How do I beat a gag character?

How do I beat a gag character?

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With another gag character.

Enforce the number 1 rule of Sup Forums: No fun allowed.

Give her the D.

Not that one, though. It has to be a smaller, less intimidating one.

But can they beat THIS gag character?

The early shit was so much better

How about this?

With the exception of Squirrel Girl keep them off screen

Bobobo and Arale would truly be the greatest fight to ever be seen.

They'd probably end up playing Calvinball.

I kinda wanna see Bobobo vs Saitama.

Saitama loses, just like to Arale he loses. Saitama is only strong because he's a Gag Character trapped in a Battle Manga.

Facing true masters of Gag character arts would crush him

He was merely adopted by the gag. Arale was born in it, molded by it. She didn't see the seriousness until she was already in a different series.

And Arale has nothing on Bo-BoBo.

Question is, who'd win in a fight of Bobobo against Mr. Mxyzptlk and Bat-Fink?

Trick them.


Toriyama was just better before Dragon Ball. Going full battle manga writer is what ruined his talent

I actually don't think Bo-BoBo can even be beaten in any conceivable way
He would have to choose to lose

Would you fuck Arale?

>He would have to choose to lose
And it would have been a trick all along, and he wins anyway

if I ripped out Arale's panties would she die?

With Luckyman!

Make you beating her funnier than her beating you.

Licensing it with a western company, and having another author write them off as a weak pos. ezpz.

Have Otae jump out of the screen/page and kill Akira Toriyama, causing Arale to disappear.

>I don't get it, can you explain to me what's going on?

Beerus proved that you just have to be ridiculously OP.

Dude I would so love to see that. I'd pay to see that.

I also want to throw Gin into the mix as well. That dude is more universal compared to the two and probably the better of them all.

That's a tough fight. Bobobo is super powerful and so is arale... not even dragon ball, bleach, naruto or one piece characters can stand a chance. These guys are st the top. Except aizen, he's an exception. He's a gag character also when he's trying not to.

Legal action with a gag character.

Why do some characters have overloaded kits what is the justification for this?