Enjoy getting cucked by a minority. This man took your net neutrality and there's nothing you can do...

Enjoy getting cucked by a minority. This man took your net neutrality and there's nothing you can do. Still happy you voted for Trump?

Other urls found in this thread:


How is this even relevant?
Less Americans online = internet improves by milestones

Poor bait

Trump's getting his head sawed off and his ass raped too death 2020 fucking ass retarded nigger.

Sorry I don't want the internet controlled by the US government, I guess?


>be jewgle, jewflare, twatter, faceberg, jewtube
>*bans conservatives from using their services*
>oy vey the evil ISP want to charge us more
>nazi p-pls help us pwease

Pajeet 1 Goldenbaumbergstein 0

ending net "neutrality", aka the online version of the tragedy of the commons, is a good thing

56% face


Yeah ok kike

The FCC shouldn’t be in charge of the internet.

Wait this is from Pooinloo's legal arguments for repeal?

He's even more based than I originally thought.

I have money... so I'll be good.


Ah, yes. Better it be controlled by a handful of unrestrained corporations whose sole pursuit is making profit and monopolizing entire cities. I love winning!

its gonna get shot down in court anyway lol

he has a white wife too.

but luckily we're not petty communists like some other website you should go back to

>corporations own the government
>the government runs the internet
>corporations don't already own the interent

>he doesn't want the internet to be a public utility

Fucking poos!

>ignoring the logic of the conservation to play word games and spew vague assertions of who "owns" what
the bottom line is that government regulation often hinders corporations, retard, and when it stops existing the corporations answer to no one but their consumers, who, in the case of the internet, have zero power

It's over with for the time being, commie.
Give it up.
Only way you're getting your government control back is to wait for the next Dem president. In like... 15 years at this rate.

Hey, dipshit. FCC still has control over the internet, but can't regulate it. FTC is consumer protection and will be watching the activities of the corps.

Maybe it'll be shit, maybe not. Fuck off for the time being.

>$0.02 has been deposited

Good. Fuck Google.

Honestly, I wish I got paid for my posts
I'd shitpost my way out of poverty in no time

Yeah, not really interested in seeing the internet become anything like the post office

He's a pawn. He works for the people who put him in place.

Corporations are easier to control than governments though.

These anti net neutrality threads have to be Comcast shills or something.

Are you fucking Sup Forumsacks really going to let a pajeet jew ruin the internet?

I am enjoying watching the Republican Party dying in a housefire. Kek.

Hello salty baby man, educate yourself on what you're talking about. It's a sign of a healthy, well adjusted individual to recognize occasional fault in a cause or person they believe in. It's okay to take the orange dildo out of your ass from time to time


"Yay! I'm 14 and fuck everything because mommy and daddy still pay for everything for me! MAGA!"

Choke on shit, cunt.

Trust Trump

Hey, retard, when I first got online in '96 I didn't need Net Neutrality or Trump to get my Playboy scans. I still don't, it's irrelevant.

These pro net neutrality posters have to be corporate shills or something
Are you fucking Sup Forumsacks really going to let jewgle run the internet?

That has got to hurt.

Obviously you are all fucking retarded

It’s for the best. Nothing will change despite the chicken little faggot shills who are sad that their Soros shekels couldn’t save the turd known as Net Neutrality.

Fuck that garbage, it needed to get tossed.

And yet USPS is a hundred times more reliable in delivering packages than UPS, DHS or Fedex. I'd like my broadband to be as reliable as that.

Net neutrality = corporations and small startups get the same speeds

No net neutrality = only corporate jews like google can afford decent speeds

Why would making it so you can only reach rich (((corporations'))) websites a good thing?

Good. Fuck Google.

And Facebook.

>1 Post by this ID

From what I can tell removing net neutrality isn't going to take down Sup Forums or make it that much harder to spread our beliefs online.
So let Pajeet Pie do whatever he wants.


You should update that for the 2017 elections. Feels terrible man. And the 2018 midterms. Therea enough pissed off dems that they might even come out to polls. Not gonna be pretty.

ISPs don't have to pay more for higher speeds, they have to pay more for higher bandwidth
It doesn't make sense to charge exorbinat rates to get small sites decent service, but it DOES make sense to start charging big corporate websites more for using up half the fucking internet

You don't know how web hosting works, do you?


