Are there free lunch in this world?



>free lunch

I keep seeing this term.

What does it mean?

If you're not white then yes there is


when that expression was coined, there were no free lunches....if you are, you worked for the food

Now, I take it to mean that even if it looks free, there are strings attached.

>...if you are, you worked for the food
*...if you ATE, you worked for the food

A "free lunch" is just that, a meal that costs nothing.

The term brings to mind that everything costs something. Even if you go and sit down at a restaurant for a free lunch, it costs the proprietor to feed you. Even if they were given the food for free, it cost the distributor in fuel and labor to bring it there. It ultimately cost the source of the food its life. If it was synthetically produced, it cost in time or money or electricity or fuel or materials.

It's a simple way of telling you to show gratitude.

only if you photosynthesize

nuh-uh, photosynthesis relies on energy from the Sun, which is not infinite

They've turned him into a faggot. His glasses were pretty faggy before, now they're beyond faggy, I didn't even know you could could buy glasses that gay. Also he's utterly wrong about storage and networks, he's drunk the Google Koolaid. Pretty sad overall.

This is what soy does to you

Could it be what they serve at lunch?

Soy? Maybe. Are they faggots because they work at Google, or do they work at Google because they're faggots?

weird. it did the exact opposite to moot

Where can I get a shimipan shirt like that?

aside from dressing like a casual friday john elton this guy clearly transformed into a pro-centralization pro-big-brother disposition

That's called reversion to the mean.

Moot's levels of absolute faggotry were simply unsustainable, even with the help of Joogle.

what the fuck is going on in that picture
>crying girl
>emu eating like an absolute madman
>some kind of alpaca behind him

The inevitable results of Brexit.

God save the Queen.
