Why do so many hentai mislead that semen is produced in testicles?

Why do so many hentai mislead that semen is produced in testicles?

It isn't

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But it is.


>semen aren't produced in the testicles
where do you suppose they come from then?

Please tell me op is lying

Why don't you ask /h/?

Has this guy ever tasted someone's semen?

The nutbladder, by the penis engine and coccyx.

I'm not entirely sure, but I think that hentai's main intention isn't precisely of giving a biology lesson

Inside the body itself. Testicles only produce sperm, whilst the majority of semen is something else.

Only the sperm comes from the testicles, the semen is produced by the seminal vesicle
But I guess only sciencefags are bothered by it while reading doujins


should've payed more attention in biology I suppose

Finally asking the real questions

Why do so many anime mislead that real life have magical powers?

It isn't

>i-it's bigger than before

Why do so many hentai mislead that penis can grow further than its own size during the sex?

they are talking about hard vs rock hard. the real question is why they say semen tastes so good, when i tried some (non-gay semen in a no homo method of extraction) and it didn't taste good at all.

>i tried some (non-gay semen in a no homo method of extraction)

>i tried some (non-gay semen in a no homo method of extraction)

like eating a yogurt cup in refig and it turnout to be semen?

>when i tried some (non-gay semen in a no homo method of extraction)

>when i tried some (non-gay semen in a no homo method of extraction)
also pic related

english as well.

>when i tried some (non-gay semen in a no homo method of extraction) and it didn't taste good at all.

what the fuck do you want? was i supposed to use gay semen and be a fag?

Sure thing homo.

You was supposed to not drink any semen you retard
It is just wrong

That sounded pretty gay user.

literally what part of it was gay. i said it was specifically not gay. if a vegan eats a vegan burger (not meat) he isn't suddenly not a vegan because he ate a burger.

Pretty fucking gay

>eating your own semen isn't gay

what? eating your own semen is gay even if it is not-gay semen. i got it from someone else

I've seen this happening. A male has a normal size in erection when it's only masturbation, but when faced with intercourse the penis can grow even further beyond. It's amazing.

If you want to make a no homo joke go to /fit/, this is just too cringy.

>when i tried some (non-gay semen in a no homo method of extraction)

Jesus fucking christ, how about not ingesting any damn semen at all, you weird fuck?


>i got it from someone else

Why is everyone shitting on this dude? I eat my jizz everytime I fap and its not bad tasting it just doesnt taste like gourmet food. I think the allure is purely psychological. It "tastes good" because its a huge turn on. Thats why girls can get addicted to drinking semen.

>ingesting own is gay
>ingesting someone else's isn't

>i got from someone else
Okey now that is gay

GUYS its okay to eat your own jizz. I do it everytime I fap. Im used to the taste of semen. Its not gay.

But he said he got from someone else

>it´s okay if it´s feminine semen from a feminine dick
That´s actually true. Trap semen is perfectly nohomo.

man it's been a while since i used this pic

You fucking slut

>All these newfags overreacting about someone trying out semen

Cmon me and a couple of other anons in this thread have tried it. Its not gay.

It's my own semen. Thats like saying masturbating is gay because you have to touch your own cock.

More importantly, why do so many hentai mislead that any female body part that is a tight orifice, or can be used to create one, is in fact a vagina?

That's what gays says

>>implying this board and by extension many places on the internet isn't full of weird fucks

You shouldn't be here.

>Thats like saying masturbating is gay because you have to touch your own cock
Yeah it is

you're consuming your own semen, that's like saying drinking your own pee isn't fucking disgusting because it's yours

>he touches his cock while masturbating

>It's my own semen so there is nothing wrong with drinking it
Do you eat your own shit?

That´s why you let your girl (male) buddy jerk you off. Nohomo.


And that means that many places on the internet are full of people drinking their semen?

Yeah, weird fuck is probably an understatement


What a nice thread about anime and manga.

drinking your own cum is very anime

What's with all the normalfaggotry? Semen is great. Your own semen that is.

What a nice post about anime and manga.

>i tried some (non-gay semen in a no homo method of extraction)

>Sup Forums - semen and off-topic

Roka a shit

That is correct. Semen consists, roughly speaking, of 3 components.

But she's so cute.

>if you don't eat your own semen you're a normalfag
The mental gymnastics of faggots, I swear.

Says the normalfag.

How is this thread still up?

take your twitter images back to whatever shithole you came from

Something something board culture.



Uhh yeah, sure the white stuff is made in prostate, however making of the semen starts in testicles so its kinda fine.

>Sup Forums starts talking about sex
>they start saying the most stupid yet funniest shit ever
I understand a lot of people (including me) are virgins in their mid 20s but Jesus Christ man, don't start talking about shit you don't know about.

Like what?

sure, i'm not judging
but it's gay

I think he is talking about gayness of drinking your own cum

Like how pussy feels

What do you think?

Put your fingers inside your mouth
that's what pussy feels like, when I was a kid I touch the insides of my mouth pretending I'm doing foreplay while playing rapelay

what like brick pussy?

The problem is that shitty translators don't care about the difference between semen and sperm and just use whatever word they like most.

That analogy is for a condom, not a pussy, dumbass.

Is it gay if you slurp down your own semen?
I wouldnt do it though

But i would suck my own cock if i could. Would that be gay?
Because i mean its just another part of you, it would be saying you are gay for licking your hand or whatever

>dilema problems of Sup Forums

If your mouth feels like a condom why do people pay you for blowjobs instead of just buying condoms? Also you should get that checked by a doctor.

what part of that is gay? you put your finger in your mouth if you have something stuck in your teeth, how is that different than your own dick? they are both connected to you.
drinking your own cum is gay though


Why? It's just like drinking your own spit, or maybe eating your boogers. It's gross and you're not supposed to do it but it's not gay.

>how is that different than your own dick
If you would stick your finger in mouth only because this sexually attract you this is gay
so the dick is

benefits of drinking your cum
>good clean up
>tastes good if you eat healthy
>basically recycling
>getting called gay over the internet because everyone on Sup Forums has a fragile sense of masculinity

the dick is gay? you can't be straight and have a gay dick. gays have gay cum, straight have straight cum.

I mean sticking your dick in your mouth

how is it gay though i don't get it. you jerk off with your hand and it isn't gay, jerking off with your mouth is the same thing.

>>good clean up
>what is toilet paper and toilet
>>tastes good if you eat healthy
Why would you want to eat it for taste?
>>basically recycling
basucally Sodom

>basically recycling

I'm not sure that's quite how it works, user
