Tolerance nazis

In my university..
Are those the mental gymnastics that Sup Forums is always on about?

Other urls found in this thread:

Where are the mental gymnastics?

No, it's something of a paradox, but it's built on false premises.
>people who want border security and immigration restrictions are nazis
>we should disenfranchise or even kill them

do people actually think like this


>All of Karl Popper's grandparents wereJewishbut were not devout
Every. Single. Time.

Bernie Sanders an Hillary Clinton support this

Documentaries exposing zionism

CBS 60 Minutes Exposing Israeli Apartheid

Israeli settlements, explained

The Zionist Story. (Full Documentary)

Israel Lobby

The Israel Lobby's Impact on America

Documentary on Israel / Palestine - Occupation

The Pain Doesn't Go Away - Rachel Corrie's Parents on RAI (1/3)

Someone post the version with muzzies please so OP can replace them.

I would actually do that

Found it. Better yet - don't replace but add to the side.

These marxists are complete morons.
The population only get polarized and vote in extreme right wing gornments or revolt, when the population gets marginalized and pushed too far.
The fact so many (((liberals))) are afraid and want to suppress the growing right wing and so in turn are proudly embracing an extreme totalitarianism, something completely at odds with libertarianism. Rather than stepping back for a second and assessing why people are gravitating to the right side.
20 years ago the far right was not a huge movement in Western Europe, even though the seeds always exist and fertilizer was certainly being piled on even then but in recent years the so called left has completely degenerated after being subverted into so called (((identity politics))). This has been a clinical plot by Jewry to wreck legitimate calls for reform in employement and basic human welfare and instead the focus is now on tranny toilets and tranny kids etc.
>the left is no longer the left, the left is now the right
In fact we should rebrand the new right as the new left because that’s more accurately what it actually is. Disaffected left wingers who never signed up for unlimited immigration and the destruction of the family etc. we have fallen down the Nazi word trap in many cases. This is exactly what (((they))) wanted. Fuck being labeled as the (((alt right))) let’s be the NEW LEFT.

Will print that out tomorrow.
Though I won't do it if there are cameras in the hallway where this one is because I'm not getting suspended for """"""hate crime""""""

Better dead than red.

Apart from, the intolerant group who is actually murdering people here isn't nazis, also, there are no nazis, not been any since ww2.

Better your countries flag than a pathetic meme.
Maybe your just a typical idiot that can’t accept that Jews subvert every political movement. It shouldn’t matter what your brand is, it should only matter what your ideologies are. Except in a society controlled by Jewish brainwashing, branding comes first and foremost, that’s exactly why you cannot publicly associate yourself with national socialism yet you can openly call yourself a communist. Why not just copy the Jews winning formular? The left has been completely fucked and turned into the wiemar Republic. I’m saying we can take the branding and attract millions of disaffected leftists, people who will never come onboard national socialism, due to the decades of brainwashing.
>we can then unify right and left.



So you're saying that I should call myself a leftist for PR reasons even though I'm basically hoppe-libertarian?

This makes sense but America isn’t a tolerant society. It’s a Republic. If the intolerant are numerous, they get political capital.

this the same shit microchip was pushing months back...... FUCK ALL THAT

People actually consider him a leader in the white supremacist movement. One of my professors last year implied Ben might be faking his jewness to trick people.

>But we mysteriously won't apply this standard to Islam
This is the real problem with the poster

>amerimutt calling anyone a nigger

anyone can be considered intolerant, not just nazis. Don't like transgenders! intolerant! Don't like abortions? Intolerant! Persecute them! BS argument. A failing society persecutes anyone different from them.

That's quite ironic, since normal people tolerated degenerates and now the degenerates censor the normal people.

Well I’d advise you do both..just like the Jews.
>white one second
>Jewish the next
Whatever circumstances occur, use them to suit your agenda. I mean there is no convincing hard core libtards, if you approach them from the opposite political spectrum, they just shut down or start screaming in your face. Better to bullshit them and infiltrate their cause whilst subverting them.
>the traditional left is anti semetic and anti central banking
We should be approaching leftists from our common ground and identifying as the left as long as it helps push retarded libtards to the right.

I suspect by tolerance, Mr. Popper was referring to 'allowing to coexist in the same society,' in which case the paradoxical nature of tolerance is obvious. I doubt he would have signed off on using intolerance of the intolerant as a pretext to punch someone in the head for not using your made up pronouns.

I don't care if they're intolerant of our ideas but can they at least stop calling themselves tolerant

Why do they have to make faggy cartoons out of everything? And they actually expect to be taken seriously?

Muslims should not be allowed in any country and should actively be wiped out because its a cult and qualifies for all aspects of a cult under current laws. They have slave trades and mutilate people for basic human rights and beliefs. They are an evil, inbred population of low iq sand niggers that should be wiped off the face of the earth. Debating it or even questioning it should be a crime.

But Hitler did nothing wrong and we fucking butchered the wrong pig. They use nazi to put anyone in a box and attack to avoid having to explain why there arent 2 genders or why blacks arent animals that destroy every city they infest in america and so on. The premise is wrong for their use of this tolerance quote.

Tear it down.

And I'm proud to be fifty six percent, cuz I least I have my guns,
And the Trayvons in my home get shot by Zimmerman


Intolerance in this case refers to those say sensible things like "Kill all jews", it's literally incitement to violence.

Slightly different version might be "Kill all fags" or "Faggotry should be illegal" which implies using the state to punish people for fucking in the privacy of their own home.

No reasonable person would accept that kind of intolerance, there is no virtue allowing people to possibly hurt you. In fact, I wouldn't call it intolerance, it's just violent rabble by socially inept people that no place in western society.

le 56%.....