How many genders do you have in your country?

How many genders do you have in your country?

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probably not for long :DDDDD

Ein Zwitter hatte geklagt, von denen es 100,000 in Deutschland gibt. Hat NULL mit "gender theory" zu tun. Aber Hauptsache mal clickbaiten.

2. We're not that insane.

you know the answer

1 ,women live to serve not human.

speak english you fucking communist

Dos, there aren’t any more

About 6,000,000


But the government are fuck heads trying to brainwash everyone by telling us there is like 70.

Another day n Collapsing Leaf Land.


Male, female, mental degenerate.

2. Having a gendered language helps a lot.

>gendered language

Wait, if we're talking about grammatical genders, then yeah we have three. "It" being the third. I don't mind calling retards that think themselves something other than what they biologically are as "it" though.

an uncountable infinity of genders
because its a continuum, soys

Is mayonnaise a gender?

Zwitter sind legitim weder Mann noch Frau

to be fair, if you were born intersex you'd not really fit into either category, so meh

Ja selbstverständlich Mohammed, es ist ja überhaupt nicht so dass jetzt jeder gehirngewaschene Prolet entscheidet weder Mann noch Frau zu sein.
Und es ist natürlich auch überhaupt ganz und garnicht in der Interesse von Politischen Parteien die jetzt auf einmal 10 millionen Stimmen von unentschlossen Geschlechtern kriegen.
Das ist ganz super normal un dummes Nazi clickbait eyy, nichts zu sehen hier!

1 women are objects

The whole alphabet.

Who deserves the rope for this

The Pop Scientists who get paid to make shit up?
Or the corrupt courts who make it law?

There is only one gender, women are property.

Dies. So. Sehr.

Ja. Die Klage hatte nichts mit diesen Vollidioten zu tun, die daraus Kapital schlagen wollen. Und die Rechten, die es ihrerseits nutzen, um ihre eigene Agenda zu pushen.




Intersex is actually a real biological condition though, when you get born with fucked up conditions like XXY chromosomes and your reproductive organs are a mix of both.

We don't even have "it".

well then they should be chucked into the medical waste bin and be done with it.
nobody in their right mind wants this.

Male, female and yuri

>How many genders do you have in your country?

Die Folgen ignorieren wir immer lieber.
Wir müssen diesen armen Menschen in Not Asyl geben! - Frohes Weinachtsmarkt.
Aber lass das Blut deiner Landesläute dir dein Traum dich zu Amerikanisieren nicht versauen.

Two and only 2

Good, register degenerates, makes it easier to find and euthanize em.

t. Alberto Barbosa

Male monkey and female monkey.

Gender is fluid. Its literally just an idea

N-nothing is w-wrong hier!!1

Only 2 and hopefully it will not change anytime soon. Kudos to a gendered language

Yes you do but extremely little. Example: Isso, isto, aquilo and some other.

XXY is still a man.

Thats an intersex person. In other words a hermaphrodite. This does not concern some fat tumblr dyke who wants to be a polyamorous ponykin. If you weren't born with both a dick and a pussy, this law does not concern you.

2 because there are 2 genders

I went to a biology lecture yesterday where the professor mention only 2 genders and no one said anything. I don't think it's going to change anytime soon

You don't have those complications with animated/inanimated/personal/non-personal?

>Depending on the classification chosen, there are either three or five genders in Polish:

>masculine (męski):
>masculine personal (męski osobowy)
>masculine animate (męski nieosobowy żywotny)
>masculine inanimate (męski nieosobowy nieżywotny)
>feminine (żeński)
>neuter (nijaki)

>In plural męskoosobowy (masculine-personal) and niemęskoosobowy (non-masculine-personal) are used for masculine personal and the remaining ones respectively.

I notice neither Turner Syndrome (only one X chromosome~1 in 2000 females) nor Klinefelter's Syndrome (two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome~1 in 1000 males) is discussed here, yet is why transgenderism has been brought into the public eye. Why doesn’t the public understand that these conditions are due to aneuploidy? Why keep confusing the issue? Neither aneuploidy condition can breed.

we dont have genders, they're harmfull to children but we also have 101010102482035827 genders but gender is just a social construct.

Stupid question. It's like asking 'how many symbols does the binary numeral system have'.
There is only one good answer.

Those are not pronouns, literally translates as "this" and "that". The expression "this is a car" ("isto é um carro") is still male gendered ("um carro"), as opposed to female gendered "this is a house" ("isto é uma casa").

The SJWs over here have a really hard time getting people to accept "gender identity" because of little things like this.


> We're not that insane.
Ok, mr. sane, you're the doctor. Assign sex to 3 and 4.

Two and a half.

The same can't accurately be said about XXXY.

Two. Same as every country. Any additional are genetic aberrations or mentally ill.

What is the chromosome match?
Is it XX or XY and how developed are the ovaries/testicles?
What is the testosterone/estrogen levels in the body?

Btw, 3 is male. My questions are regarding #4.

It's a newborn kid, you don't have the time to run the tests.

Besides, I really doubt 3 will be able to function as a man.

Besser so dann weis jeder wer n scheis krüppel ist und dass noch offiziel

>Neither aneuploidy condition can breed.
Though people with Klinefelter's can't breed naturally, many of them are capable of assisted reproduction.

He meant that this is a kind of artifact from Latin. In Spanish they are more visible, like with those abstract nouns, eg. "lo bueno", but still that Portuguese "isto" itself is kinda neutral, ie. you cannot determine its gender before you add something, no?

All in existence. Two.

Germany already had a two gendered language though.

Youre either born a male or a female. Everything else is bullshit made and designed by humans

>how many symbols does the binary numeral system have
(0, 1 and Z)

I'm not even trolling.

oi, bin those thoughts, that's a $200,000 fine whitey.
Can't you literally have your children taken off you if you don't support lgbtqqlsqwe bullshit?

>gender and sex are totally different!
>gender is a social construct!
>and so is sex!
Liberal """""""intellectuals"""""""

it's hysterical how christkikes get mad at this shit, like yeah I disagree with it but calm down you fucking kikes it isn't a big deal lmao

If there is nothing unique about intersex people reproduction-wise compared to males and females then they are merely defects and not an actual legitimate gender.

the two that's not bullshit like the other 72000000 that made up everyday


Unless den evige gets their way.


Just 2 genders,the albanian language is also two-gendered.Here's why:
Une( I )

Notice there's no "It"

2, I guess...If things haven't changed lately.
