Kraut/pol/ - It's anuddah shoa edition

Jamaica coalition is kill.
FDP won't do the Jamaica Jive.
SPD in full damage control mode LARPing as opposition.
Grüne & CSU almost french kissing each other.
Presicuck Steinmeier won't call for new election.

>upcoming elections
early 2018: possible federal re-election
06.05.2018: regional election in Schleswig-Holstein
autumn: regional elections in Bavaria and Hessen

>AfD related

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english
>AfD's Basic Program (in german)

If you can spare some shekels:




>Jewtube videos (commentary, AfD shitposting and aesthetics):

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

Other urls found in this thread:

Why did the previous thread get shoa'd?????
Some user with video skills please capture Weidel giving the bird at 1:38

wtf did just happen?


The AfD is actually a subversive puppet party supporting left totalitarianism and authoritarian progressivism and hates every form of national sovereignty, it wants the United States of Europe, flooded with migrants (literally). It is controlled by a CONSORTIUM of powerful establishment members.

They are stealing certain positions of true right wing parties (like the NPD), but they are definitely not (alt)right, they are simply a controlled opposition party created by members of establishment parties. They supress everyone wanting to lead the party away from "THEM" (Example: Björn Höcke, one of the only true right wing leaders, currently secretly being bullied out).

They are basically Merkel (probably even worse), except that they are just pretending to support right wing positions. And they even fail at that at some points.

Here are some links to the Wahrheitspresse, revealing this full blown government funded conspiracy to the public (suppressed by the MSM).

Also, Germany now officially has its own CTR which is funded by Soros (They're trying to discredit the AfD, but it's easy to see this as an attempt to drive more people to the AfD, DONT FALL FOR IT ITS OBVIOUS ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE AFD):

They started to cooperate with facebook in order to distribute their propaganda and people are rapidly falling for it. This propaganda is funded by the government and zionistic/jewish supporters. They are even directly targeting jews to get their support (



Too many Ronnys kvetching in German I'd wager.

REMEMBER FAMALAM and B-tards, Sup Forums ain't Deutschfaden or Krautchan!

I think HWNDU is on auto sage


The problem was HWNDU in the OP

Wos host Du grod von mia gsagt Du gstingada kloana Saugrattler? Du woast fei scho dass I schon aus da Grundi im Hochzug bei de Gebirgsjaga ois Besta aussaganga bin, I war in am Hauffa saugeheime Raffareien mit de Mohammedana und hob über 300 obgraglt, garantiert. I bin a drainierta Untergrundkempfa und I bin da beste Scharfschütz von da ganzn Armee. Du bist nix für mi ois a zui mera, I blos Dir so prazis Dei Liachtal aus wie's die Welt no ned gseng hod, host me? Du glaubst Du kanntst davokemma nachdem Du sowas von mia gsogt host aufm Internet? Da denkst nummoi drüba noch, Oarschgsicht. Grao wie mia redn ruaf I meine Spionage-Spezln im ganzn Bayernland zsam, und dei IP werd grod im moment zruckverfoigt oiso richt Di scho amoi her fürn Sturm, Du Wurm. Der Sturm der wo des kloane Ding ausradiert wos Du rührselig Lebn nennst. Du bist aufgschmissn. Kloana. I kon übaroi sei, ollawei, und i kon de auf mera wia siebnhundad Artn dagragln, und des aloa mit meine Handerln. I bin ned blos gübt im Wirtshausraffa, sondern i hob a an zugriff auf des ganze Arsenal von der freiwillign Feiawehr von Olching und i werd des ois hernemma damit Dei gstingada Hintan vom schena Bayernland runtergspült werd, Du kloana Schoashauffn! Wenn Du gwusst hätts wos Dei kloana "schlauer" Kommentar auf De runterreisst, dann hättst wahrscheinlich Dei voisoachts Maul ghoidn. Aba Du hosts ned kenna, Du host Dei Mei aufreissn miassn, und jetzt zoist, Du gottverdammta Troddl. I scheiss an grant üba Dir aus und Du werst drin dasauffa. Du bist komplett hi, Klona

ok are you one of axel stoll`s former adepts or what? bahahaha
gtfo shill

I'm still amazed that we managed to teach real German to Bavarians

you don't fucking deserve this get!

I'm amazed that you think we managed that.


this is not really bavarian tbqh
countless mistakes


Anti german mods shadow-banning our threads.

It's 2017 at least, and Sup Forums is known to every Normie.

WTF is wrong with the mods?!

Again for you brainlets. HWNDU was in the OP.

HWNDU = auto sage

damn, well, again


didn't bother to look up what shadowban means

previous thread was archived out of the blue.

since th thread is going to get deleted, can we get some Hitler love in here?

War von Anfang an nicht bumpbar

found the thread on the first page though.


That´s what we call a ´´Volksuntreue Fotze´´

brainlet here
i still am going to post Hitler


Hallo Martin auch mal wieder in Berlin?

we should all show up there and ambush the leftists trying to ambush the IB

sry i am not martin haha
i am in the IB tough

Retweet means shekels for AfD

That is really strange. I still can't attach pictures.

do you have an Hitler youth haircut?
you probably did get radicalized on th chinz. how did the other members of your group find the IB?


speaking of Hitler

Any members left so far?

