What is Sup Forums's stance on white women ?

What is Sup Forums's stance on white women ?

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They won't even spit in a Sup Forumstards direction so Sup Forums hates them


As long as they only fuck white dick they're useful for our cause.

White women are for breeding with white men.

Sage and move on.

Their minds have been twisted by media, therefore, not needed.

Why does her swim suit have a belt?

Very beautiful but degenerate at the same time.
It's like the ripest fruit attracts the most of worms.


The hottest women but they are so entitled at this point they are pretty much intolerable

They're more loyal to their own race than white men.

>It's like the ripest fruit attracts the most of worms.
So that's why there's so many poos asking to open bob

>Sup Forums is one person

whiyte whimin be best niga fur ril issss teh sess to be inn just find the bootyhole and plowdashih

Don't be rude. I'm just curious about your opinions.

If they drink alcohol or do any type of drugs they are trash
just like every other women

Worms refer to the Degeneracy you retard.
Do you even Shakespeare and sheit?

memes you can have sex with

How do you find the good ones? The ones that don't hate their whiteness and appreciate men? Aren't far left crazy sluts just off the college campus parroting liberal professors about how it's our duty to stop having children.

And don't tell me they're out there somewhere, I know that. I want advice.

I don't get those polls, it wasn't even a question for me if I'd ever fuck a shitskin or nignog, that thought never even got into my head until I saw bs like this.

They belong in the trash man's trash can

The hottest women are Persian/Lebanese. Eastern Euro when they aren't anorexic tier. Some Jordanians are hella sexy too.

They're disgusting, all of them. It will be worth destroying the white race to eliminate white women.

If there is anything every single Sup Forumsack agrees is that shills like you should be executed.

Tpи пoлocки


Traitors of humanity. The eternal nation destroyers along with the Jews.

They're the most narcissistic and superficial people alive -- they are largely intolerable to be around. They are the only women I would reproduce with but I'd rather not reproduce than deal with most of the ones I have met. My GF is nice though

Women, much like children, are entirely at the mercy of their environment.

If they grow up and live in a traditional society then they will exhibit modesty and self-discipline.

If they grow up in a hedonistic society then they will exhibit debauchery and a lack of self-disicpline.

If they grow up in a muslim country then they will behave like muslim women do.

If they grow up in a racially charged ethno-state then they will be racist.

But that is not the interesting part, the interesting part is why. If you were to speak to any of the women from my above scenarios and ask them why they exhibit said principles (or lack thereof) they will look at you, bewildered, as if you were a mad man for challenging 'the way things are', because all a woman knows is what she has ever known.

The agents of change and the great minds behind every philosophy are male. The depth of thought required to contemplate morality and virtue is lost on women.


The only ones worthy of marriage are senior citizens or have been with the same guy since age 14

t. paki

Depends on the woman, but at the end of the day, like them or not, they are the only ones I would be willing to have children with. Can't JUST my legacy.

moar ?

To each their own but white women are objectively the most lusted after

The best but high maintenance, you have to slap them around and dominate them because they will test you every chance they get.

They are #2 and they know it.

>only white children
>Can't JUST my legacy.

Khan Tervel is spinning in his grave

I love them

I wish i could give you some solid advice user, but I got lucky and met my girl off of Tinder.

If you are a strong enough man and they like you enough it doesn't really matter what they think. The "bend to a strongman" meme is not really a meme. She is indoctrinated to an extent, but loves me enough to listen and questions her own beliefs.

Keep your head up and stand strong. My girl was from Wisconsin so I'd recommend looking in the Midwest. Check out their family life on social media too. It is a big indicator.

Good luck user

They do too much dumb trashy shit like get tattoos and get drunk and go to parties to get spit roasted. The should be more conservative like some asian girls.

Muß man fucken.

Nope just sick of white whores who have no self respect

My man.

Some old blood Syrians are gorgeous too.

Western paki and Iraqi scum destroyed the East

>white women
You mean spoiled instagram whores?

Its a love hate thing

I want to have sex with them

pretty awesome

Most destructive force on earth

Light skinned Persian girls are indo European and look white as fuck sooo I'm good

>tfw no white gf

fuck off niggger

Im not white enough and the wrong mix.


gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang

White women in the west are too spoilt. Literally the most privileged people in history.


Best of all is orthodox Lebanese girls who are practically white and are thiccc af


persians have some of the highest rates of homosexuality so dont be fooled by their hot women.

All women are due to go extinct, though maybe we will keep a few alive in human zoos.

Whores. They better have a tight pussy when i penetrate them.


They should start making a shitload of wyt babyz

Reminder, the majority of white women voted for Trump. He still would have won if only white women had voted.
They are also less likely to racemix than white men. Yellow fever cucks are more common than blackeds.

Dude what? Let's start with why do they have brains, but don't use them?

That's what happens when the Jews try to subvert you via Mossad

They're shit

plus, if you find a good one, they make a good team

>stance on white women ?
Pile driver.

Thank you for your contribution!

is this fucking real?
Just let (((them))) have it all. fuck this mess.

They're amazing and should be respected. They're the backbone of Western civilisation.

Pol won't rest until the world is a festering melting pot of bio engineered gay neo Nazi but babies

>They're the backbone of Western civilisation.
If thats true the west is absolutely fucked m8

Mostly total garbage, a few good non brainwashed ones still out there somewhere.

Would that be the same western civilisation they have spent the best part of the last 100 years running into the ground? Fucking puto

>white women ?

horizontal and bumpy

it's fake
some promotional thing for a band

>losing my baby belly
>shows tits instead of stomach

at least try

das wut i be sayin nikka

>Reminder, the majority of white women voted for Trump
Is there County by country breakdown of this available?

those milkers are feeding happy wyt babyz


>at least try
What do you think she is trying to do? She's a woman, she's not trying to be literally and autistically honest. She's trying to be attractive. And she's succeeding.


They're annoying.

Create hapas > MGTOW+Anime > Accept white "women"

Fucked in the head beyond repair. They hate themselves and their race.
I'm sick of meeting single moms who feel it's appropriate to talk about how evil white men are over drinks. Self-hating white girls should do everyone a favor and just kill themselves.

MGTOW is great, nonetheless we're losing our breeding machines if we're only goin' our own way.

Shakespeare is that dude who famously first cooked bitch lasagna?

I think that is what they were leading up to with the belt question.