Holocaust memorial in Höcke's backyard

Activists have erected a replica of the Holocaust memorial in Berlin in proximity and view of Björn Höcke's family home in the 270 people village of Braunhagen.
They threaten to release damaging information, unless he takes a knee in front of it.
Does this go to far Sup Forums, or is it "legitimate to use Nazi methods against Nazis" as organiser Morius Enden says?

SPON archive.is/oxMzX
WELT archive.is/KTeem

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Blackmail is not morally permissible for anyone

that dude is a total idiot for saying that this Holocaust memorial ought to be removed. And to say that in Germany even more so...

who gives a shit, their time is coming. Let them half their laughs, it will make victory sweeter.


>Literally giving him free tank traps

>"legitimate to use Nazi methods against Nazis" as organiser Morius Enden says
there is the name, might aswell teach him Nazi methods.

what holocaust..that was the original fake news

Who paid for this shit?

idiot..or hereo

Blackmail is illegal. Laws are to be enforced no matter what. Order and security trump all other considerations.

What kind of person wants their world to be populated with intentionally ugly objects? You can't have a beautiful and pleasing park space because you need to constantly feel like you live in a graveyard for punishment over something that happened before you were born.

>Spenden sollen Aktion finanzieren

„Und weil Höcke ein heimlicher Verehrer des Denkmals ist, bauen wir’s ihm jetzt vors Haus“, heißt es in dem von den Zentrum-Machern veröffentlichten Video. Im Internet kann nun jedermann dafür Sorge tragen, dass das Mahnmal mindestens die nächsten zwei Jahre über, wahrscheinlich sogar noch länger betrieben werden kann. 54.000 Euro sollen für fünf Jahre reichen. Ein Großteil des Geldes ist bereits gespendet worden.
Über die Online-Seite deine-stele.de wird Geld für den Betrieb gesammelt. Für 20 Euro gibt es zum Beispiel eine an Höcke adressierte Weihnachtskarte mit der Aufschrift „Björn, ich habe Dir ein massives Denkmal gesetzt!“. 50 Euro kostet ein musealer Audio-Rundgang mit dem Künstler Shahak Shapira, der die Aktion unterstützt.
Die Aktivisten haben aber nicht nur gebaut, sondern sie haben das Haus von Björn Höcke Tag und Nacht nicht aus den Augen gelassen. Sie nennen ihre Aufführung die „aufwendigste Langzeitbeobachtung des Rechtsradikalismus in Deutschland“.

out of the WElt article

AFD is not even a Nazi party but very loyal to Israel.
I hate Germans for being this retarded. Prussia was nationalistic too, and everything before. But because of Hitler everything traditional equals building concentration camps and killing jews.
>that dude is a total idiot for saying that this Holocaust memorial ought to be removed. And to say that in Germany even more so...

No, he's right. A negative founding story is like rotten root for a tree.
No country except Germany is so much into self flaggelation. Holocaust is almost a fetish for them.
Höcke said Germans are the only ones who place a shame monument right into their capital city and shove it constantly into each others faces even young children who were not alive back then. That's just harmful for Germans.

Also it looks ugly as fuck and nobody would know what it stands for if there were not dozens of compicated explanations

Gross. At da goyims expense!

well thats stalking and blackmailing. But who cares if they say he's a Nazi

>everything traditional equals building concentration camps and killing
And it's our job to correct the record on that. Sure, we want to expell Jews and execute the real bad ones but it's not systematic extermination. That is and has always been, a meme.

Germans treat ruining each other's lives as a consequence free game that is fun.

Holocaust Memorial or Ultimate Vehicle Jihad Barricade?

>Das Zentrum sucht Mitarbeiter für seinen „Zivilrechtlichen Verfassungsschutz“. Also Menschen, die Björn Höcke observieren.
„Schlafen Sie direkt im Haus neben ihm, spielen Sie mit seinen Schafen“, lockt das Zentrum „erprobte Hacker, Toningenieure und Detektive“.

I should've just pasted the whole article desu since no one clicks links anyway

yes Germans also have shows where they exploit semi retarded uggos for fun in dating shows.
This backstabbing, bullying and denunciating is a german trait and can bee observed especially in "anti nazis".
To me atm the left and Antifa is way more acting like SS in Weimar republic than the right wingers and identitarians.

