board kids are doing something right.

Also they usually look like the kind of guys who probably got laid in middle school.

When I was in college I never "studied". I did my assignments with 60% effort, failed a class so I didn't even pass, and still got a job in my field. (Audio engineer). People who spend all their time on school then homework then studying really do piss me off I say.

This is gonna sound normie as fuck but the only two games I’ve really loved were Age of empires 2 (playing with friends) and skyrim. I find vidya way too time consuming to enjoy now and resort to movies and music exclusively

I went to school for business and a lot of my classes had accountants as they couldn't find full time work as they only worked seasonal.

Might want to think about switching your major.

Get a job, trust me you'll use up your time.

FUCK that’s what I’m scared of. The meme/saying is accounting is the best and most stable business degree but I feel it may go the way of a law degree and be oversaturated. The only thing I have going for me is my GPA...

That's fair enough. Vidya is basically my main hobby besides being a fuckin weeb so I make as much time for it as possible.

It's probably more Normie to play too many games these days in my opinion.

Why? :(

Your are not autistic.

>t. daily factorio player and 7,000 hours in Gmod

why do you need to study that much for accounting? Isn't it easy as fuck?

Do you have a job or study as well? My philosophy for life is like going for a jog, the less I think about it, the more I achieve

as much as I hate agreeing with a leaf I completely get what you are saying man. Doing well in life usually comes down to being in the right place at the right time and then getting lucky. Doing well studying for difficult degrees, certificates or whatever isn't "the way to have a perfect life" that all the tryhards/teachers in your school days tell you it is.

I did and it sucked, that’s why I went to uni. It also doesn’t help that my parents are rich af and really I don’t need to worry about money.
It’s very logical but sometimes it feels like a law degree since when you do external reporting there are lots of regulations which suck the life out of you to learn.

yeah man I fucking don't plan for anything. I literally just apply an exceptionally optimistic attitude to any situation I'm in and wing it.

That goes for every major event in my life and so far it's working out perfectly. I am currently studying a cert 3 in community services.

buy a guitar and learn to play it.
20-30 minutes a day out of your time.

sounds like shit bud
if your parents are that rich then just switch to something that's actually enjoyable or interesting to you, it's only going to get worse the longer you put it off. A year in accounting should be enough credit to switch to something cool, yeah?

I have no idea what that is but good for you man. I could probably do a trade or go into programming or something but my family is very traditionalist with the whole “you gotta go to uni” thing.

The thing is I listen to this guy too much and have based my entire worth on his opinions (scientists, accountants, doctors etc are far more superior to artists, teachers etc) and by switching to something that’s interesting to me but not in demand like drama or music I’m fulfilling his stereotype of the rich kod woth rich parents to bail them out on their poor life decisions.

Furthermore a lot of what he says is kinda true and I can see it all around me like my parents saying
>any degree is a good degree
>follow your heart and the money will follow
>a degree is to get your foot in the door

etc etc etc