ITT we act like sheeple


Don’t talk to me or my black son ever again.

Immigration is good for the economy.

Israel has a right to exist, meeeeh

The net neutrality bill will give us a neutral and uncensored internet!

We need more refugees to pay our pensions! And kebab is so good......

Stalin wasn't so bad,i mean.he was on our side right?


Rick and Morty is a genius masterpiece

32 times the population of Australia shit on Indian streets


Trump is gonna get us all killed. Two mad men (Kim and Don) in control of massive amounts of nukes are having a dick size competition and risking are lives while doing it.

Bernie Sanders is right and socialism is the only way. No I don't need to explain with economics you Nazi piece of shit. Why do you want the poor to die?

No I don't need to explain why because you're a rascist.

The democrats are the real racists

Jews did nothing wrong baaaahhh
Muslims are peaceful people baaaahh

*eats grass*
*pays kosher tax*
*gets beheaded by muslim*

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

You can't be rascist against the people with historical power. There is no such thing as discrimination against white men. We need to fight antisemitism.

Ze is not gay! Obviously ze is trans but that doesn't mean that ze is gay! They obviously aren't straight but that doesn't mean we can call them gay! 10 pronouns is the minimum for describing a human and humans are soo much more beautiful and complex than we think!


President Trump is racist, his comments about the Nazi rally in Charlottesville all but confirmed


Christians wouldn't turn away refugees, they're just poor people escaping war

It's not gay for a woman to fuck a man. Yes some women have a penis get over it.

Um wow, why do you hate people because of their skin color you basement dwelling virgin losers

All Christians should support socialism if they read the bible. It supports tax collectors and a strong central government.

All white men are rascist.

women can't even compete

Immigration is food for my retirement
Young people are so lazy

except socialism, you know, forbids religion and kills priests but other than that, sure, same thing

Black people can't be racist, their ancestors were slaves once!

Yes but Christians did they crusades! That means we can permanently punish them. #NotAllMuslims

They are not responsible for their actions. Yes, they are just as responsible as everyone else and the only explanation for the lack of black CEOs is rascism.

haven't you got new Zealand cock to take?

Buhhhh pizzagate! Buhhhh 70D chess bahhhhhhhhh. Based Trump buhhh.