What's the age limit for the IB? I'm 26 can I still join?


amerimutt mods

>What's the age limit for the IB? I'm 26 can I still join?

Yeah, it goes up to 35.


lol actually i do
well me and 6 members are very close tbqh
we are happy that we made this decision and we will probably never split up
that is so flattering of you!
the only guy that got thrown out 1 month ago because he was some untermensch that went full 1488
we need intellectuals and not dumb skinheads
you are in your prime

sry but the Chad meme is all about Chad doing ridiculous stupid things and refuses to do anything if he doesn´t have the attention of everybody around
>Stehts bemüht Gewalt zu vermeiden.
this should be
>refuses to fight antifa females until he gets full media coverage


Sup Forums
don´t know more

Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku (The Manga)

SPD bitches demand Groko


It's not from me, don't take this crap too serious.

>lol actually i do
>well me and 6 members are very close tbqh
>we are happy that we made this decision and we will probably never split up
awww that´s cute!


Newest poll (november 21) - hilariously the results would be pretty much the same, except right wing doing a bit better

spd is now a feminist powerhouse
martini martini won't be able to hide this for much longer

Not going to happen


check pic related haircut out. i would like this one

Read my thread too plox:

cdu under 30
groko (almost) nogo

>shitskin driver literally throws the Christmas tree to the ground in the fist 5 seconds
>shitskin driver is actually supposed to wear a cross but it got changed so to be more inclusive towards Muslims
>only shitskin driver and shitskin girl have ‘backstorys” while the german guy is just angry
>literally everyone is mad at the white guy and tell him to shut up
>call the germanguy “gringo”
>shitskin proves that he only cares about his ingroup by ignoring the obviously anxious german and going to the shitskin girl

Not a single person speaks german in this ad directed towards german people in Germany

I’m literally shaking

Down with Merkel!

>spiegel poll
next please!
>awww that´s cute!

yeah looking good!
you cannot go wrong with such a haircut
i also recommend using pomade for styling instead of nafri style wax or gel

She would be gone if you burgers didn't control the government.

this shit has nothing to do with germany

dont forget to DOWNVOTE!

Makes my blood boil

Look trough the commentsection. At least internet deathsquad wasn’t sleeping


Why is Sellner allowing himself to be shown as whipped cuck in Brittany's videos?

i can´t watch this. who the fuck writes this bullshit. it´s boring and full of cliche

What's wrong with you?

I'm speaking from foreigner's perspective.
How does IB view other foreign nationalist movements?

six terrorists that planned terror attack in Essen out of jail
No word in the article of how they checked out the mall disguised as architecture students.

so that fag is saying,
ideological leftist retard bubbles and progress are antithetical?

'Es ist gut weiss zu sein'

Women are incapable of creativity all they do is use cliches and stuff they see man do.

Thank women for this one too

where does he appear as a cuck?

He is right, we need a Führer

women are very good at diligently andfaithfully regurgitating stuff

Another socialist like Hitla?
No thanks.

oh shice

Theres nothing wrong with supporting your own kind.

As long as they swallow my semen they can regurgitate whatever. RIGHHTT????

Haha “chad highfive”

Leeching off the working man of your race is not "supporting your kind", you fucking NEET.

but there is something wrong with socialism.

The top 1% pay around 80% of all incometaxes

So basically you’re living off the rich who sell you their shit stuff

Ok here's insa. AfD 14%


Fucking great.

GROKO will come


yes, i am on a strict diet of auto inuuendo

look at the digitz

Nice projecting, limited socialism is the way to go. Libertarianism is just as cancer as communism is.

>spiegel poll

you can clearly see his profound sweating and uncomfortable presence in her videos.
Is Brittany's sister dating anyone of you?
How connected are you guys to other nationalist movements?
Are there any East Frisian section of the movement existing? Or near Bremen (I'd like to meet them :3)?

>"Hey fellow alt-right nazis, do not vote for the only party that makes it over the 5% barrier. Instead, vote for a splitter party that barely gets 1% or less and is totally controlled by the Verfassungsschutz!"

NPD is only V-Männer and furries.

nah dont believe these fags
honestly my dear kameraden
>well he is trying to communicate with a US chick with an austrian accent
>mh i dont know her sister?
>i dont know much about these branches sry i am only with them for half a year

maybe google and look it up on fb

actually once in a year i always visit bremen!
living in bavaria while being a werder fan is pretty rough

>implying anything big doesn't start small

Bogthread connection to the current situation

Every right-wing party that isn't the AfD is controlled-oppo that literally just exists to split the right-wing vote.

>The top 1% pay around 80% of all incometaxes

Bullshit, they are evading taxes like no one else.

It's the "Mittelstand" who gets raped 24/7 by leeches from the lower class as well as tax evading "1%", they all want the money from the middle class.

fuck them

shit post in /mämmi/ (in Sup Forums) to let me know when you're around

It's such a low effort shilling, I can't believe they pay these losers.