All banned Youtube Channels have now been restored

All banned Youtube Channels have now been restored.

@MileyCyrus VEVO
@Offhand Disneyland

Other urls found in this thread:

I was right. Less than 6 hrs.

Baruch HaShem.

Youtube must die for this though.


Other than Miley Cyrus and Conan they were all at least slightly edgy, I don't buy that this was a bug at all. Probably a list of "to be banned in the future" was accidentally banned prematurely

I think they were testing a ban bot. Looking for key words.


They probably did it to make it look like they weren't targeting smaller channels.

The call that saved youtube from itself

all libturds?...if so was someone on inside.... figured id get the conspiracy fire started

disgruntled employee

It's interesting.

Someone was on Sup Forums just a couple of weeks back asking what everyone here thought of Conan.

Most people seemed in support of him.


Most of this is hecause YouTube is a lazy piece of shit that automates banning channels

They use some arcane fucking algorithms to look at tags and followers and flags and just lets the system do it, but that lets certain channels get meme'd into a ban half the time

Sky fucking Williams got caught up in one of these automated purges for some shit he never did because he talked about PewDiePie's bullshit once

It's absurd

I would say Conan is left of center. He is still very much in support of Obama. He goes after Trump, but he doesn't do it on a daily basis like jimmy kimmel.

Good to know the women at YouTube HQ can't code an AI worth a damn.


YT just testing the waters for public backlash IMO.

He can stay banned tho


This was their warning shot though.
Many of those creators will soften in the near future.

Normies will be too busy looking at lady gaga?

What this confirms is that regardless of intent, Youtube has a capacity to mass-ban channels at will.

Youtube wants net neutrality. A low turnout of support would tip them off that they fucked up targeting people who would otherwise have been loyal on an issue like nn and not have questioned the narrative.

Supposedly, the Lizard Squad is back. I wonder how the even knew about Styx in comparison to all those other huge channels.

They also scan over your thumbnails. People have repeatedly experimented with words like "guns, violence, rape" etc on one group of thumbnails, while using words like "puppies, cute" etc on others. Only the naughty word image thumbnails get demonetized.

Still an incredible coincidence.

Not only was it miniscule just for that particular ID or a similar variant showing up. It showed up on a nazi flagposter talking about jewtube.

I believe.

what the shit

Was also banned @sonic_hedgehog

why the fuck are they working on thanksgiving. fake ass american company

it's a power play. they just want to show what they are capable of.

Yes, this happened. The thread will have 404d by now after that kind of thing. But you will be able to find the post on archive.4plebs.

Actually here have a direct link just for you ireland

thanks pitcairn

no problem senpai :)

There is nothing to be concerned about. Youtube is fine.

Conan is legit funny most of the time,

They basically just assume anyone conservatives enjoy is alt right crypto fascists and ban accordingly, guilty by association and all that.

This is why they need to virtue signal so hard, because if they are not, they risk this sort of "othering" bull shit and being ostracized.


>They probably did it to make it look like they weren't targeting smaller channels.

Why or what they did I don't understand, but this wasn't a "test run oopsie" I can guarantee that. You don't let a script lose on your database without running it as output only first, and looking at the results. Not even some rent-a-loo would have been allowed to execute a script against the live site without testing.

Someone at Jewtube knew exactly what was going to be targeted before anything executed on a live server. This wasn't a "mistake." I'd bet my entire 20 year IT career on it.

More names of people who got banned and restored
@Britbong Alt- (wizowd)

If the theory is right this means conservatives watch Miley Cyrus