Aaron of lincoln

did you guys know there was a Jew from 12th century England who was richer than the king? his name was aaron of lincoln


what gets me is how did this happen? apparently he was able to get some sort of lending monoply but why would the English give a Jew a monopoly on lending allowing him to become richer than the king? why wouldnt an Englishman be given that monopoly?

can someone redpill me on how Jews got this super lucrative monopoly on lending allowing them to amass huge amounts of wealth and become super powerful? thanks

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she fucks 6'8'' white jews

She's my favorite, can we still watch her play video games? It's that still a thing?

usury was prohibited for the christians by a direct pappale bauble (from the concile of Nicée if i member?), so jews used this to their advantages and laundered money to kings and lords to make their endless wars, most of the time financing the both parties in conflict.

but im told Christianity has been a tool against the Jews. how can that be true if it made a Jew richer than the King?

>usury was prohibited for the christians by a direct pappale bauble (from the concile of Nicée if i member?), so jews used this to their advantages and laundered money to kings and lords to make their endless wars, most of the time financing the both parties in conflict.

This is how I understand it.

Now, is there a link between Aaron of Lincoln and Rothschild?


I thought she's never taken a dick on cam before?

>but im told Christianity has been a tool against the Jews. how can that be true if it made a Jew richer than the King?

you have to read Nieztche to understand this, christianity is the safe hating cuckism by definition, only the poors can access the paradise while its almost impossible for the riches. Christianity have been a perfect tool for keeping the white man ashamed and enslaved to his jewish master, who isn't bothered by such principles.

probably not, the meyer dinasty was pretty irrelevant pre XIXth c.

"Upon his death Henry II seized his property as the escheat of a Jewish usurer, and the English crown thus became universal heir to his estate."

Can we have these laws now, the US government taking money "oh, its the escheat of a Jewish usurer"?

We wouldn't have Rothschild if we had that policy.


it was pretty common during the middle age to pogrom the jews laundering sums of moneys you weren't able to pay back, this way you make 2 birds with 1 stone : you erase the debt and you exterminate the vermine

There is no such thing as a white jew

Christianity is a tool created by the Jews to preach cuckery to Israel.

Christians were not allowed to lend money at interest back then. Monarchs gave out monopolies to powerful merchants in exchange for political support all the time in the middle ages. So I guess the king gave a monopoly to the only person he knew who was allowed to lend money by their religion.

A lot of people were richer than the King. Fuedalisim doesn't run on "who's the richest"


It was utilized as a weapon by a cunning emperor who finally found a way to effectively invade the places his armies could not hold.

And due to the usury requirements that forbade gentiles from engaging in lending for a profit, jew banks became powerful and jews became necessary fixtures in every European society that submitted to their religion.

I agree with you there. It's easy for a poor white straight male to go to Heaven. We're the most persecuted people on the planet.


>richer than the king
Not always hard in 12th century Europe.
Kings are not always very good with their money.
> lending monoply but why would the English give a Jew a monopoly
Christianity has historically not looked kindly on money lending specifically the charging of interest on loans.
The Wikipedia article doesn't mention a monopoly but it wouldn't surprise me that a practice normally considered harmful would be assigned to an "outsider" with only one individual allowed to operate such a business.

>on how Jews got this super lucrative monopoly on lending allowing them to amass huge amounts of wealth and become super powerful?

Maybe you should try reading the article more closely.
>Upon his death Henry II seized his property as the escheat of a Jewish usurer, and the English crown thus became universal heir to his estate.
Aaron of Lincoln and his family never got to keep the money and power.
When Aaron died Henry II seized his wealth including the outstanding debts (some of which his own) but as a Christian king he could no longer accept interest on them.

Monroe something


both Aaron of Lincoln and Rothschild were listed here as Court Jew.


Seems like that whole "escheat" thing is something we should look at more closely for today.

Banking has always been suspect.

>posting monroe

I love this bitch

>white jew

is that monroe?

Jews aren't technically allowed to lend at interest to fellow jews so exploitation of gentiles through usury and/or speculation was necessary for their survival