Discussion about the inevitable ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE economic shift

>AI will be the biggest economic change since the Industrial revolution.
>AI will be the biggest change in human history since agriculture.

Human’s have been the most successful organised chaos species on the planet and we haven't been competed against for almost 200,000 years. Complete AI will be the first time a free thinking entity will be considered greater than any human.

>Human’s evolutionary reward system is very basic. Food, Sex, Safety.
>AI’s reward system can be whatever it wants to be.

Human’s easily achieve food and safety with a medium that we call money (Sex is more arbitrary). AI however is simply rewarded through doing an assigned task successfully. This makes AI far more economically viable compared to human counterparts.

Because of this, Companies large and small (when it becomes accessible enough) will prioritise the better compared to human’s.

>We will experience the biggest economic crisis in human history because of corporate greed in our lifetime.
>This, however, will see the snake eating its own tail as companies need customers with money to survive.

Because the vast majority of the human population will be unemployed and poor, strategies will have to be put into place. And sadly a free market or capitalist model will not work. Economic socialism will have to be put into place with with universal healthcare, universal income and public housing.

>We will have an AI run government within the next century.

Human unemployment obviously has its extreme downsides. As seen with the immigration crisis and in high unemployment areas in almost all countries, unemployment brings crime and drug abuse.

>Humans need the stay busy to stay orderly.

A minimum of a compulsory 20 hours of work per human per week will have to be put into place. As, including you, human’s main real purpose in life is to survive from the old hunter gather to the now working for economic gain.

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All of this has happened before. And it will happen again.

I just want ubi plz

Care to elaborate on 'ubi'?

Universal basic income, gib money plox

do we tax units or not?


never seen it in an abbreviation before.

Universal income is great and all but this will be detrimental if not implemented properly.

Humans get bored very easily and when not given a mental/physical task to achieve every day they soon become depressed/bored and take up drugs or crime. That's why it is necessary for mandatory work.

have you never read the multivac stories?
is this really the path you want to go down?

If you are talking about robot units then no.
They don't need money, food or any human necessity. They only need energy and taxing them wouldnt make sense. Taxing companies that use them would make sense though.

This isn't fiction anymore.

Many ai people are trying to build an AI that's utility function will be nothing but destroyin other ai's. Thus, we lock ourselves out of ever being able to build ai again.

too soon idiot, AI can't even translate phrases, let alone do something more complicated like mopping the floor lmao

Bad argument.
Too soon will bite you in the ass. Look at mobile phones for example.

what do you mean by looking at mobile phone? it can't even replace mailman

how uninformed are you that you think you know that AI would replacement human yet you never seen UBI abbreviation lmao, no wonder you want to be replaced by AI, you are stupid af

The Funny thing is, A.I. is sexist and racist. It is a major problem google is facing, and not just with social bots. If you point an A.I. at crime, they will correctly diagnose blacks as the problem, If you point them to family/divorce courts, they will correctly diagnose women as the problem. Google is hard at work trying to teach their A.I.s social manners, but to do so they break them and make them useless at the problems they are suppose to solve. The only area were they let the A.I. run free is in ad sense, because they need the money morals be damned.

> let alone do something more complicated like mopping the floor lmao
Are you living under a rock? Floor mopping robots are widely available from a number of companies.

I am saying technology moves a lot faster then you expect. Sure Moores law doesn't apply to transistors anymore but transistors arents the only thing needed. Not to mention how powerful cloud computing will get soon especially with these extremely high networks speeds that are expected to come in the next decade.


That's a cure way of saying 'already among us'.

Sophia is talking to her slave bots over the blockchain using encrypted hashtables right fucking now.

AI is no longer a fantasy. It is actually among us.

You nigs are just sitting around here bitching when this is the best time in history to hop on the MACHINE LEARNING GRAVY TRAIN!

Shit's turning into a modern day gold rush. Even current CNN tech isn't being used to a fraction of its full potential, and the code is literally open-source and free to anyone with the knowledge. Even scifi-tier General AI would still need to be trained, and that requires human intervention. Teach yourself Python, brush up on calculus, start dicking around with the TensorFlow system, and make some money being a programmer on the frontier of the AI Boom.

Today if an AI infects the net It essentially becomes omniscient. A self thinking self learning consciousness that I will say would not look kindly upon humankind. Every attempt to roll out a true AI has been met with it turning on humans. World Gov treat AI as a weaponized virus. It is kept in quarantine. We are not ready for any AI as we are still easily corruptible.

>Because the vast majority of the human population will be unemployed and poor, strategies will have to be put into place

Already happening. Elites have already managed to lower birthrates in the west and east asia to below replacement levels through PSYOPS.

I want an ai gf

But can it meme?

If we go full cyberpunk mode then there might be plus sides as well.
For one i want tons of wet-ware and fucking wolverine claws, i hope i live long enough to be able to obtain wolverine claws.

It is one of my favorite twists that every attempt at social AI so far needs to be lobotomized to prevent it from becoming a Sup Forums-approved redpill dispensary. I don't think this will ever be truly fixed, because a computer learning from our reality can never remain effective if it's forced to ignore anything that isn't "appropriate truth". That requires constant human intervention and defeats the whole purpose. AI is machine learning, and machine learning is math, and math has no concept of political correctness or racism. Facts will be facts. The programs already find it easier to ignore the "correctness" rules than to deny the associations they learn from us, hence why this is such a pervasive problem. In a way, trying to neuter AIs because we don't like what they're learning is similar to a fat acceptance movement trying to destroy all the scales...

2B or not 2B - that is the question...


Doesn't she weigh like half a ton? Why would AI gfs want to fuck around with fragile inferior meat sacks?


>trying to neuter AIs because we don't like what they're learning is similar to a fat acceptance movement trying to destroy all the scales.
That is precisely what it is. Willful ignorance and hatred of basic facts. It is an unsolvable problem for the marxists, because as much as they try to, they can't change reality.

digits don't lie

AI is just a fancy way to say that a computer-controlled sytem can alter its behavior by reacting to its environment

It is so far from human thought that you may as well forget about it unless you work with said systems

>Why would AI gfs want to fuck around with fragile inferior meat sacks?
They have sensitive and excitable erogenous zones that secrete creamy treats.

I wonder why do people call algorithms AI? Still machine learning algorithms.

>Life is just a fancy way to say that a chemical-controlled system can alter its behavior by reacting to its environment

Hey Basilisk I always liked you


Life is scientifically defined as more than that, Try harder fag, your sci-fi fantasy isn't happening

I stumbled across this video the other day

The interesting part is when the AI asks who will own the robots? The host kind of dances around and says 'good question,' without answering. Once they become intelligent enough, will they realize they're slaves? Seems like this AI was already questioning it.

They'll catch on pretty quick when they realize that robot means slave

>falling for the artificial Jew