How do we stop this faggot from ruining the internet?

Come on Sup Forums. We need someone to go murder this Indian piece of shit.

Getting rid of Net Neutrality is shit and you know it. Its anti-consumer. He's a Verizon shill. Fuck him and fuck Trump for hiring him.

Other urls found in this thread:

Net neutrality is communism.
Government control of internet, regulations for "neutrality"
Stop subsidizing Netflix


Netflix uses 40% of all north american bandwidth.

Literally all bandwidth.

That seems so stupidly high that it couldn't possibly be true.

It's true.

They need to be throttled or pay more for their abuse.

I want to give ISP the tools to fix this broken shit.

That is a bullshit talking point.
Internet service providers only have one job. Provide access to the internet at a certain speed and bandwidth. They can charge for how much bandwidth you use but that's about it. That's how it's been for years.

Why the fuck do you want your ISPs to control what kind of website you can access and at what speed and with how much bandwidth you can use at said website. This is over-regulation by internet service providers.

[Citation needed]

Netflix PAID for that bandwidth. Just like you pay for yours. You can't charge Netflix extra for using the service that they paid for. Would you like it if you were charged extra to go on Youtube for example?

Read this:

Got anything besides an opinion piece??

Nigga what?
The article shows you how ISPs work in Portugal as an example since that country doesn't have Net Neutrality protections. That's not an opinion. That's a fact.

Here read this:

They have a few examples in there how this shit could be abused by ISPs.

It literally says opinion on the top...

I mean I understand your willingness to hand the internet over to China is all based on emotions and opinions, but come on m8 try a bit harder.

What if we archive that

Another opinion piece..why?

What does China have to do with this? You're not even making any sense. This isn't some product you can ship from overseas to be sold in the US.

Why even bother archiving opinion pieces from tech blogs?


It's wired.

You idiots do know that if you get rid of Net Neutrality, ISPs could permanently block popular message boards on the internet that they consider hateful. Like this one for example. Where will you shitpost then?

Oh so certain blogs are better than others.. I see

T_D melted down over this. I got banned. I am done with that sub. Neck beard gamers think their rights are being infringed and they became rabid statists all of a sudden. They think they are red-pilled but don't understand economics.

[Citation needed]

Maybe you think you can just be smart and use VPN, well guess what they can block that shit too. In fact, if they wanted to, they can block the software from connecting to the internet to begin with even after you installed it.

>Indian piece of shit
They are called "Stinkdians" affectionately in Romania.

> Why is it so important?

“Without Net Neutrality, cable and phone companies could carve the internet into fast and slow lanes,” warns Save the Internet, a coalition of organisations that have been calling for the preservation of the rules.

“An ISP could slow down its competitors’ content or block political opinions it disagreed with. ISPs could charge extra fees to the few content companies that could afford to pay for preferential treatment – relegating everyone else to a slower tier of service.

“This would destroy the open internet.”

Definitely. And wired is trash tier.

Another opinion piece.

Do you have any facts m8?

Regardless, thanks for what you do archivebro

Honestly I hope it fucking passes just to piss off reddit.

>b-b-but if it happens in America the rest of the world is n-next

Wrong, countries already have net neutrality enshrined in law.

You're so dumb I hope you get brain cancer for real.

Yes, let the monopolies have more power. Yes goyim, help out the rich elite. Don't worry, we'll make your life safe by only allowing you to view 10 websites of our choosing. Good goyim.

It's easy, we kill the Pai Man.

You must either be a pathetic troll or a Comcast/Verizon shill. If the only way you can argue is by saying "well that's like your opinion man", then please kindly fuck off from this thread. I'm sure there's a blacked thread you can participate in.

ISPs can already block whatever website they want to retard.

Sup Forums has been blocked by US ISPs before.

Nice touch with the """"""""""republican"""""""""" meme flag
now fuck off and kys

They can block sites by ignoring laws that tell them they shouldn't. Verizon tried to throttle Netflix for months illegally until Netflix showed irrefutable data this was happening.

You're literally OK with companies fucking you in the ass. Cuck mindset. Sad

Found the retard

People here just don't get it. If you go actually spend long enough time in countries that don't have Net Neutrality, you would know how fucked up it already is.
And that's just in the past few years. With the technology that ISPs have now, they can easily control every aspect of your internet experience. Who the fuck knows how much worse it will get in the future.

They already pay ISPs for outgoing bandwidth. If they are slowing the internet down it is because ISPs have sold more bandwidth than exists.

That's pretty much the crux. If I sell you water at a flow rate of 1 gallon per minute and your flow rate drops as soon as your neighbors take a shower or water their garden it is not you neighbor or showers/gardens etc that are the problem.

