What could have the US of A done differently to win the Vietnam war?

What could have the US of A done differently to win the Vietnam war?


The only way for the USA to have effectively "won" the Vietnam war was genocide. Same reason we can't "win" in the middle east these days.

Is the US military made up entirely of manlets?


Tactical nukes

Accepting the fact they are not killing people and its just pest control

First we shouldnt have let the french keep Vietnam after ww 2 since the Vietnamese actually fought the Japanese. We shouldn't have betrayed South Vietnam's president. We should have allowed him to deal with the cong while bombing the shit out of Hanoi and imposed a block between China and North Vietnam. Kennedy totally betrayed a good ally. Also nobody from Harvard or the Sorbonne should be allowed a position in any government foreign or domestic.

More like sending them to "paradise" where they can leave from a world full of " white racism".

>Also nobody from Harvard or the Sorbonne should be allowed a position in any government foreign or domestic.

Steps to win the war
>training the ARVN instead of making them a support class in their own fight against the communists
>keep Ngo Dinh Diem, the only independent president and threaten to pull back support if he doesn't comply with the Buddhist majority
>propaganda war with emphasis on the Viet Minh, who fought the French, being mostly apolitical peasants and nationalists that were robbed of victory by communist leaders

Not to kill and maime civilians and burn down villages for no reason.

Invade North-Vietnam.

They could have won it a million times over if they actually wanted to--they instead just wanted it to keep going on and on so they had a reason for the military industrial complex to shit out trillions of dollars for those invested in it.

The only way to have won it would have been to invade North Vietnam and basically kill everyone there. Also starting ww3 in the process

nukes work

more bombs

To cut the loss. Not to escalate the conflict to begin with/try to appease Ho Chi Mihn. Same with the USSR and Afganistan.

Basically, what China does all the time.

>Not to kill and maime civilians and burn down villages for no reason.
How else would you counteract a popular Partisan warfare, if not by supressing civilians?
>Invade North-Vietnam.
Basically, getting more twice as much heat in the field and from domestic pacifists both. Maybe the USSR would've won the Cold War then.

The entire point was to funnel as many communists into Vietnam and kill them with experimental weapons.

probably not allowed communists to infiltrate their gov't and sabotage their efforts

watch Stefan Molyneux's lecture on Communism in America, it's quite eye-opening

The chapter on Vietnam is just a part of it

going in, killing gooks and taking over.

>Poster thinks Vietnamese are Muslims



Let the fucking frogs deal with it.

Manchuria had worked as a wall to block expanding communism from Soviet Union. After the WW2, Manchuria was lost.
Then Communists took China, the Korean War and the Vietnam War happened. They are the things Japan worried before WW2.
Japan and the United States had to handle Manchuria carefully before WW2.