Will Islam finally conquer Europe?

How many generations will it be before native western europeans become a minority in their own homelands?

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They already are, so this generation.

2 generations at most. i had some decent pies in london though

Hey whiteboy.. did you know it already happened before? They didn't teach you that in school did they..

They left that out of our world history lessons too. It's not something your race wants to advertise.

No matter what happens Europe will always be whiter than the US, both in white ethnic purity and in amount of whites to shitskins.

both of those look unappetizing and disgusting

You're not european, you're scandanavian aren't you?

Scandinavia is on the European continent. I'm talking about the European countries as a whole, not the shitty EU or whatever


That would be the same thing as saying Brits = pirates.

Alright, so do you see yourselves as european in an everyday general sense?

>have a wide variety of ingredients that you could place on your pizza
>lmao lets just put some salami and cheese
Neck yourself.

>salami on pizza

go fuck some sheep, kiwi

Irish people will be minority in Ireland by 2040

Swedish people will be almost completely replaced in the 0-35 age group by about 2030

German people will be replaced by around 2035 same as above

England will be 25+% muslim by 2030 and already in the throws of militant take over

Buckingham Palace will be converted into a Mosque ala Hagia Sophia by 2040

Rome will fall sometime just before this

Australia will be 20% muslim by 2030 and then suddenly a mass invasion by a new regime and arm of Isis/Saudi based in Indonesia and be completely taken by 2040

US will be at war with the entire Islamic planet now coming for them

Russia, China and Japan will form a superstate to whipe out US during this and then establish themselves the leading world body

If they need more rope to hang themselves we can make the rope and gift it to those retarded mohamed worshipers! Do I love waiting, no, do I rant about the way we do things, sure but I well know where this story ends all islam worshipers will fall and be swept away like dirt! I can wait a life time, heck I am not selfish it can be past my lifetime but it be shall!

>US will be at war with the entire Islamic planet now coming for them
What else is new.

Follow up question. When will Europe be only 56% white so we can incessantly spam shitty forced memes while they're ethnically displaced?

Probably when you reach 12%.

White birth rates are rising and we're deporting illegals so I don't really see that happening fuckboy. Muslims in Europe on the other hand are explicitly trying to outbreed the exiting population.

Ketchup is american...

I can smell the bait a mile away but my god is it irresistible to rage at

>ketchup is american

yuropoors always riding on america's coat tails

Some please make an infographic with sources for all countries or I will do it tomorrow. Keep the thread alive.

"within 40 years at the latest, it is almost certain that the majority of the population will be Muslim in Austria, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium and Holland,”


Pure ethnic Norwegians are minority by around 2060 in current marxism scenario ssb.no

this thread is already half dead bro. just make that graphic now plz

I've stressed enough on this topic, and I'm ready to stop giving a shit about politics. I can only hope that the muslims do NOT get (((integrated))) into European society. The only way for Europe to change for the good of it's native people is through civil war and genocide.

If the peoples, culture and religions of Europe want to survive it has to do so through revolution and bloodshed. The NSDAP knew this and had plans for doing so.

The shitskins aren't really to blame, it's the traitors in brussels and in governments all over Europe that are responsible for this mess.

All of the politicians, even the "based" ones are nothing but "civic" nationalists which doesn't care at all about the European native people. They cater to the people that are opposed to the islamization of Europe but in reality intend to do minimal, near 0 impact on real change. The whole fucking media in all western European countries are pozzed, literally leftist brainwashing machines going full throttle to further cultural marxism. There is no chance in hell European countries will change politically, only through revolts and civil war which I hope will happen with the rising tensions and influx of new cultures and races.

We're both fucked fAm