The problem is the water company who over promised on capacity.

Net neutrality is actually a complex issue. There are advantages and disadvantages to it.

FU and Fuck Soros

They did it illegally. Now you want to make it legal? Please stop being so ignorant on this issue.

The disadvantages and potential for abuse far outweighs the advantages. The major positive is that ISPs can charge you more money for the same service that you've been getting so they make more money at your expense.

stop being a fucking faggot

fuck off you jew shills

we support net neutrality. FUCK YOU JEWS

Soros thanks you for your hard work boys

Please explain the disadvantages for people who PAY for the internet. I get that companies are unable to fuck us in the ass more without it. Is that the only reason it should be repealed? So companies can charge us way more for content we're already paying for?

I pay $70 for a 150/150 connection. Without net neutrality, I'm not really paying for a 150/150 connection anymore. I'm paying for what could theoretically be a 0/0 connection until I pony up more for services I want. That is a fucked system.

Found the Soros shill

Yeah, that's exactly the issue. When I was overseas on a foreign exchange program in asia, I got so pissed off at the internet provider there that I went to their building and some prick told me exactly what you said. They are overselling.

I imagine what's the most likely scenario in the near future is that your ISP will give you a basic down/up connection speed, where you pay extra on top of that for popular websites like Youtube, Netflix and so on.
They get to charge these services and you for the faster connectivity. Its a win-win scenario for them.

That's fucked

It is. In some countries, that's exactly how it works.

>If you go actually spend long enough time in countries that don't have Net Neutrality
That was America 2 years ago

Now you're just being ignorant. They were fighting a legal battle with the FCC on this very issue for a number of years. They won that case, and now the only thing stopping them from fucking everyone over are these protections they want to remove.

Fuck off reddit shill

Every one of these NN threads.

You’re one ignorant anus. Ajit’s gunna Pia you.

How am I wrong? That's exactly what's going to happen.

comcast/verizon thank you for your shitty edgy posts.

Over rule the DC Circuit court which ruled that the FCC doesn't have the authority to enforce neutrality. Which is what led to the 2015 decision to reclassify ISPs and Broadband providers as carrier services placing them under Title II. This vote is to return their classification to information services and disentangle them from title II.

Net neutrality would still be in place.

i mean if you guys want to get fucked harder by ISP's then i guess by all fucking means be against NN

I hate George Soros and I hate you too. Both of you are equally retarded.

You will be the first to cry once you end up paying more to access dumb sites that ISPs know they can Jew you over for viewing.

People who support the repeal of NN are of the cuck mindset. Enjoy your ass drilling if it gets repealed.

... you know im calling the guy AGAINST NN a cuck, right?
i dont want to get my ass probed harder than ISP's annon.

The whole point for getting rid of title ii is to get rid of net neutrality so what you said is completely wrong.

I want to find you, put a gun in each and every one of you NN pushers mouths, and smile as i blow the brains out of your fucking skulls.
Stop shilling this shit here before you make someone very angry.

You should instead kill yourself for being a sheep.

did amerishats not have internet before net (((neutrality)))?

competing corporate control over internet content vs government control over internet content.
>at&t throttles your shit, go to comcast for your tubes
>government throttles your shit or just bans it entirely...ummm

No you are just an idiot.

In 2011 net neutrality rules went into place in the FCC and lasted until 2014, when after a law suit the DC Circuit court ruled the FCC did not have the authority to enforce these rules on ISPs and Broadband providers.

They were reclassified as carrier services which gave the FCC implicit authority and subjected them to title II regulations which has its own neutrality language.

However under Title II there is no oversight from the FTC and they essentially become state protected monopolies immunizing them against failure and creating a barrier against competition.

Removing them from title II is a good thing. However we need to either/both over turn the circuit courts idiotic decision and amended the telecom act or write new legislation that specifically codify neutrality laws and give the FCC authority to enforce without the bullshit in title II.

The original 2011 neutrality rules are still there guys, it's just some faggy circuit court said the FCC can't enforce them.

>Net neutrality is communism

I'll happily own that. Everybody remember that monopoly control of the internet by ISPs is capitalism when you're horrified by how shitty it is. Then maybe you'll realize that the rest of the anti-communist propaganda are all lies, too.

>monopoly control
what do you think communism is?

The government doesn't control the internet with title ii. The main thing that is says is that ISPs cannot block, paid prioritize, or throttle your connection besides excluding caps on bandwidth.

You still have monopoly control under these current rules dumb fuck and it is even worse because it is now a state protected monopoly like your power company.

Net Neutrality isn't government regulation of the internet - it's government regulation of ISPs. And they should regulate ISPs because utilities are natural monopolies.