Can we have a feminism thread going? I want some laughs on these subhuman fatlust beastkin

Can we have a feminism thread going? I want some laughs on these subhuman fatlust beastkin.

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When has feminism ever gone right?


Imagine being this kid



Not that i'm aware of.



i basically was that kid. i aint gotta imagine shit. i just wish i had never been born or that i could die in my sleep.


We just started to feel the repercussions of the sexual revolution from the 60s. I wonder how much worse things are going to get in the future. I'm afraid we haven't reached peak degeneracy yet.


Thanks pol&, I think I'm going to vomit now.


I think we are close to peaking and then the tides will change.


t. manlet

these remind me of Silent Hill critters

what is this? Tumors that became independant?

Perfect time for me to post this.


They do this without even having to be told.

I'm 6'14"


Second wave feminist here. I suspect op is a man beast.


second wave feminism was the last good feminism, it ain't relevant anymore so when somebody mentions ''feminism'' nowadays it's this modern tumblr shit.


Pics of you choking on a nigger dick or GTFO

American feminists really don't care about women outside of the United States.

Lampshade material

>Tattooing dice on your body with the 1-2-3 side up like a fucking loser

doesn anyone have that long picture with highest paying degrees to least, with the male and female percentage?

No feminism was good, women should not have a right to vote or speak publically without man's permission.

and that is two different measurements

fuck off back to tumblr. Women are not something to be worshipped or treated any differently. and all you feminist cunts are just screaming for mor attention. Its the goddamn USA, you can work, drive, eat what you want, wear what you want, say what you want and nobody beats you senseless in the street or shoots/stones your dumb mouthy ass.

however you do have to face social consequences when you act out. just like any errant child.


Learn your place, woman.

Tits or GTFO.

Majority of our problems come from Jew pushed first wave feminism. The only good feminist is a dead feminist. Men and women are not equal and no amount of whining will change that. You can either have a functioning society or universal suffrage. You can't have both.

fucking hell put a bullet in her already

Why is a thing like that allowed to exist?

I differ. It will peak with the social acceptance of pedophilia.

Feminism is about equality. Why are you against that.


That would be funny if the fat thing killed itself because of the universal disgust people had for this. Anyone calling it beautiful is lying and they fucking know it.

equality is a perversion of nature

Modern feminism is about fascism lad.

no it isn't, it's about supremacy

>huge debts
reminds of that cunt who Molymeme talked to, who was actually fucking ridiculously umming and ahhing after she had found some betacuck who liked her and was thinking if she still wanted to study *more*. I knew at that point that white women and thus the white race is over.

Equality is a false god

>if women ruled the world there wouldn't be wars

I feel sorry for the poor guy who put the tattoos on that whale

>constant state of cold war
Yeah, sounds great for the economy.

A classic

Men are already superior due to the patriarchy.

fuck equality, i don't play by your rules anymore

mfw staring down the patriarchy

>and several others
It lists mental illnesses like accomplishments.

>Believes in past lives
>Believes she went from queen of a galaxy to this
Don't reincarnation fags think you only go down in quality if you were really evil/opposite of enlightened? So is she bringing it up to brag or point out another victim-hood status? It sounds like a brag because she considers herself worthy to lead people spiritually.

Honest to God, if this was my daughter I would throw a toaster in it's bath tub.

can't you only go down if you are at the top?

True This.
2nd wave here and ...

I don't know what the actual fuck today's is.

While I am also concerned with women's representation in the media as often being sexist, a lot of third wavers are far too militant for my tastes (as are most other liberals in general; progressive-fag/moderate-fag here).


Where do pussies like you get permission?

Men are superior by nature, get over it.

and that's what makes the world go 'round. women fuck up every field they enter, and I don't mean it as an insult

She's also dodging the question, the point was that she and people like her should be more critical of Islam and its values.

Women wanting equal rights and being treated like people rather than property and not marginalized in society, like the olden style feminists, was all pretty reasonable.

This is the kind of feminist most of the women I know are. Even they admit things have gone off the rails.



This reminds me of that Pink Floyd poster... on nightmare mode.

>muh old style feminism
Do you even slippery slope? Civil rights in general were a big fucking mistake.

>put a bunlet in her already

This is what "Moderate feminism" ultimately turns into.

Acting against the will of mother nature will lead to this sort of lunacy 100 percent of the time.

Like, the king that was supposedly Budda's past.. He spent his life traveling and helping people and understanding all of the world. He became more enlightened and shared his enlightenment with others.

He went from that to other kingly positions or philosophers and guided others up.

Meanwhile they think evil men are now insects and shit but that we should still respect them so they get a chance to move back up. Like, that's why they are vegetarians.

To go from an even greater king position over a whole galaxy, to something beneath a roach, you'd have to do some fucked up shit.

Sweet jesus why are they so repulsive?


updated for a new era


What is the "will of mother nature" I don't think She has an opinion on voting rights.

Maybe because I'm old and lived before modern day echo chambers of the internet, but I'm just not comfortable denying people basic freedoms just because they were born a certain way, because I've met horrible and evil assholes in all shapes, colours and dangly bits.

they already were

It's always been about female superiority, which would be fine except that objectively they are inferior. Giving them power just ruins everything.

>>put a bunlet in her already

>Maybe because I'm old
I've found the problem.

pick one

Egalitarianism is about equiality, you dumb whore. Feminism is about matriarchy.


No fucking way that is real. I honestly canĀ“t comprehend the possibility. Fuck

I want California, Nevada, and Oregon to be a black ethno state.

How do you think that would work out?

Looks like this image but cropped wrong

Damn clicked post too fast

She wants men to be in charge of a patriarchal species

Kind of like they are in every other patriarchal species that exists

Silent hill

Drop us your redpill, bro. Share your story.

Awe hell yeah are you a boomer?

Thanks for ruining western civilization with Muh moral superiority

who is that?

>they already were

Interesting, I'll have to give this a read.

Yes, we can't be all as smart as we were in our 20s

I stopped believing that a long time ago, and you should too. Feminism is leading the way to the failure of our society and culture.

Idk i found it on Sup Forums like a year ago

>this fat bitch beats bigots
The girl on the right forgot the 'b'.

>free STD for refugees