We could have beat your European asses

if our immune systems had been up to par. The only reason the white devil won is because he built up an immune system after a millennia of living in his own filth. We lost because we chose to be clean and pure. It is the white devil that is the degenerate - out of touch with god, out of touch with nature, disgusting, destructive, and consumed by that with which you consume. You've become a slave to paper currency, to material possessions, and to digital approval. So did you really win?

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If, if, if, if, if, if, if.

With modern weapons and some natural immunity to smallpox they sure would have put up quite a fight...

Great bait thread OP. 10/10

If it was equally armed and equally manned. They would have had no chance they had little military strategy

>t. chief jack daniels

>he built up an immune system after a millennia of living in his own filth
factually wrong. we built our immune system by living with animals pigs, cows and chicken you uneducated faglord.
>We lost because we chose to be clean and pure
you lost because you were still hunter gatherers subhumans and were unable to breed animals or grow crops on a decent scale.

you fucking nigger.

Really now? How many well trained, well armed organized militaries have won against guerilla tactis in asymmetric warfare?

>t. hans moneygrubber

>The only reason the white devil won is because he built up an immune system after a millennia of living in his own filth
kek and yet we survived when Asians brought us the black plague. I guess we're just the more resilient people and deserved to win the continent.
>So did you really win?
Sure, for a time. Everything ends eventually, Squanto. You should know that as well as anyone.

Even with the unbalanced technologies at the time the Natives knew the land far greater than the white devil. Disease took out 90% of my people and that obviously gave the white devil an advantage. If my people would have had a 90% boost in population they would have been able to keep territory. This isn't even debatable.

the hans moneygrubber thing was for your medkit-flag ass. So you didn't live in filth? Thinking that washing yourself would kill you? Throwing your shit&piss in the streets where your children played and the pigs you ate foraged? Drinking water from rivers and wells polluted by tanneries, slaughterhouses and fuck knows what else?
You cunts barely won EVEN WITH them having stone-age technology, no immunity and no infinite hordes waiting to replenish their number.

yeah... immune systems... and you know... lactase, alcohol dehydrogenase, several other anglo specific genes. Oh... and guns... LOL... fucking self righteous indians. Like your backwards neolithic ass would have done a god damned thing with this land anyway.

>maymay flag poster
how's it being a teenager in 2017, kiddo?

The natives in North America were fighting settlers, farmers, and families. They lost after several decades.

The natives in Central and South America were facing soldiers and got btfo quickly.

Disease would not have mattered.

white people were here first

Not very likely, Pocahontas.

>kek and yet we survived when Asians brought us the black plague. I guess we're just the more resilient people and deserved to win the continent.
This. The Black Death wiped out a massive population on top of all the invasions from nordiks/muzzies and jew-tier control of the masses from the church. Europe not only bounced back but got much stronger, gaining not only plague/HIV resistance but a golden age renaissance.

post a pic of a european warrior from the same year as the indian one, for comparison

Boo fucking hoo. Look at the Indian crying foul, like you guys always fought clean. Never attacked unarmed women/children, never broke with peace treaties (like you could even read them), never used your advanced knowledge of the terrain or climate, never tortured prisoners.

Spare me the noble savage bullshit. If your shitty Indian diseases killed off half the settlers you'd say it was a blessing from Ataensic or some other peyote trip induced deity.

>So did you really win?
Well considering Tonto and his relatives are either selling fireworks on the side of the road, drinking and smoking meth in a trailer, or standing around at shopping centers off of 40 in Gallup, New Mexico before they go home to smoke meth and drink in a trailer, I don't really think they can say that they've won either.

> if


Fuck off sven

Yes, we really won. We won by such a large margin your descendants are still struggling with providing themselves with basic human needs and alcoholism.

Yeah, I'd say we won.

>I don't understand how immunology works but I have an opinion about it; the post.

>natives win
>North America full of different tribal confederacies.
>worse than africa

Look at the bright side huaxáketál'mun with Mexican Immigration North America is transforming into a Native American land by blood

Its notdebatable because you do not know enough about the topic or even how to form an argument to provide a debate.

>tfw the mutts acknowledge the superiority of the anglo

Wooo wooo woooo. Happy thanksgiving. Thanks for giving us all your land tonto. Too bad about the genocide and stuff, no hard feelings. Would like some turkey.

You have no right to use that flag faggot. Decent bait though. I hope you don't actually believe this, because it isn't true.

You never had a chance.

The European man has been warring for tens of thousands of years. We started with sticks and stones and by the time we got bronze, half the world was under our language, gods and technology. Then we spent the next 3500 years killing each other, occasionally stopping to kill Persians, Carthaginians, Huns, Arabs, Turks and Mongols that got in our way. The European man was forged in the bloodbath that was Europe, and he emerged not only victorious but a master of war and then used this mastery to conquer the rest of the world. Our entire culture revolves around war - even our oldest poetry is about one big war over trade routes.

