Sup Forums was more influential on me than anything

>Sup Forums was more influential on me than anything

This place is an MSM outlet. Pack your bags, we are moving out.

Other urls found in this thread:


What if we archived it?
happy now?

A challenger appears?

>Spencer, who fancies himself white nationalism’s leading intellectual, cloaks his racism in highbrow arguments. Anglin prefers the gutter, reveling in the vile language common on the worst internet message boards.
Okay, just stop there. Try again, this time without breaking all the rules of journalism in like two sentences.
>Anglin and his ilk like to talk about the Overton Window, a term that describes the range of acceptable discourse in society. They’d been tugging at that window for years only to watch, with surprise and delight, as it flew wide open during Donald Trump’s candidacy.
And this is bollocks, too, given you get kicked off of social media and in some countries visited by the cops for expessing even mild right wing views.


The more we archive the better.

Also we are already blacklisted for visiting Sup Forums on a regular basis. Some of us have enorumous amounts of data stored.

The more we content we create the more money amazon makes...

I'm not a batshit conspiracy theorist or anything but it's really weird how the media promotes Anglin and Spencer so much. They don't even offer counter-arguments to their statements, they just present them and say, "Wow, isn't that something?"

In fact, you could argue that they portray them as "cool" and "edgy" by showing how powerful and sinister they are. Now, ignoring whether or not they are actually cool and edgy, why would a liberal news outlet paint two white nationalists as cool counter-culture icons? Nobody would even give a shit about Anglin if it wasn't for MSM. You can't even access his website without TOR. The only argument against them being agents is that Anglin's website kept getting its domain names revoked.

More likely than being agents, I think they're pied-pipers. Even most WN hate Anglin for his outlandish statements, so the shitlibs have a lot to gain from making it seem like a fay LARPer and a male-chauvinist black-baby-murderer are our representatives.

diversity made me a race realist. my home town went from 80% white just 25 years ago to being only 40% white now. when I didn't have to interact with minorities I was fairly liberal. seeing how they are has made me completely disgusted by them. no website or person made me the way I am, reality did. the illusion is that these creatues can behave like civilized men. after seeing the truth I simply chose to live in reality.

any white ever pushing diversity hasn't lived near them and are completely naive. they bought the jewish lie. so did I once but thankfully reality stepped in

You're either a completely clueless civicuck memevult-larper or is a CIAnigger.

For the normies and for the MSM the type of argument Spencer and Anglin and most of Sup Forums makes are so surreal and out of touch with reality that just letting people know it exists is enough.

All they know is Richard Spencer is controversial and gets them views/clicks and they are also dumb libshits who have never had a debate in their life so just call him a dumb racist to his face and think that means they won the argument.

Anglin is indeed a retard but Richard is an automated normie conversion machine.

If Anglin is an 'agent', then I take my hat off to the Israelis or CIA, or whoever, cause they definitely fooled me.

Anglin's not an agent, he's just an edgelord, manlet cocksucker that makes a living by reposting Sup Forums memes and doing cringey write-ups that add absolutely nothing thought provoking to the topic.
>yellow fever
>best bud and co-conspirator is a fucking KIKE that larps as a national socialist
DS and their ilk are not true believers, just faggots, like spencer.

If you don't like Anglin you either don't know anything about him or are opposed to us in general desu senpai

This. If you’re a decent person you’ve held a job doing some service at the beginning of your career. This redpilled me more than anything.

99% of people who talk about Sup Forums in the media talk about the most basic run of the mill teetering the line between conventional morals of posts rather than the shit hole it really is.
Were safe man.

keep giving that kike weev money bro
top fucking kek

>when you don't understand Sup Forums
>and you're jewish

I was just surfing The Daily Stormer for the first time last night

Andrew's website is fucking hilarious. Some of the funniest shit I have seen on the internet. Surprised it isn't shilled on here more.

I am in tears reading this article

I had no idea Andrew Anglin was this based

you might as well just print out pages of your browsing history and mail them to the fbi.

then you're a bit of a dummy, son

>knows that he fucked up his brain with hard core drug use at a young age
>knows he is a degenerate chinkophile
>uses this knowledge to dislike him



>In Davao, however, Anglin hit on every pretty young Filipina he saw and had success with many of them, sometimes taking advantage of their hope that an American husband could be an exit from poverty. Most of these girls were 18 or 19 years old, but Edward says some were younger. He remembers Anglin once picking up a 14-year-old in a bar and bringing her back to the Sampaguita to spend the night.

kek, he really can't escape those flings in the philippines.

Weev isn't Jewish and he's proved it countess of times, you shill.

His mother once claimed his great-great-grandparent might have been Jewish.