Why do people look so weak effeminate today? Is it nutrition? Something in the water?

Why do people look so weak effeminate today? Is it nutrition? Something in the water?
Sedentary living?

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not enough melanin

Not amused tbqh

>Something in the water?

Yes. At an alarming point, birth control properties run amok in American tap water.

Any evidence of the effects?

>shitty food makes us look soft and weak
>less sunlight makes our skin look younger and weaker
>less activity makes us look like out of shape balls of shit

Men of the 1940s and 50s would look like complete pussies compared to the Romans and Greeks(other than being taller), for the same reasons.

But this makes me realize that we don't have an aesthetic 1940s high-school portrait Pepe... can a drawfag get on this, ASAP?


also Soy acts as artificial estrogen
gets prescribed to menopausic women.

the average US sperm count has dropped in half over the last 50yrs

John C Calhoun is sexiest man of all time

Everyone back then was riding horses, hauling shit, being active, it has nothing to do with our water.

Most people nowadays and since the 20th century have been on desks, getting fat from consumerism.

My aunt has the dame haircut

Even 30 years ago teenagers looked like mini-adults. Now they look like round, soft children, even when they're not fat. My guess would be food additives stimulating estrogen production, which is the same reason why more girls get tits at 11-12 these days.

efficient resource distribution-->people don't need to do as much manual labour-->lack of muscular growth

increasing automation-->more white collar jobs-->reduced manual labour

fatty food also plays a large factor, fats+lack of exercise can do worse than making people look effeminate

> why do we look so effeminate today
> posts pic of the missing link

All of the above. Different genetic groups seem to be coping with it differently. Not as bad as the plagues, shit in the water, and poor medical technology of the old days though.

Fucker looks exactly like Henry rollins

The subject of your pic was probably 5'5" and 145 lbs
And he was a big guy for his time

Depends on where you live. Balkanites are still pretty tough looking, inb4 white niggers. Most westeners have been SOYED sadly.

paternal and maternal age
you start dying at around age 20
quality of women's eggs decline sharply starting from age 25
lack of red meat
before it was understood that red(mammalian) meat made the west the best
now you have faggots scared of hot dogs(irony points over 9000)
air pollution - have you seen how ugly people in England are? That's why they lost the empire
pollution in general from industrial revolution
kids used to work before, not get a sex change by going to school and not do enough physical activity

You are just hanging out with pussies

i want to look like a 13 year old boy for the rest of my life. there is no point in looking rough and aged unless bad circumstances require really hard work that makes you aging faster.
wealth wasnt created to make us work harder, it was created to make us able to enjoy comfier things.

They look like monkeys

Soft lifestyle.

You're aware that men of past generations wore make-up, wigs and tights and fucked dudes, right? fuck outta with taht le-wrong-generation shit

That guy looks like he eats gas pipes.

Makes sense , maybe we are the missing link

>fatty food also plays a large factor, fats+lack of exercise can do worse than making people look effeminate
Objectively false. We don't eat nearly as much fat as they did in the past. Fats were replaced almost entirely with sugars and simple carbs. After the end of WW2 the sugar industry used anti-German sentiments to throw out nutritional science, which like a lot of science back then was largely in German papers and publications, and payed off some Harvard scientists to say that fat was bad and caused all sorts of health problems. Since the evidence to the contrary were in German no one read it and it became National policy that fats = bad, carbs = good, see the food groups/pyramid. The food industry shifted to producing fat free food with new cheap forms of sugar to make up for the lack in flavor due to removing the fat.

This had the unfortunate consequence of causing the obesity epidemic, because carbs have a very low satiating effect for the calories they contain, while Fats have a high satiating effect per calorie. This means people ate more calories and felt less full, so they ate more, and they got fatter, which made their bodies demand more food, so they ate even more and felt even less full. It was a feedback loop caused by replacing fats with carbs as a primary calorie source. It was a side effect of the sugar industry's play for greater profits. This spread all over the world, like most things American, and now everyone is fat as fuck and wonders why.

That image post is hysterical.

>Maybe someday she’ll let Chad ass fuck my anal virginity away


everytime i walk up to an old conservative-looking man in grocery stores, who's eating mainly meat, he has this old stinky smell around him.
fruits and vegetables make you smell really good on the other hand.

Do these 1940s chaps look like hard cunts, or is it just in my head?

Old people smell weird in general. There is nothing wrong with fruits and vegetables, nor did I ever imply that there was. Sorry if my eating ham with today's Thanksgiving meal was haram, I know you guys are sensitive about that sort of thing, but meat, even if your prophet forbids it, is not bad for you if cooked correctly.

his shoulders are really narrow

you can tell his looks don't come from manual labour
he's just masculine from good diet, good environment, etc.
if he was into manual labour then his shoulders would be broader
very rugged looking person, not very common these days. whites have fallen very far, they used to be apex and now they are near the bottom. Very easy to fix though, I have faith.

its true a ton of guys in america these days have babyface

the betas of back then are more masculine than most chads today

Dude just looks fucking ugly

You sound like a huge pussy. Do you have latent fantasies about a real man savaging you boipucci? Considering your German I expect the answer to be obvious.