Germans are thought from a very young age to hate everything german, this is the result.


Everything comes in cycles. Certainly there must be a newer generation that will flip the script. I might just live to see the Final Reich.

Its true, this obsession with the holocaust is sick. Our society is sick. Its a disgusting foundation myth, and our entire perspective has been warped by it. It is one of the reasons why the west is so weak, insipid, damaged, they are like victims mentally, they exist in this haze of "oh the horror!" and are frozen by it into inaction and madness. At no other point in history that I am aware of, was any society founded on worshiping their own "victimization". This bleeds into the greater culture too, everyone likes being a victim, they like being weak and damaged, they derive a twisted pride from being supposed or real victims. And because of all this, our society also focuses an unrealistic amount of "atrocities" and hypes everything up to be the end of the world. They pretend as if the holocaust will not be forgotten in a thousand years, as all other atrocities have been, real or imagined.

I always remember that clip of an antifa parade that marched to the home of some burly skin head lads and egged them into a fight. They bought out a bunch of fresh, unused aluminum bats but got greeted with guns to the face by some hidden mercenaries or some shit that where marching with he antifags. Goaded into defending themselves then arrested for it. Coordinated takedown.

This. I'm pleased to see the Left and Right fighting against another holocaust memorial in London. They will probably lose, but it's the first time I've seen any hint of a public fightback.

>A negative founding story is like rotten root for a tree
No. It's a lesson in not overestimating your country and being more rational and emotionally restrained, like Bismarck was

these shows where ordinary germans are shown in a very bad way are played on and off all day in TV. they are usually called "Unterschichten TV". they are typically broadcasted when young children get out of school and switch on their TV when home, brainwashing them into thinking Germans are trash. In addition, everything is staged and the very bad behaviours of the actors are emphasized.

>No. It's a lesson in not overestimating your country and being more rational and emotionally restrained, like Bismarck was
Bismarck would be called white nationalistic, nazi and rightwing.

And the holocaust cult doesn't make Germany more rational. Not at all.


That is a good thing. Unified Germany is too dangerous.

I know you hate the Nazis, but that doesn't give you the right to have fucking retarded opinions. STFU Pawel.

Bjorn needs to say sorry for his insensitive remarks.

>And the holocaust cult doesn't make Germany more rational. Not at all.
in my view it does, given that Germans are generally mentally and emotionally unstable people. Why the hell do you think Romanticism emerged there. Germans are incapable of organising their daily, routine life, and all they think of is either quick death, exhausting work, drugs, sex, alcohol or total war. They see no reason to live because they're cold in human relations and they don't know how to enjoy daily life, like the Spanish or Italians, so they don't care what happens to them, they can die on order. Look at Merkel, she has nothing to lose because she has no family

soros. those are typical jewish financed shills.

>be kikes
>can build holocaust memorial in Berlin
>could've just erected a statue and noone would have cared
>instead build some massive god-ugly concrete monstrosity that looks like shit that you know no one likes
>when people rightfully complain it looks like shit, cry antisemitism and play the victim

>yes Germans also have shows where they exploit semi retarded uggos for fun in dating shows.

Reality TV is an american concept. Oh, and dont let the name fool you.

(((who))) do you think?

>blackmail and harrassment
he could drag them through the courts.


but its awful. In US there are also similar shows but Germans take it to a whole new level



You seem clueless, maybe you should stick to what you are most able to do cleaning toilets.

Wenn ich das seh, werd ich echt sauer, Polackenlümmel schreien "white power"!

no it just gives them another opportnity to eat each other as you can see. Just look what this thread is about.

Rich comeing from an American, the country conducting an insane amount of weapon experiments on their civilians and with defecto wars on every continent except anatartica and Australia.



how about I'll do both

Memorial? Is it a statue of a bunch of greedy pigs robbing clueless people?

You are being very dishonest, you probably do not really believe what you are writing either. Just trying to demoralise the Germans in here.

>No. It's a lesson in not overestimating your country and being more rational and emotionally restrained, like Bismarck was
>Why the hell do you think Romanticism emerged there

Are Germans overemotional and irrational or cold and soulless? You can't seem to make up your mind.

