The most British image I've ever seen

Pic related really fascinates me. She isn't complaining because the prince is a nigger. She isn't complaining because the princess isn't a nigger. She's complaining because this imaginary story shows a prince kissing a princess whilst she's asleep. Your thoughts on this situation?

Other urls found in this thread:

princess got some fat tits

Damn i red this book when i was a little runt
Wonder what happened to the series

And no one seems do give a shit about that nigger in the comment , the absolute state of white people

>ingrained attitudes to sexual behaviour

>Wonder what happened to the series

Dailymail would never approve any of those comments.

Moral panic. Society is littered with morally outraged authoritarian crybabies.

>mad about the prince reviving sleeping booty from the dead via the only way possible due to the criteria of the spell
>he should have asked for consent first
>he should have asked the girl in the persistent vegetative state for permission
also Prince isn't a real prince so I don't think it's going to work

kissing a non consenting woman
he didn't ask "may i kiss you?"
women like it and feel safer when you ask

To add, I think society is just getting better and better overall. Less crime, good economy, and increasing living standards. People are living comfy but they still want to have problems to complain about so they're either reaching for "civil rights" causes (like what's in your pic) or just completely making shit up until its a myth they can run with (wage gap caused by sexism).


T. Anthony

her consent is implicit

Perfect reply nip bro.

>Dat fucking nigger

ohn Lewis[Embed]


Marks and Spencers:[Embed]

Tesco's not only featured (((this))) but threw in some Muslims, gays and Sikhs for good measure so everyone can have a PC Christmas[Embed]




Here, you have now seen the single most British image ever known to man.

She got #BLACKED

>Damn i red this book when i was a little runt
>Wonder what happened to the series
I don't even want to know what they hell happened anymore after Hollywood and/or heeb book publishers got a hold of it and make it worse and more defrocked.

>Managing director of PR and marketing agency Sarah Hall Consulting Ltd
>totally not attempting to get publicity

in receipt of public money