Keep up the good work Klaus. I heard Israel needs a new class of submarine. Also some African males would like sexual asylum in your sister’s bedroom. Maybe, if you’re into beastiality, you can get Mumbeeke Thombo to inject AIDS in your faggot hole.


most of them look like the perfect balance. they look like fine friendly gentlemen who can get rough if this is really needed. not mentally stunted apemen or candy-ass soyboys.
In modern world you usually have only these choices - white niggers/chavs or "progressive and tolerant" noodlebodies/noodlebrains

I don't know, but it wasn't like this in the 90s, which is strange, considering a lot of people who were in their teens back then, turned into soyboys by the time they hit 30. Look at Wil Wheaton, who looked like an average teenager back when he was on Star Trek, and now looks like a FtM tranny.
I've said it before, but the nu-males of today look like an entirely new breed of people.

confirmation bias

Phyoestrogens and Xenoestrogens—they're in EVERYTHING nowadays—from plastics that surround all of all food and drink and every product we buy, to pesticides that contaminate all the plants you eat and seep into our water systems, to being naturally-occuring in almost EVERY FUCKING PLANT from enormous levels as seen in soybeans, to less intense but still significant levels like those in peanuts, doughnuts, pancakes/waffles, greenbeans, coffee, olives, chocolate, every single tea there is, et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseaum. It's not even just all this, but SSRIs lower testosterone and damage the testicles, every fucking thing out there seems like it's trying to make it impossible to be a man nowadays.

It's REALLY fucking bad.

Look at some of the sources if you don't believe me.


>Canadians before they were faggotized

All of the above, and then some.

Oh and if you're overweight or obese? Well all fat cells produce an enzyme that converts your testosterone into estrogen. As if there isn't enough trying to fuck you over, not to mention how modern lifestyle is making more and more difficult to not be overweight since almost no decent-paying jobs are physical jobs anymore. Life sucks ass nowadays for men.

now thats a rare flag

In every picture I've seen Calhoun looks like the goddamn crypt keeper or a corrupted version of Andrew Jackson.

Wil Wheaton kind of looks very similar to how he looked; he's a young looking fellow. The main difference is that he has a beard, but I see what you mean, sort of, about FtM appearance. I think it's the beard that gives him the look, as he has such a young, soft appearance, that the beard looks awkward and out of place.

testosterone levels have also dropped by alarming amounts.

No conclusive reason, and it seems like not much research is being done, almost like its a non issue despite it being a huge deal.

Most couples I talk too need 3-6 years to conceive, even healthy 20 somethings, seems out of whack, how the fuck did my grandparents generation have 7-12 kids if its that long between em? (talking people actively trying the entire time too.)

That's on purpose

That's on purpose too

lol average canadian guys still look like that tho....

>Brown skin
>No blue eyes among them
>All black hair
Makes me think mate.

That's because people forgot what fertility looks like in humans

you wouldn't expect a stunted tree with brown leaves and brittle branches to give good fruit yeah?

The first rare I've collected in weeks

Also it's about to be 1 full year since I started my collection. Still a good ways left to go. It will be 1 complete year as of tomorrow.

Many people aren't out in the sun much anymore. Sun damage really accelerates aging.

that is one picture you filthy nig nog

Well the question is p, are there enough phyto and xenoestrogens to affect development?

I've seen different results

Here's one study, very troubling stuff

Obviously there's lots of animal studies as well, but animal exposure to that stuff isn't quite the same(although things like rampant feminization I. Fish populations certainly don't bode well)

Personally I have experimented with anastrozole, an aromatase inhibitor, in mild dosages,p in which it is quite safe. Results were good, not earth-shattering, but good. Trick is to find a dosage that increases test but doesn't crash estrogen

Bullshit I've seen degrassi

I'm honestly fine with having a babyface. My baby cheeks will still get a proper cheekweld and I can still shoulder a rifle properly. Why do I give a fuck if I look like a tall 14 year old at 21?

It's dropping because of diet. We eat processed shit.

I'm unironically considering going on a plant-based-only diet soon because it seems like a surefire way to avoid processed shit.

if you consider cows to be plants and cheese to be its fruit then yeah i agree thats a good diet.

there's a trillion different things that are phytoestrogenic that we are exposed to but if you try to raise awareness people will just laugh it off and make a alex jones gay frogs reference

A bunch of fat white dudes eating pizza equals tough? Derp

Why the fuck would I ever eat cheese?

Haven't seen you before

Why should men be ugly and rough looking?

well im a girl living in canada soooo?

Why wouldn't you? I'm not sure how much you've been brainwashed
go ahead and hit me with your reasons to avoid it.

Because we have it too easy these days, these people lived fucking rough.

That pic is one of the most bizarre things I have read in a while.

jsut compare justin trudeau (strong chin strong jaw, masculine facial structure) to trump (no chin, no jaw, looks like a littlem boy with wrinkles

pls b in london

This has to be satire

This guy looks like a fucking corpse.