Schlomos don't spend money.

the Menorah didn't like playing second string to the Swastika

get rid of the VPN hans, no self respecting austrian would use such a fucking gay word


>Are Germans overemotional and irrational or cold and soulless? You can't seem to make up your mind
According to Thomas Mann, Bismarck was one of a kind political genius of Germany, so he was an exception to the rule

>You are being very dishonest
no, it's the truth, Germans feel certain envy towards Romance countries, especially France. For instance, during WW2 they had an order to destroy both Paris and Warsaw, but they refused to ruin the former, because to them this was a great city

Jeez that memorials a fucking eye-sore. Designed by a Jew to spite Germany I bet

>if Jews LARP as Whites to give them a bad name; why shouldn't Whitey LARP as a Jew
>turnabout is fair play
>it would be unfortunate tho if Whitey LARP'd as a Jew to weaponize the religion of peace against a group that weaponizes the religion of peace against Whitey; no?

and btw. this relates to all countries that don't have a latin type culture. Russians are for instance similarly fanatical to the Germans. One Ukrainian woman told my mother that she was surprised that Poles clean their homes and have family gatherings for Easter, Christmas and such, because they don't have such things in Ukraine. I assume it's similar in Russia and Germany, where they don't have developed routine, every day life

>talking about envy of other Europeans

Recently there even was a topic created by two Germans, one where a German said that we should celebrate the best country in the world, that is France and the other created that map with likes/dislikes. He disliked Eastern Europe, but he liked France and when a Frenchman asked him why did he do that, because Frenchmen "dislike them", then he answered something along what's not to like, great country, great culture. Look at how the French and British described Germans during WW1. As Huns and uncivilized people, and it's a real complex that the Germans have, that they lack the grace, satisfying lifestyle, work-life balance, entertainment like Romance nations

If they had felt truly envious and spiteful they would have destroyed Paris.

You do not have a latin culture either man, just beacuse you are catholic it doesn't mean you are not slavic.

>. One Ukrainian woman told my mother that she was surprised that Poles clean their homes and have family gatherings for Easter, Christmas and such, because they don't have such things in Ukraine. I assume it's similar in Russia and Germany, where they don't have developed routine, every day life

lmfao. family meetings and traditions are not exclusive to catholics we have it too. I don't care what hohols do, don't project their behaviour on us. As for routine you seem to confuse it with traditions, Germans are known for their strict routine and lack of flexibility in the rest of Europe.

Honestly man I am not sure what you are trying to say here, you are not being very coherent.

>they would have destroyed Paris
no, just like they didn't destroy the polish city Cracow, which they saw as a proper and beautiful germanic city, Hans Frank even tried to give the Wawel hill castle proper legal protections under german law

>You do not have a latin culture either man, just beacuse you are catholic it doesn't mean you are not slavic
we are slavic, but Poland is a mediterranean type of culture, this is why germanization and russification didn't end in success

>family meetings and traditions are not exclusive to catholics we have it too
they aren't exclusive, but family-centered cultures are mediterranean cultures. In northern countries you don't have a developed family centered routine. Notice how Italians even stay longer with their mothers, while Northerners get out of home asap

>no, just like they didn't destroy the polish city Cracow

again, admiration is not jelousy. Respecting beauty and preserving it is a good thing.

>but Poland is a mediterranean type of culture, this is why germanization and russification didn't end in success

I very much doubt that you are "mediteranean", you Poles have always had an inflated sense of uniqueness. Special snowflake nation.

Also if Germanisation ended in failure, how come you guys keep complaining about eastern Germany being populated by Germanised Poles?

> In northern countries you don't have a developed family centered routine

we do, just less so than southern ones. You are being too binary in your thinking. This also have nothing to do with your claim that we lack "routine".


>This also have nothing to do with your claim that we lack "routine"
then why are northern nations significantly more depressed than southern nations?

>how come you guys keep complaining about eastern Germany being populated by Germanised Poles?
it's a meme, nobody seriously believes in germanized Poles nonsense. There are a lot of germanized Slavs, but Eastern Germany is mostly Germans, come on

>Special snowflake nation
how is this a special snowflake? Being part of a broader cultural type is being a special snowflake? Rather one of many

Wtf is the Nazi method here? and why is Höcke Nazi?
Its just to funny to see how the left is only capable of strawmaning the right.

Oh some "progressive foundation" payed 99% of the money how generous of them.
And 1% was given by some antifa cucks that asked their parrents for 10€ more this month.