Can we have a Soul Eater thread...

Can we have a Soul Eater thread? I just recently started rereading this because I had dropped it at some point before it finished because of lack of interest. I heard the ending isn't that good, but I still want to finish it because I like having closure and the setting and characters were still pretty good.

Here is a Maka to ease your troubles.

The ending isn't that bad, it just has more of a comedic tone.

I remember people bitching a ton about the anime's courage punch -ending and hoping that the manga ending would be better, but I also remember that when the manga eventually did end people disliked it too.

I dropped it after Aracne's death and Soul becoming a death scithe. Did I give up extremely close to the ending?

Pretty sure there's like 1 chapter after that

After the artstyle got better it's pretty good. The Arachnophobia arc is way better in the manga, partially because Black*Star slowly becomes himself, instead of a Naruto clone.

My big problem with the ending is because Ohkubo doesn't know how to end anything and a bunch of character arcs were put to the wayside.

2/3 of the way, maybe. It's been awhile since I've read Soul Eater. But you should only have 2 or 3 arcs till the ending.It shouldn't drag on if you are catching up on it.

I remember thinking that after the artstyle improved it became really impressive and Blackstar turned out to be a really good character after all. I also loved the Clown arc which was completely skipped in the anime.

I guess I'll just post Maka.

Blackstar was legit the best part of the manga.

If you haven't checked it out yet, Ohkubo's new series is starting to get interesting

pic related, best boy's d

Only seen the shows because I'm filthy.
Rather confused on the way Sid died, however. Is NOT meant to be its own side universe or non-canon something? The entire way he died is different compared to what was said in the regular show.

>Soul Eater ripped off Bleach's first arc
>Oh, Kubo
How did I never realise this before?

Soul Eater was a whole buch of fun. Maka and Soul messing around was pretty much the most ideal thing that could have happend.

Well they sorta did.

I've only seen the Anime and I liked it, is it worth it to read the Manga then?


Bigger question. Is it worth reading past Baba Yaga?

I'd say at least one more arc. The Eibon arc was fun and fleshed out Maka a bit.

Personally I disliked manga ending more than anime.
Both were shit, Courage Punch was just slightly less shit.

>absolutely loved the anime and thought the ending made fantastic sense on a metaphysical/psychodynamic level

It's not like it was really 2deep4u, it was just highly metaphoric. I'm not sure why people complained so much, it's a nice little philosophical wrap up

The ending is actually fine.

Do these look like boobs to you?
( . ) ( . )

Agreed, I didn't really have much of a problem with it.
