You know the game

poland moved to the right and got belarus


>takes pomerania, east prussia and silesia
>still leaves danzig to poland

what did you mean by this

Just want to be kind to poland

fucked roachland up



This is so dumb. Yea lets debate borders in Europe, while we are being conquered by niggers and muslims. At current rate there will be no Germany and some other European countries in 100 - 200 years so why even bother making this.

desu getting rid of slavshit is more important than some 5% of niggers and muslims

See, this is why the 56 % meme was born
not because
>le pyops
>le ctr
>le leftypol




I have no idea how to classify regional divisions of the USA and Canada so a general Like will make it.


Love all our little slavniggers, especially Polska.

Fuck off catacuck the "païssos catalans" hate you with a burning hatred
Dont lump us with your sjw bullshit

You seem to love slavs. Boris, is this you?

I'm not much of a hateful person.

I lived in Poland, Russia and Romania for a while but now I'm back in Sweden. Really like the culture

Aah, i see. I which russian cities you visited, by the way?


I was in Sankt Petersburg for a week and then I continued to Moscow and was there for 2 months over the summer for work

And then got BTFO by Russia.

A true American mongrel. You are reaching mixing levels that shouldn't even be possible.

Just you wait.


Why do you hate us? What did we ever do to you?

see now go fuck a goat malaka


I didn't even dislike Malta, what are you talking about?

Now i'm a true American!

Fuck off Manolo go back to Andalusia, get out of the land of our rapebabies. True balears and valencians like us.

North is worse than the south, how could you

>not taking elßass lothringen

Surely Greece gets one for old times sake

Saxon preferring Frenchie's to Anglo-Saxons is basically being a race traitor

>t. tatar

>actual countries

Did all have decent empires at one point, I see his logic

Not now though. If it was the case, he might as well have added greece, poland and sweden



Northern Europe (especially binland) green
Eastern Europe and southern Europe OK
Balkans orange
Rest red
Western Europe kill it with fire


>got belarus
>not western ukraine

how are germans the burgers of europe?

Keep dreaming fagalan.

Fuck california


Fuck off Oriol
Tinc unes ganes monumentals de que un dels pakis que teniu a les rambles acabi posant una bomba al vostre parlament
No hi ha res mes a Barcelona que putes comunistes y subhumans
All of Valencia and the balearics hates you

t.Punic masterrace

>tfw I understand everything
Is catalonian just a bastard dialect between french and Spanish?

Ningú no és com vosaltres ni a Valencia ni a ses Balears. No sou més que merda comunista i gossos sense treball. El mal que haveu fet a Catalunya i a s'imatge de ses regions catalanoparlants ho haureu de pagar.


I'm just calling him a dog and normal hateful speech. Bad words here and there. The funny thing is I am doing it in Catalan just to see if he is actually a Catalonian.

>Part of Germany
I'm getting really tired of underage faggots on this board

A què ve tanta ràbia? Odies els que et van crear però no els que s'aprofiten de tu, això assumint que no siguis un Manolo immigrant en terres catalanes.
N'hi ha un munt de valencians i balears aquí a Catalunya que venen a estudiar i treballar i no només no ens portem molt bé sinó que es senten catalans com qualsevol d'aquí, així que abans em creuré el que em diuen ells que el que diu un Manolo a internet.
Posteja un mapa o calla.

No. French is a dialect between catalan and breton and spanish is a dialect between catalan and portuguese.

Yes, french is the bastard languague of franch and spanish, hated and mistreated by both

No et preocupis quan siguem independents i Espanya s'enfonsi us deixarem unir-vos al nostre país. Això sí us hauríeu de mostrar una mica més agraïts que si sou algo avui dia és perquè us vam conquerir i repoblar nosaltres i córrer sang catalana per les vostres venes, si ho haguessin fet els castellans seríeu una versió més petita d'Andalusia. Tu també millor posteja un mapa i deixa de rabiar cada vegada que vegis una bandera catalana.

Fuck off hans, yeah sure California has some fucked up shit and libtards here and there but otherwise it's a great state with beautiful scenery


Was never quite the hateful type.

>Likes UK
>Ireland only OK