What do they mean by this?


Other urls found in this thread:


>America fires ICBM at Best Korea
>Russia calculates ICBM trajectory and sees it approaching their border
>Game over, man!

as opposed to

>U.S. nuclear subs fire nuke cruise missiles at Best Korea
>Best Korea instantly becomes radioactive glass parking lot
>No mixed signals

They mean china can blast them out of space and they are useless but to not lose face they made up some bullshit morale reason to explain their change in strategies.

Look like we'll have to hand them over to Israel for safe keeping. I'm sure they'll only charge us a nominal fee to store them there.

The Jews are getting nervous that we might glass their experiment:

its time to bust the North Korean conspiracy's
>hurr durr no Jewish controlled banks
This is owned by kikes and was sold in 2011 to a kike shell corporation in 2011 called the "Nice Group" in China The founder, Nigel Cowie(a Brit kike), still lives in North Korea and was found to finance their weapons program.
>hurr durr no Jewish controlled economy

>hurr durr rare earth minerals
((They)) get them from China who buys them from North Korea for next to nothing. China is Israels third largest trading partner. Its impossible to trace the origins of minerals thus the the reason why most wedding rings have blood diamonds

I was watching a simulation about a total nuclear war between us and russia on jewtube the other day. Only about 70 million Americans would die, and it would mostly be niggers, and with my nominal prepping i'm pretty sure I would survive it. I struggle to see the downside...

In reality it would be even less than that.

They're sentient beings capable of thought and launching themselves?

Subs can be found and shot down, in ground ICBM facilities are harder to reach without plenty of warning.

ICBMs kill people.

Full article and original report? Seems like a dumb move, so much for genius strats.

This is just a ploy for us to get poorer nations to disarm themselves of any real weapons to hurt us. We already have 'rods from God' in place to replace our nuclear stockpile. They're a far more economical weapon when you think of the years of nuclear fallout that can be avoided with a simple tungsten rod dropped from orbit.

There's no way a country like NK or Iran will ever get control of any space based weapons platforms, so this is an ideal situation for the major powers to consolidate their hold on "mutually assured destruction" weapons, and hold the rest of the world in check.


What a great idea! Israel is such a great partner, I'm sure they'd be willing to help us!!

moscow would get a nuke and nyc would get a nuke
then china will nuke LA
then us nukes china
they nuke tokyo
china gets nuked again
pakistan nukes india for hell of it
saudis pack into space ships
mice trigger earth self destruct sequence
thanks for all the fish
answer is 42
the end


Fuck, this is why I didn't post this shit in /pol, god damnit. With all the 12yo retards that don't get that the irony of them stating that ICBMs could cause a nuclear war by accident, and somehow kitchen knifes could not. Fucking hell you guys don't deserve to be white.


nyc getting a nuke

if you speak it like that
it seems like only upsides - just removes the infestation of big cities from the coasts

ground based missile systems seem kinda third world, lets just sell them to the pakis or somebody like that


We are in slow nuclear holocaust because Fukushima is still leaking into ocean and it cannot be stopped because radiation inside reactor buildings is too high even for robots and it just keeps rising.

Fukushima is the worst disaster of our time and there's literally nothing we can do to stop it.

Tepco doesn't know where melted cores are because they have melted deep into to the earth and radioactive groundwater keeps leaking into ocean. We cannot just pour concrete over it because it will leak into ocean anyway. Radiation inside the buildings is too high even for robots and humans would collapse in seconds.

Marine life is dying in pacific, you can google "pacific die-offs".

MSM is covering it up to avoid global panic. Tokyo isn't safe for 2020 olympics either. I would not be suprised if they were cancelled because by 2020 Japan is really fucked. People have radiation sickness symptoms and birth defects have gone trough roof.

Just remember my words if you don't believe me now. Fukushima will lead to major panic in the future when MSM cannot cover it up anymore.

It's much worse than chernobyl, reactor 3 had MOX-fuel made from plutonium, thats why it exploded critically, it wasn't hydrogen explosion. It has been estimated that by now Fukushima has released over hundred times more radioactive fallout into ocean than Chernobyl did into atmosphere.

America isn't safe either. Jet stream brings radioactive particles over the pacific and ocean currents will spread them around the world.



Follow them if you want redpill on this. People don't realize that it will slowly kill whole globe. What happens when Japan runs out of nuclear engineers and becomes inhabitable? Who will fix it then?

Aircrews and people who fly a lot are suffering from radiation poisoning because planes attract radioactive particles from Fukushima:


Pilot are having blackouts and seizures, even fistfights have occurred. Aircrews get more radiation during 40 hours of flying than nuclear workers get in a year. Radiation levels inside planes have increased over tenfold after 2011 Fukushima accident. There's lots of static electricity on airplane skin which attracts radioactive particles and engines are sucking them also. Wigner effect is causing planes to fail.


Fukushima is massive coverup and it's much worse than MSM lets you believe. It's still leaking as we speak.

They mean that practical anti-ballistic missile technology is in the works and it's time to go back to bombers.

Nothing new, they've been calling from a shift from Trident (air-sea-land) nuclear force to a bident or mono-sea nuclear force for years.

Atomics are extremely expensive to keep in a state of readiness. Most people call for scrapping air based bombers before land based ICBMs though because they are the least relevant in terms of delivery.


I want nuclear artillery and torpedos added to the mix of other options as wel Jus' saying.

They mean that they want to use faster and cheaper weapons platforms to end the world

Like cruise missiles

D-did you think a sûbmarine would float up if it gets destroyed?