Google Changes Christmas to “Day of the Family” in its Search Results

This is honestly pretty amazing. I tried it and it's real.

Other urls found in this thread:

I can’t wait for Google to be required to pay their fair share for bandwidth so competition can finally cut into them.

Here in the USA it looks like we're still celebrating Christmas on December 25...

Perhaps your specific geography is driving this googlism?

For example:

Alright, I did some more research and it looks like people from Australia and parts of Europe are confirming this problem. I'm currently in Europe and it says "family day" when I do the search normally in my browser, however when I use a New York or London proxy and try it, it does say Christmas.

Can we get some more people testing this from different parts of the world and posting their results here?


Walmart Supercenter, Monday hours
Christmas might affect these hours

Fine for me

Nothing wrong here. OP is a nigger

Looks like you just live in a cucked country then.

Still Christmas for me.

Day of the family in Slovenia

looked for 'Lidl Öffnungszeiten Weihnachten' on

This. All the subversive kikes running the internet are going to pay out the ass to shill their garbage, I can't wait.

same on .de but when I change the language to German it says 'Weihnachten'

>using jewgle master race reporting in

When jewgle in croatian, it says
"work hours may vary on christmas day"

Tbh who gives fuck about Christmas anymore? All it is, is a fire to throw money on.

If you live in a country where it still says Christmas and you think I'm lying, you can try using an Australian web proxy and see for yourself.

I used this one and it worked but you can use another.


It's actually fucking sad.

If you believe in Christ, you should celebrate his birth at home with loved ones.
But what Christmas is pushed to be is fucking sad.

OP. Kindly kill yourself.
Suck ma big cawk

>Day of the Family

The fuck does that even come from?

Sometimes my little country is pretty based.
Good luck changing Christmas to something else here!

>Orthodox Christmas

>don't care about faith
It's not about faith it's about principles, you degenerate retard. Fucking neck yourself you and the likes of you are the reason for the downfall of western civilization.

Think again mate...


it makes sense that muslim countries wouldn't celebrate christmnas

It looks like this is limited to Australia/NZ and Europe when searches are done in english and Google is set to English

Damn, you anons in Europe need to take back your countries.

>using google
Guys I hate to be that guy ... but I'm afraid you might be part of the problem here.

Posted from my iPhone

using and english search settings