Was romantic of friendship confession?
Are mountain fags wondering over Viktor's ass?
Yuri on Ice!!!
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Cannot into english?
Tears mix on water!
>Touching MY baldfat
They are only good 20% of the time. I don't know why fujo rave about them so much. Rape porn is over done but women do love rape porn so it makes sense
Besides it's only interesting if Yuuri is the abuser not the abusee
Post 5/5 eros images.
ESLfags deserve to be banned
Because she shows actual torture and not that raping to lovers?
if you want an image dump ask on /cm/
>Viktor saboting Yuuri's skates before the competition
>Yuuri messes up and damages his ankle forever, then feels guilty about fucking up with Viktor's reputation and carreer as a coach
>Viktor says that he can make up for it by staying by his side and never leaving
>Dependant and broken Yuuri letting greedy Viktor do whatever he wants
It'll be like Yuuri getting raped by Victor and his sister confronting him about it later but instead of being emotionally damaged, he seems totally fine because it was him manipulating Victor all along knowingly turning him into an obsessed person who begins to loathe himself for what he did to Yuuri even though Yuuri was meaning for it to happen anyway so he could blackmail him into staying by emotionally manipulating him.
You're mad that I'm sharing images on an imageboard?
Go cry to a janny.
Delete yourself
Delet this, Baldfat is pure.
I'm always slut for this
>it's almost enough to get a man like me pregnant
>Yuuri goes to visit Phichit to get surgey to be a girl
>Yuuri even if they cut off your dick you can't have kids
>Yuuri gets hit by a car
>loses memory and complicated reasoning
>Victor looks after brain damaged Yuuri forever while feeling terrible the end
>Actual torture
Do you mean the psychological abuse? I wouldn't really call it torture. I'll admit that it's usually the best part of their doujins.The twists have been weak recently though
Remove this pose and yourself
BaldFat may be pure but there'll always fanfiction/fanart about this
You can say what you want about amazon stalker but I say oh fuck, YOI is breaking into top 5:
>**4位/**4位 (**5,488 pt) [*,*90予約] 16/12/30 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ユーリ!!! on ICE 1 [Blu-ray]
Why do you guys want the most healthy canon gay couple in anime to abuse each other?
Harada is making a BaldFat doujin and this is one of the likeliest plots.
Yeah, I always nope the fuck out when I see tags. I don't mind usually, but them doing these things with Baldfat triggers me.
Because our fellow anons have shit taste
Yurio is for ______
Also holy shit that harada manga though what did i get myself in to user
Innocent sleep then you wake up to someone jerking it over your face Was I spoiled by innocent baldfat sleeping this is my fetish though
just for you
>Was romantic of friendship confession?
>Are mountain fags wondering over Viktor's ass?
What are you even saying
Riding the Otabike
Cease yourselves immediately!
Actually since baldfat is pure I don't like rape/Torture etc fanworks
But those kind of thing can apply very well to JJ/Fairy
Is JJ the worst character on this show?
I love YoI food images.
The eyecatches for this show are absolutely excellent, by the way. I don't see them discussed much here.
Nope he's the best
Christophe is
Fuck him and his ass
no that's the otamanlet
This is really gay
Yes. JJ a shit.
>implying they wouldn't be a normal healthy couple who just do some really kinky roleplay involving rape and BDSM from time to time in the most inappropriate places possible
Pic not related
At least Gook is cute. JJ is annoying and ugly.
That one was disappointing
>he thinks trying to seduce your bro with your skating is gay
Please delete yourself
no JJ is hot, that's why Yurio deep down wants to be nailed by him.
Damn, ESL-chan.
>wanting Fairy to be abused
>by JJ
At least it would be more in character. Not that Harada cares about that in the first place though.
Fairy is not for abuse! Fairy is for loving vanilla consensual sex with the lights off and hand holding only! But only after going on a candle lit romantic dinner date and then to a movie he wanted to see that just came out!
Where's the previews?
Es lunes simia
>JG that high
Rigging much?
Fujos are uncreative.
I can't believe I understand this. Anyway, I was talking about the doujin preview.
JJ is for __________
>I can't believe I understand this.
That's pretty simple spanish, anyone who went to high school should understand it.
I have no idea who is this Harada person, but this thread made me hate her already. Stop demonizing Victor, he is less harmful than a puppy.
The confession set-up seemed very bait and switch to me.The whole Yuuko flashback was more about Victor than Yuuko herself. We see where his admiration for him came from, we see him imitating him and we meet his dog named after him. Yuuko says nothing about herself that isn't related to Victor.
stealing yurio from bike
He's spent the last 8 months of his life living out a slutification doujin.
>implying Yuuri isn't the one living out a slutification doujin
I believe Harada can pull off psycho abuser Yuuri but where is the source? I'd rather be cautious before being too hyped.
>simple spanish
No Spanish is simple.
Harada is a manga artist who does a lot of rape/psy abuse/shotacon one shots or doujins
They're pretty fucked up, but she also has vainilla
Si español es tu lengua nativ, obvio que va a ser facíl
Killing with fire
being a cumslut
Spanish is not my mother tongue. B-but stop making me happy, user.
Infecting unassuming people with his Canadian gang signs.
I love you Leo.
Yes. Without question.
Could you kindly scan it?
>Yuuri going eros mode
>"You are only mine Viktor, I hate when someone looks at you"
>Throws him to the bed
>Ties him
>Yuuri using his huge stamina to fuck Viktor all night as punishment for being a slut
>Viktor disappeared and no one saw him again
>not knowing Harada
Lurk more and learn to google
I don't own a scanner, sorry.
So basically Yatamomo but with Momo as the seme?
Imaginate Taco hablándote en español, queriendote hacer cosas deliciosas contigo toda la noche para luego irse con el Chino
>Ties him with the blue tie Viktor hates
I made it even better.
I'm not picky, you could just take pics with a cell phone.
]spoiler] I think I hated JJ too much it turned in to love because while I couldn't stand him before all I want to do now is mind break him so he turns in to a decent person who also is a bottom bitch cum dumpster. I even dreamed about this. Is this still hate or is it love?[/spoiler]
No Gook is, but he's a close second.
I think it was set up where Yuuri was going to confess (despite the logic behind him doing it being bad) just so that triplets could pop up and show the audience that the hetship is never going to happen.
I want a Yuri on Ice to cook for me.
Muy bueno
Kek, JJ fags can't even spoiler properly.
Thanks for the laugh
>can't spoiler properly
Sasuga, JJfag.
A MOB of faceless men.
Why should I waste time searching some rapeshit? I hate when fujos turn sweet and caring character into abusers, at least use some faceless mobs if you want to fap to rape porn that much.
If you actually dye the blond guy hair then it's pretty convincing
Shit taste
I bet she would go vanilla for YOI. Making Yuri and Victor have a really wild drunk sex with kinky stuff (foot fetish) but nothing like her Gintama djs.
Will Fairy grow out his hair ala teenage Victor or will he cut it off?