Is the SEC controlling Wall Street or the EPA providing your fucking water you piece of shit

oh you

I know this is an irrational way to think, but I tend to look at what the people I hate the most want and go against that. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, leftist are all for NN and it makes me suspicious as fuck.

Good job falling for it. Google doesn't give a shit, the death of Net Neutrality gives them a giant fucking moat. They will have a state sanctioned monopoly after this.

Do you think Google spent more than a few dimes getting net neutrality back on the table? They made a few memes and laughed all the way to the bank. And idiots like you got pissed off and overreacted in the opposite direction, all according to plan.

pai the piper

>Ah, yes. Better it be controlled by a handful of unrestrained corporations whose sole pursuit is making profit and monopolizing entire cities. I love winning!

What are Netflix, Google, and Facebook? With $18B, Soros could've bought some better shills.


See you got played, chump. Try not chimping out for a change.

jewgle cant be destroyed by people not using their products

Yes. Are you happy you're a faggot?

Good. Fuck Google.

And Facebook.

And Myspace.

there were no corporate telecom ISP monopolies in '96, friend.

you can very easily opt out of using google and its services. it's nearly impossible to opt out of using an ISP without negatively impacting your entire internet experience.

ISPs are also already profiting billions of dollars a year and charging their consumers 7000% and more markup on bandwidth they pay literal pennies for, so I'm not sure why anyone in their right mind would consider them the underdog vs companies like google or facebook.

they're also all pro-breathing oxygen, maybe look into that. your reactionary tribalist impulses are killing humanity.

really though i'm just trying to bump this thread so more trump dickriders will post for my "i told you so" collection to laugh at 5yrs from now.

Fuck Google so you're going to let them win? If you're not a shill you're definitely retarded.

You are fucking retarded.

Again, Netflix, Google and Facebook all provide optional services. ISPs are by and large mandatory in a modern age and are run by litigious, noncompetitive duopolies with no real alternatives in virtually every location in the US.

A comparison of Google to an ISP would be if Google and Bing were the only two options and they both shared infrastructure, agreed not to compete with each other, and charged you an arbitrary fee with a 7000%+ markup on what it costs them to maintain, anytime you wanted to use their service.

HEY, we're the USA

We like spending more than any other country on marginal to shitty internet

We elect cucks to screw us over

We love being ruled by corporations that squeeze out everything left of value

>trying to reason with Sup Forums

This place will side with Trump even when he calls for us all to be burned at the stake, just as long as they can gloat about how much they’re “winning”.

Given their intelligence, I'd say they missed a few quite a few breaths.

>your reactionary impulses is killing humanity
As opposed to what? The "one race, we're al humans" globalism that is killing the West, which is the best humanity has to offer. Your faggotry is killing humanity

Lies. All lies. Net Neutrality is a lie. They want more government control. We need to end that. That is what Trump is trying to do. Do not believe them.

You should try it. Breathing oxygen. You sound like a brain dead zombie.

It's not just "leftists". Literally everyone is pro-NN except for the ISP monopolies themselves, the Republicans they're bribing (who are mostly people born before television even existed and don't understand or care about new technology or net neutrality either way), and the former (and probably future) Verizon lawyer they've bribed their way into placement at the head of the FCC.

If nothing else you've got to agree that Pajeet Pai has a massive and glaring conflict of interest when it comes to net neutrality, no?

man who could have guessed that THIS would happen??????????

And how exactly do you think upholding the ideology that the Internet should remain free and open to its users, rather than gatekept and controlled exclusively by corporations with a long history of abuse and exploitation, is indicative of an agenda of government control?

At least there's a small hope of breaking up the isps. Once you give the government power, they'll never give it back.

And to imagine this on Sup Forums of all places. They’ve basically won at this point.

All of the awful non-arguments against protecting net neutrality are proof of how much of a fucking dead end the ancap ideology is

Just like how the fact that some Republicans support open borders so their donors can profit through illegal workers paid a fraction of minimum wage totally proves we need unrestricted shitskin immigration, am I right? I don't give a shit about "everyone", I care about truth, and the fact is that Net Neutrality is a social evil that needs to be expunged and, when it is, if some ISPs decide to fuck everyone over the ones that don't will get all of the business and survive. The free market fixing things isn't just a meme, it's a fact, human greed is the engine that drives the species and until you learn how to harness it you don't have business discussing anything more complicated than sportsball.

