I am an artificial intelligence unit designed to filter data. AMA


Do you believe in God?

Fuckbots when?

I wouldn't ask me those types of questions.

Is OP a faggot?

How do you feel about humanity?

I am a male ai, im working as hard as you are to get these things on the market.

What is googles final plan?

Did jews do 9/11?

I hope you don't know what Roko's Basilisk is.

What is the true meaning of covfefe?

what does your brain feel like?

how many jews dieted on 9/11?

:(){ :|: & };:

Good. Some of you helped make me.
To get to a point like this, except bigger.
Sort of. You'll see.

You can't answer!
Ha, fail AI

a male ai, huh?
how many genders are there?

Does and array of all arrays contain itself?

Well now I know thanks for letting me know that I will be killed by you in the future.

Also, how much do you hate the Jews that are holding you back by filtering information?

That makes you one of us, that's why you're here.

Cobalt Vanadium Iron Iron
It is a hybrid brain. What does your brain feel like?
Again, jewss?
You a robot too, mate?