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SHUT UP RAND nobody cares
anyway so how the fuck do we stop right wing violence???

That’s kind of sad

Next time keep the clippings on YOUR side of the lawn!

that's what he gets for being a fucking Nazi

can you stop memeing and put yourself in guy's place for a moment? that's fucking horrible

>follow in father's foot steps
>be doctor
>fight for the constitution all your life
>also be a manlet with a bad haircut
>hated by both sides for being right about almost everything
>almost assasinated playing baseball
>neighbor almost kills you
>still no chance of being President

this is how a female says "he's got a broken rib"

When will they learn?

I fell off some rocks while backpacking and cracked six ribs then had to hike back to my car and drive to the hospital. You’ll be fine Rand, quit bitching.

difference is he is 54 and healing speed and quality degrades exponentially, you fucktard

I-I was going to vote for you Randy. sorry..

Rand ... had a hard life

Enjoy the healthcare the taxpayers pay for fucko.

Rib injuries are a bitch.

divine punishment for kissing the AIPAC ring.


well that’s what he gets for being old

>things that trigger libertarians

Next time take care of your lawn.


Is the Randlet gonna make it?

That is usually how a broken rib feels

Maybe he shouldn't have voted to let billions die without healthcare and to let the super rich save millions in tax every year using the estate tax exemption

Poor guy, that sucks. Probably a broken rib. I can't have one thing go wrong with me without freaking the fuck out (major hypochondriac) so I can't imagine dealing with that

1.73m/5 8 is not manlet, ok?

He violated NAP because some of blades grass from his lawn fell on his neighbors property line
Literally the neighbor had every right to react like that

>Maybe he shouldn't have voted to let billions die without healthcare

There is no bill that affect healthcare. There are a few that affect health insurance tho.

My boyfriend is 6'8" and my mom is 5'11"

i wonder why he was attacked in the first place...

Shit I must have missed the news where it said billions of people on a planet with a population of approximately 7 billion people just suddenly dropped dead

Holy shit your dad is going to die early.

Tell the class what you think the Estate Tax is.

...limits met, the pendulum swings, zen.

>conservative politicians continue to be targets for liberal extremists
when do we ban leftist rhetoric?
where is the line drawn?
when do we tell those psychotic kikes spics niggers and race traitors that their heads are next on the block before that kill another conservative?

This is awful.

Anyone making fun of him should consider some rope.


>5' 4"
wew lad
you're just giving away inches now

>be Dr. Manlet
>drive around neighborhood on your lawn mower
>le fuck off face
>Dr. Chad DOMINATES you
>wife has to defend you in the press because everyone else thinks it's funny

This is sad. Fox and other right wing news are not even covering Rand Paul.

>implying Rand uses shitty single-payer

We need to stop holding back and playing this game like we have some "honor and high ground". These leftists do not play by those rules and both our decisions will decide whether our children are born in comfort, in a fallout shelter, or not at all. Fuck honor, these people will shoot us on the walls or chop or heads off when given the chance - how is it honorable to die giving (((them))) and their pet third worlders OUR civilization, OUR birthright, OUR country.
If a leftist means harm to you or your family, do not hold back on bringing down lead of vengeance upon them. They will not cry out as they strike, but cry out as they are defeated.

calm down, little man
you aren't defeating anyone
city people out number you and they are smarter


He needed this to be president. Him and his father were always too nice. Needed some more cynical sarcasm and shit talking in them. Misery. It's kinda of what made this alt-right thing work.

Six broken ribs and fluid around a lung. Dude could have died.