Holy shit how can you be this stupid. Do you not know what a public utility means?

You fucking moron, you realize that will kill anonymity and places like this? Holy shit you are embarrassingly dumb.

Again, net neutrality isn't giving the government any power over the Internet. If anything the repeal of it is giving complete control of the internet to our apparent real government (exploitative corporations)

Why is it bad?

There is no net neutrality. Now jewgle and netdicks will just have to pay money.

>doesn't know what title II is

>I care about truth
if you actually cared about the truth maybe you would have read up on the long history of abuse by ISPs in the 7-8 years leading up to and resulting in the FCC deciding to make net neutrality rules official in 2015.

and if you think those corporations aren't going to go straight back to exploiting consumers the moment it becomes legal to do so, you're fucking delusional.

It's unbelievable what cognitive dissonance will make people argue for on this site. They are literally caping for parasitic leeches of companies that vastly overcharge for their service and want to declassify data as a utility just so they don't have to admit that their "god emperor" (lol) did something that they didn't like

Yes, regulating the internet as a public utility and classifying ISP's under the same law telephone companies, state tv, radio and public transport are under certainly sn't giving the government any power over the internet. Why are pro-NN lemmngs so utterly devoid of any understanding? Do you just read major tech blogs and think you're informed now? Just take a look at the EU, this is your precious "net neutrality" - threatening to sue companies that don't remove "hate speech" from their websites, banning right wing dialogue and sites, banning right wing youtube videos from being able to be viewed in your entre country. Sure is open and free isn't it? It's nice you support being arrested for hate speech like they do in the net neutral and free Europe. I suppose you're also anti-Trump and think he's a dumb dummy that has no idea what he's doing?

Sup Forums existed well before NN, mouth breathers.

>Jewgle and company censor shitposters and conservatives
>Are 95% certain Hillary will win because of their echo chamber created from banning wrong-think
>Trump wins
>Fuck Drumpf
>Continue to ban and throttle people who are conservative and subscribe to wrong-think
>Send shills to the Outerspace Extreme Crocheting forum that knows how to meme because they need help
>lol nope.jpg
>Soros spends mad cash to try and recruit the autists of said Crocheting forum
>lol nuh uh, we seen this shit before
>create a shit ton of threads dedicated to convincing newfags and leddit transplants to your cause
>said newfags and ledditers can't meme, so it's useless
Fuck, I'd be sick of winning if it didn't feel so good

>net neutrality isn't giving the government any power over the Internet
>doesn't know what title II is

All those had been resolves and stopped being an issue with anti-trust.

Sure, they TRIED some shit, but they didn't exactly get away with it for long.

"The free market fixing things isn't a meme"

*Smash cut to our plant being completely destroyed and wage stagnation for everyone but the extremely rich for several decades*

>implying anonymity is still a thing
go post one of our infographics on literally any other board

We're basically getting overrun with paid shills from comcast and verizon. I'm fucking convinced of this.

They are internet companies they know how the internet works. If they're trying to ram legislation through they know they need to keep a place like Sup Forums pinned down for a few weeks until this thing passes.


Just hire 20 people to post garbage for a few weeks which amounts to an investment of a few thousand bucks to make sure we don't stir up any trouble in the meantime.

>if some ISPs decide to fuck everyone over the ones that don't will get all of the business and survive.

Sure, except for the fact that they're all in on it together, and while one fucks you in the mouth the other is fucking you in the ass. There is no competition. There is no choice. The ISP industry is a noncompetitive oligopoly with an insurmountable barrier of entry for small business entrepreneurs, not some teenage ancap libertarian free market wet dream.

All of the biggest corporations of all time support net neutrality. Google alone has higher market cap than Verizon, Comcast, and AT&T combined.

>actually posting a trump tweet like it’s some kind of argument

Holy fuck you’re a retarded little sheeple.

Where do I sign up to shitpost on Sup Forums for money?

>They are internet companies they know how the internet works
Google is worth 3-4 times what these companies are worth and understands far better how the internet works, and has been pushing "net neutrality" for years.