Omg look at this shit


America has no chance in hell. You honestly thought Trump would save you?

>native americans were not white
wow what a shocking news, are you literally 12?

Wat happened with Australia?

"Indigenous skin colors"

Aka the color of American Indian skin


Butthurt burgers can't accept that they are even less than 56% white! hahahahahahahahhaha


Most of it is a desert.

Abos are pretty black

Australia is darker and yet their population is mostly European. How strange!

Have you ever seen a white australian that wasn't an euro or an american larper?

I've always seen such pale people on Australian TV shows. I guess it's kinda like what they do in South America where they pretend they're all white by putting the whitest among them on TV so the world starts believing they aren't all mongrels or just plain niggers.

The fuck, are people dumb? it says indigenous skin colours, it obviously is only including aboriginal skin colours

This, Jesus.

You dumb fuck, do you even know what the word "indigenous" means?

Oh the tip of Africa is the same shade as the Spain and Turkey.. Can anyone explain?

Amerimutt can't handle the fact he is 56% white! LOL

This user is obviously just trying to get reactions out of people. I hope you soon find something more productive to do with your time.


"There is a direct correlation between the geographic distribution of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and the distribution of indigenous skin pigmentation around the world. Areas that receive higher amounts of UVR, generally located closer to the equator, tend to have darker-skinned populations. Areas that are far from the tropics and closer to the poles have lower intensity of UVR, which is reflected in lighter-skinned populations."

Are you just LARPing as the dumbest fucking failures on Earth because you have nothing better to do, or is that what you actually are?



But South Africans are very dark skinned look at this picture

Can you not spot the difference between their skin tone and a Spaniard?

(I'm going to stop memeing now)

I assume it is because the darker Bantus moved south pretty later on and colonised the lighter skin natives of South Africa before Ol' Whitey turned up