What did you just ask her?

What did you just ask her?

>Is OP a fag?

>you will never listen to music with koito post-coitus

>can you show me your no pillow

Are you worst girl?

>is Kyoani a shitty studio?

>Would you kindly kys?

>Can I use you headphones?

Coito with Koito.

>Do you like rough anal sex?

>Are we going to get season two?

Mai is best girl?

>Did you drop this 'yes' pillow?

>could you hold that pillow in front of you and pretend for a second you're not a shit?


I asked her to give pussy

>did you vote trump?

>Are you the worst Phantom?
>It's May-onneisama best Phantom?

Eat the eggs. All of them.

>Isn't Mai a wonderful girl?

may I cum inside this time?

>are the headphones just for looking cool and shit?

Can I leave?

Does P = NP?

No way it does stupid girl

>Do you want to get some McNuggets at McDonald's with me?

>Do you hate me?

Do you take it in the ass?


Not now, I have the talking pillow

Are you worst girl?

Can I borrow your headphones? mine just quit on me.

When the first post is the best post