The last two digits of your post are your percentage of whiteness

The last two digits of your post are your percentage of whiteness.
Trips = 100% white.


01 inshallah


>8% white

This meme is a joke, took a DNA spit test and got 99% European (1% low confidence elsewhere, demonstrating that I didn't have a dumbass for a statistician behind the scenes) for the past 10,000 years
OP is a nigger faggot

just like your flag

le 53% lol

>giving your DNA to be put in a database


come on

Fuck yoropoors

rolling for 01-09

Half spic but still

Let's see

I am the king of all burgerland


it's time to face the music

Heil Hitler

Italians are white



The shittiest thread for 2017 Thanksgiving by far

Argentina fails when they try to hoist the sails


trust me i am white.

56 or bust

Purest whitest genes passing trough.

>averages at 57.43%
Average enough
Rolling btw


HH my friend.

t. 2%