Brexit will screw us all and turn is into a 3rd world shithole...

>Brexit will screw us all and turn is into a 3rd world shithole, but at least we won't have to deal with Polish immigrants anymore!

The ABSOLUTE STATE of Great Shitain

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Brits are the niggers of Europe

are the polish worse than all the niggers and muslims?

Still better from dealing with barbarians.

>won't have to deal with Polish immigrants anymore!
Great,more space for african and Paki immigrants. God save the queen

depends what do you understand as "worse"
if being enterprise and hardworking means "worse" than yes


also... The real reason behind Brexit is way different than migration one.

That was a 4d chess deal between Polish and UK gov. Poles wanted British military bases in Poland / NATO, UK needed some legit reason to convince chavs to vote for brexit.

The plan is to make Britain so shit that in a generation all the immigrants go elsewhere

Still worth it imo

They tried to scare us with the same tactic when electing Trump

You wouldn't have to do it like that if you people had the stones to just kick them out

>The Guardian
> The IFS

>>Brexit will screw us all and turn is into a 3rd world shithole, but at least we won't have to deal with Polish immigrants anymore!
Lies by the establishment, unable to deal with its own failure.

yeah because they have a great track record of being right

>1 post by this id

Britan is fucked

The EU wants to enslave everyone thats why they want an army so bad.
If the Brits leave it will be a big step toward EU collapse. Others will follow.
The elite will punish you, but tough times free from EU dominance is better is better than tough times under EU subjugation. As for the Brexit bill for every dollar the say you owe send them a bill for two. That will help offset the financial hard times to come.

I'd rather be worse off for 20 years and remove kebab, desu

What happened to the British spirit to dominate? Chin up and take adversity head on.

We're you allowed to type that Bong? Or do you have to pay a fine after each post??

this is the best thing that could happen, seriosuly there'll be fucking queues across Gatwick, Dover and Heathrow of foreigners leaving for Germany and Europe when our economy dries up.

Granted the IFS have had 3 failed Brexit recession predictions -v I wouldn't put my faith in them. Also, this assumes the current situation will remain consistent, which it won't; once we make trade deals, and deregulate industry, we will reap the benefits of Brexit, but that can't happen until 2019.

P.S. enjoy your migrants -

im using a 3d printer and the anarchist cuckbook to make butterknives and bicycle wheels for the alpha uprising desu senpai

(((Economist))) predictions

Same economists predicted Trump victory would kill stock market.

This. They're trying to get rid of people. Immigrants and the disloyal.

This is from a nobel prize winning economist, after election night, writing for a major newspaper, and someone cited by most politicians

It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover?

Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.

So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight. I suppose we could get lucky somehow. But on economics, as on everything else, a terrible thing has just happened.

worry about all the little german girls getting raped, and not britain, kraut

Here is the model economists use:

Do I like it politically. - It's good for economy.
Do I dislike it politically - It's bad for economy

The reasoning they use to hate on BREXIT is modeled along the fact that EU is functioning great. That UK was stupid not to adopt the euro. etc.

There is no working economic model from which to judge the circumstances or outcome of brexit. It's entirely based on bias and guesswork.

Theresa May is too weak to tell the EU to fuck off with their divorce bill rubbish. And that's what will screw Brexit over. If she gives into them, it'll be Brexit In Name Only.

muh economic growth


economic growth would have been higher under the nazis. What was UK thinking?

Reality is it all depends on factors. How good is EU political leadership? How good is UK political leadership?

If like most people you view EU as a fucking disaster of the worst sort in terms of leadership it's not so bad.


well geez looks like the bongs can't afford to feed all thos somali niggers after all

how exactly is brexit solving your kebab problem? you should've nuked london instead
I'm genuinly interested how you going to remove 20% of your population, by leaving the union.
Please answer

First of all, the UK has regained the right to deport migrants already - so removing the criminal population takes a large chunk away.
Moving toward a free market economy, as planned by MP's like Dan Hannon, means less welfare, meaning less incentive for migrants to come over. You will have to work in a free market economy, and Mudslimes are lazy so, they can fuck off to France if they want Gibs.
Also, we can create a VISA style program to block unwanted migrants from entering the country; those who are unskilled won't be let in, those looking in may have to pay a deposit that they leave in the bank for 5-10 years (like Australia, where you need to leave around $15,000 untouched in an Australian bank for 5-10 years), or if you have links to criminal or terrorist organizations, you won't be let in.

at least you can enjoy some good muslim dick amirite
whats all this fuzz about freedom n shit anyway
dont sharpen your butter knife too hard cheeky wanker or post "critique of islam" and pay your tv fee
then you can enjoy it that is

the "criminal population" is now ~30% of your country
part and parcel son
they can now singlehandetly put up the biggets political party in your country and you think youll get rid of em whahahah

>the "criminal population" is now ~30% of your country
part and parcel son
What's your point, I told you we have regained the right to deport criminals.

>they can now singlehandetly put up the biggets political party in your country and you think youll get rid of em whahahah
Literally, learn how to spell and basic grammar, I don't even know what your saying here.

Eternal Kraut
We are taking back millions per year into the country and out of the hands of you reckless Jerrys.
The desperation shown on your end is sad.

>meanwhile the UK government has agreed to boost the migration from muslim countries with 300% to replace all the white EU migrants

poles are jew tier!

>turn is into a 3rd world shithole

Sorry, Dieter it is already too late.


Eurodrunks not getting their giros is a spectator sport.
