Why can't they handle it?

Why can't they handle it?

What is this and why is it not on

Because it's a political discussion about gender equality.

she still has plenty of makeup on
glad though she led with that because she felt she didn't have enough
bet she'd look like a barn animal if she really did cry it all off

>essentially punch
what does that mean

I think she was saying that because she thought her insurance would reimburse her for the lost make-up.

Not actually punch but do something sort of similar if you look at it the right way?

she's the one that got hit by some negro after telling him to stop manspreading, right?

>essentially punch

> i don't feel safe

Fuck women, i don't feel safe, im the one thats going to get smashed into the ground if someone chimps out, even thugs don't pick on women, or they'll slap em around a bit. And if you don't feel safe, get fit, start training and GET A FUCKING GUN. Seriously.

Yeah, she's a self-proclaimed smart-ass after all.

showing of bob pls

eeewww, I don't need to see those droopy cow udders.

There was something about a woman in sweden going undercover as a guy and then reporting that she felt less safe as a male than as a female on the transport system and people started bombarding her, if i remember correctly.

Notice it's a feminist white women who somehow is a victim and not privileged. Play with those mental gymnastics

Good for that nigger putting her in her place.

Then say it dingus and source it

This isn't about a single case, but all cases as a whole and didn't feel the need to detract from the topic by making this about a single instance, and I did say it. I didn't know spoonfeeding everyone was a requirement.

Man everybody knows this, its "part and parcel" to being a man, we used to fight in school for no reason, at a friends birthday party one guy was drunk and another guy asked him something and the drunk goes "WHAT" "WHAT DID YOU SAY" and they start pushing around, and the drunk was my friend so its me and 20 guys with our friend vs the other guy and 20 of their friends, i didn't even do shit and i had to fight, luckily they both pussied out and didn't fight, someone was going to get fucked real bad. And the girls were just sitting there watching and commenting sighing and rolling their eyes.

>Man everybody knows this
Women don't know or don't care because it doesn't affect them. They think they're the ultimate vicitm.

Remember that one time when she told a man to stop "manspreading" and he hit her right in the fucking face?

Sup Forums-its ok for niggers to beat our women, as long it suits our narrative against feminist.

Get your priorities straight pol. its NEVER ok for niggers to hit our white women. Next thing you know they'll be bitch slapping you and your wife in public and tyrone will be taking your wife home instead of you.

>And the girls were just sitting there watching and commenting sighing and rolling their eyes

Umm. No, sweetie... That was so they could mask the tingles.

On what planet is the woman in OP's picture white?

Its pol. We discuss things. We need a source on the topic and a discussion. Otherwise its a slide thread.

she isnt white you moron. The woman im referencing is OP, the picture is reference to white dominance over black women as well as white women. Fucking leaf you really are retarded.

>probably 40+ jewess feminist with fucked up teeth is "ours"

kek, ok user.



I don't have a twitter. Someone sends this to her.

>On what planet is the woman in OP's picture white?
Is this your thread? Are you now OP?

Actually it's a woman hating circlejerk, just like every other gender related threads on Sup Forums

It was our american education dont h8.

She probably fingers herself thinking about the savage nigger hitting her.

>gets punched once
>literally shaking
This would be acceptable if she was 13 right after, not a grown woman hours after the fact.

Emphasis on training. Getting fit is important too, but just looking pretty isn't going to get you anywhere if you don't train to fight/shoot.