It might just be conservative and working dress have fallen out of favor.

Like the reason these people look more like adults is because they dress like what we consider adults to dress like.

This is a corpse from that time period. I don't really think so.

chad looks dont matter if u have a cuck mindset. plus drumpf is fuck you rich so he is a 10/10 to roasties

First off cheese tastes like soggy shit.

Also I've been brainwashed by doing research and reading studies that show cheese really has no benefits.

>In the United States, cheese is the number one source of saturated fat, and also contains trans fats. A high dietary saturated fat intake from foods like cheese and chicken is linked to periodontal disease. Lowering saturated fat intake may help reduce endotoxemia risk. Cheese intake has also been linked to lower sperm counts, higher inflammatory bowel disease risk, Parkinson’s disease, and cellulite formation. Eating sausage and cheese together can worsen arterial function within hours of consumption. Cheese is one of the top ten sodium contributors to the American diet and may have heterocyclic amines, a carcinogen normally connected with cooked meat, as well as putrescine. Consumers must be aware of misleading studies that suggest cheese and other foods high in saturated fat are not risky to our health.

educate yourself

I hate the kikes for what they've done.

Part of it is they weren't brainwashed out of their masculinity because of their whiteness or their physical features. We have fucked up the idea of masculinity to equate to a gym rat.

As such even the skinnier ones in this pic clearly have embraced masculinity as a psychological trait, rather than entirely exteriorized it like in modern times. This deviation (exteriorization) is something that many on Sup Forums fall for as well.

It's starting to seem like almost every pthalate will be estrogenic, which I can kind of see why by just looking at their structures. I don't understand why we keep switching to chemicals so related to one another when we know their relatives are dangerous to our health because of their estrogenicity. We've already done far too much permanent damage to our populace. Is there really no other alternative that would have a similar function as a pthalate? I really doubt that. It kind of seems like it's all happening on purpose, and our health agency in particular doesn't seem to give a fucking shit about us.

Where'd you get the Anastrozole from? I've looked at some SERMs but an actual aromatase-inhibitor sounds way better.

ahaha what a faggot you are
im not even going to reply to this garbage post.
this faggot seriously just linked to nutritionfacts.org
shove it up your ass bitch

see What most people eat now is fundamentally different from all the previous generations. Not just because it is processed, but the ratio of Fats/Proteins/Carbs. Before you go plant based, try just cooking meals for yourself. Get old pre-war recipes and try eating like that for a while. Nothing beats waking up and hearing the sound of eggs hitting the pan, sizzling in bacon fat.

Naturopathic Dr here

I think it is a combination of diet and a lack of physical strain on the body, caused by computer use etc. Environmental chemicals involved also.

Genetically speaking, I'm not the world's most masculine looking person myself, but lifting weights and keeping my fat percentage low enough to define my jawline has transformed how I look.

Estrogen in the water.

yeah sure they do

Well compared to the average american white boy they do look tough.

not an argument!

Its more then that, "processed shit" has been around a loooooongggggg time... hundreds of years of sugar, fat, meat with fillers, you name it... if anything processed shit was shittier back then, some still used lead in food.

This would lead to fatties, to worse health, and while fat does to an extent "femizie you" lots of theses effeminate men are super skinny rather then fat.

The anons linking sources on the large # of estrogen + estrogen like substances that men are exposed to on a daily, and constant, basis are probably to blame.

Naturopathic Dr here

Liver supporting herbs to support estrogen detox. Tribulus leaf is the best androgenic support available.

multidimensional biophysical decline

>cheese tastes like soggy shit
there's something wrong with your tastebuds

Stop eating knob cheese

>Most couples I talk too need 3-6 years to conceive, even healthy 20 somethings, seems out of whack
a couple is considered infertile if they can't conceive within 1 year

Smoking, nobody smokes ago

I've got 8 already (granted, 3 mothers). So stuff works. I'm also pretty high test. My point is that it isn't happening to everyone because survival pressures have changed. Some of us still have it, some don't.

We want a huge family, so this is working well. Also, having a lot of kids is actually really fun if you can manage it.

And its more about time than money. Once you've had 1 boy and 1 girl the costs are pretty much fixed and sunk already except for food. You do have to prioritize your life around your family to stabilize your family and keep everything in check, and that requires a deep selflessness and also ability to aggressively seize opportunities that numales can't muster.

Some people are just built cheap. Not my problem.

I look like OP, except younger. This is what your face starts to look like when you took and also posses what Lord Third refers to as the will of fire.

There are dozens of studies showing the current levels in our environment is far more than enough to permanently affect us. They're on mammals and we have very similar estrogen receptors and effects upon their activation, I don't see why they aren't taken more seriously.


never said anything about knob cheese you poof

Just went and found this: youtube.com/watch?v=XOMT3bRJXOo

His theory about concurrent majority is correct. The 51% to pass legislature will always lead to degeneracy, bribery, and destruction. Now if someone can think of a way to fix the judiciary.