Why does Sup Forums shill for and defend Christianity when it is one of the clear enemies of the white race?

Why does Sup Forums shill for and defend Christianity when it is one of the clear enemies of the white race?

Christianity has protected the White race for well over a millennia. The people who defended this base religion, however, are all dead. Now the church is lead by a Globalist shill - a satanist.

What you mean is the Born again Zionist "Christianity" is an enemy of the white race.

Atheist fag here.
I'm fine with christianity because it creates a social fabric that brings people together and facilitates them working together for a common goal or a mutual benefit.

What social fabric is there without a consistent set of moral values and standards? What brings people together? Do you really want to live in a world that only cares about


honestly you're bringing up such a complicated subject it isn't worth talking about on Sup Forums

The degeneracy that I see every day first thing when I leave for work which is caused by the lack of religion from our lives. We don't need less of it, we need more of it.

because 2000 years of the church made us the best and the guiding light of humanity. 150 years of its slow rejection and well you know whats happening.

Because Sup Forums is too stupid to realize Christianity was invented by kikes to undermine western civilization. Daily reminder that you should devote yourself to family and country, not some jew god.

>over a millennia.
Millenium is the singular, millenia is the plural, jesus christ dude...
It's even worse than doing it with phenomenon and nearly as bad as writing per se as per say.
Why can't Americans just stick to words they understand?

OP takes it up the ass.
sage, faggot.

Because it pisses off CIA niggers with the added bonus of everything else it represents

the new testament shits on jews constantly.

That's Rustle, isn't it?
The irony of making a thread like this with a cropped image from a Rustle doujin isn't lost on me.


>A few have gone to the wrong side.
The pope himself, and most of the Catholic church by proxy, is part of this wrong side. Evangelical Christians are crypto jews in the best case, and Protestants are a mixed bag. It's far more than a few churches.

>clear enemies of the white race

This is an unclear premise but I'll give you a chance to show your work to the rest of the class. Come up to the chalkboard please.

who cares, if you think whites are only pagans why better religion Christianity master race destroyed them? check mate atheist
make a new white religion and see if it can conquer the world, it wont, there's only one God and he's Christian

>Christian middle ages
>everything was a-ok, White countries were White and shit
>21 century
>western civilization is going to shit
>suddenly is all christianism fault

you are a retard nothing to explain will change that

>people start reading the bible
>the state stops abusing religion for its own gain
>suddenly Christianity becomes shit

gee I wonder how this happpen

> enemy
look at your family dude.
I'll guarantee that unless you're a jew you've seen your family decimated by drugs/drinking/crime in the past generation. The generation that by chance had their millennia old religious traditions destroyed by jews

The vulgarity undermines this most salient point. But you are right.
The Church has many problems: RC is cucked to rapefugees and ecstatic Protestants are cucked to Zionism, but these fallacies can be reformed in a few years.
No reason to reject Eternal Life through Jesus because human leaders are speaking suicidal things that God never said.

>The people who defended this base religion, however, are all dead
Wildly incorrect.

I'm torn on the Christianity debate. I don't believe Jesus was God but I could call myself Christian if the culture I desire was in it. I don't know if Christian culture is what I desire though. I just want people to be more modest and have more self respect.

This. None of you were Christians, it was all vanity and personal gain. Now Gods slapping your shit.

>Atheist cucks and Jew faggots are friends to the white race
anyone who goes after Christianity while atheist faggots and jew faggots are free to be degenerate is more than likely a jew
fuck off schlomo, you're mad that the white man realized you're the problem