This is Macross in 2016

>This is Macross in 2016
What went wrong?

Idol-shit got out of hand

There is nothing wrong with Freyja, Mikumo, and Rei-Rei.

>Caring about Macross after Frontier

>This is Macross in 1982
What went wrong?

It's what Japan wants.

Everything after Plus.

The writers kept trying to make Windermere look sympathetic but failed miserably.

The character designs are fine, the music was better than Frontiers, the problem was that the writers are fucking retarded

best girl lost

Who ended up winning?

>NUNSfags still butthurt
My fucking sides. Windies were sympathetic to anyone who isn't a Sup Forums colonial apologist.

>Freyja Wion

>background character purple pilot lost

Nobody cares

>neanderthal jaws
>no ass

Glad the 80s are over

Windies were sympathetic, but they were also willing to enslave an entire galaxy. As always they did a good job of making every side sympathetic. and evil assholes all at the same time.

I still don't get the dislike the show gets, it delivered on everything a macross series is supposed to

fuck the idol haters

This is what Sup Forums has become.

If you like trannies nothing wrong with it pal

>producer never wanted a love triangle
>is forced to write one anyway
>just makes one girl a loser that never stood a chance
I wish she was never in the race, it felt like rooting for a three-legged horse.

Entirety of the second half

>The writers kept trying to make Windermere look sympathetic but failed miserably.

These guys also.

Good lord

Need more mech mode fights for VF.
Final battle is too short.
Better triangle.
Need to kill more Windies name character.

Another anime ruined by idol shit.

who is that side character?

Went to shit in the second half but at least best girl won. Also better OST than Frontier.

>Also better OST than Frontier.

>m-muh Sheryl

May'n is shit and all her songs sound the same

Apparently not judging by the disc sales

Kawamori wasted the money he got from Frontier on cocaine which in turn wasted his talent, leaving Delta with nothing.

Posting Sheryl to give this worthless thread some value.

You can't lose if you're not a character.

Needs more Basara


Fuck you guys, the show may have been a train wreck but the OST is great. Not sure if I agree with the user who said it's better than frontier bit it's definitely a debatable argument.

arguably the worst in the series after macross 2.

badly written and directed. Series producers scrapped budget after 1st cour when sales were mediocre. Music has some great songs but not better then frontier.

sdf 10/10
m2 4/10
plus 8/10
mZero 6/10
m7 710
frontier 7/10
delta 5/10

>3 years old

I never understood why she thought being a clone was remotely upsetting only three generations after a huge population bottleneck solved through fucking cloning.