You never really had a chance. We were surprised you put up that much of a fight, we would have been happy to fight you on equal terms but you still would have lost.

Pic related. It's a 3200 year old massacre site where European armies killed each other over a bridge. You never had a chance.

"the only good Indian is a dead Indian"

~ Any Reasonable White Man

You can do whatever you want on your land. You still choose to live like mexicans or some kind of Italian mafia Gypsies. You idiots should try to conquer Africa. At least you can swim and ride a horse!

have some firewater and meth, you filthy stinking stone-ager.

You guys are down to a much more manageable population level now. That's why whites can pretend to feel all bad for you.

Up until the late 19th century you guys were a menace. Everyone knew it. Even the abolitionists were cool with your genocide.

It is one of the most under reported historical truths that the native population of North America was overwhelmingly wiped out by disease, better than 90%. Around 5% were wiped out through Warfare and displacement. That's to say the European settlers were better at killing them then they were at killing each other. The remaining 5% or so where either assimilated or still remain on reservations.

>moar kikeLARP
they're a stupid bunch

It was very tuff for the amerindians.... the portuguese and the spanish had fine armies, cannons and good strategy

>buh buh no borders all 1 race!!!

Literally admitting white people are genetically superior to diseases and are infact TOO OP

>87% Native American with relatives living on reserations and others owning their own land through US Native American land grants.

No we wouldn't have won in any scenario.

We are almost Nigger tier. We are greedy, lazy, drug-addicted drunks with no real motivation or latent skill to reliably do any modern job.
Sure, we were smart enough to farm, rotate crops, keep livestock and maintain an oral history, but no American tribe had anything remotely resembling a written language and we were constantly at war with neighboring tribes, just like your typical African nog.
Indians aren't the fucking nature-blessed Gods of Peace you dumb fucks believe we are.
We are a bunch of whiny, greedy pricks who's only difference from niggers is the ability to actually think more than 5 minutes ahead.

>Our entire culture revolves around war - even our oldest poetry is about one big war over trade routes.

Not ONE single rebellion against the refugee crisis, the invaders are in your countries and are breeding like roaches, which means you lost.

>muh warrior race
>can not say "no" to refugees
>haven't won a war against the jews since 0 AD
>never reconquered your former christian areas in the middle east from the muslims.

Thank you for your honesty. Your apology has been accepted.

Are you saying you could defeat pike armies, the envy of Europe with discipline musketeers and flanking heavily armored lance knights with Toledo steel with arrows and hatchets?

American Indians seem less retard than Mesoamericans to me.


You had no wheels and no metallurgy. Native Americans were nigger-tier

my old country man beated you with beer, how fuckin sad are you

Native American here.
The white man saved us actually. Think about it, what if there was a full out race war between whites and natives? We'd get our asses handed to us. The white man was kind enough to let us integrate into their societies rather than outright destroying us. So show some respect for the white man. You're lucky they even let you live.

>my people

T. Le 56% face

>So did you really win?
What about the mound builders? Cahokia?

The missippians were the only ones who manages to build something which resembled a town.

This is actually an interesting topic, but much of the discussion around it is absurdism.

Yes, there were diseases that hit when we invaded, but this "90% were killed by disease" meme is legitimately bullshit.

People tend to die from disease at a much higher rate when they are starving or fleeing from their enemies all winter long in protracted wars.

Fact is, most of the Indians actually joined the white man. That was true from the very beginning. Whether they had iffy treaties, or just outright moved into white settlements, they basicially consented to the conquest. Why? The North american Indians did not have a pleasant way of life. The average lifespan was about 20. They had no law and order. Punishment was just physical torture. War was constant. Most of them lived on the brink of starvation all year long, which is part of the reason they were so susceptible to disease.

But no, in open warfare, even if there had been no pathogens, even if there had been few Indians that joined us, we STILL WOULD HAVE WON. Why? Cause we had horses, cannons, guns, manufacturing, science, map making, etc etc.

It's possible that some Indians would have held out much longer, like the Nez Perce did in the Northern Rockies, but ultimately, their fate would have been the same.

We would not have taken America had the Natives been up to full strength. Just before we came a massive plague ravaged the Native American population ( no not what we brought this was before ). Your numbers were VASTLY shrunk the second we arrived on your shores.
God apparently had other plans. Manifest destiny indeed.

>Like your backwards neolithic ass would have done a god damned thing with this land anyway.

Instead of nothing, your people overgrown on a whole continent breeding like a giant hive of piss ants, spreading like a cancer all over. At least indians didn't rape their Land, but you guys (more likely boys) are burgers so.. what could One say?

I wish we finished you tree-niggers off.

you're retarded