How long until he starts a cult?

I like what he has to say for the most part but his fanboys are too much. The comments on his videos are pure idolatry. They are ruining him just like they ruined Rick and Morty.

Other urls found in this thread:

It'll be after he loses his shit and goes insane.
Having to deal with the left persecuting you 24/7 will do that to you.

The same faggots who followed the herd and became fedora atheists 5 years ago are now coming back to Christianity because of Peterson instead of thinking for themselves. I bet most don't bother to read the books he references even. I like him, but he doesn't have all answers.

Wait I thought Peterson was an atheist?

Peterson is a retarded basic-bitch brainlet

How he has any followers is beyond me

the lack of adults to look up to is the true source of fanboy-ism surrounding him
in an age lacking strong fathers and honorable leaders what will fill this vacuum? left wing degeneracy or some form of return to principles
i think fanboy-ism is a better option than the other

and I love how they still have to point out that they are atheists

kys, not joking

My theory is that he's literally a lot of these guys' surrogate father. Think about it. Think how often marriages end in divorce these days, and how many single moms are out there. There are a lot of young men growing up without strong male figures in their lives. So then here comes Peterson telling these young men to clean their rooms, sort themselves out, rediscover truth--all things their dads would tell them if they were around. They've never had anyone like this in their lives, so they flock to him.

He easily could. He can sell what is essentially journal prompts and a big 5 personality test easily found online for cash and people will buy it. People buy everything he says as gospel. He has some interesting ideas and good advice for directionless young men and calls out PC bullshit in colleges but he is not some infallible super genius who is right about every single thing.


"YES for all practical purposes, he is to be counted as an atheist. His gnostic views on religious archetypes and God is definitely antithetical to Christian beliefs and would have been considered rightly as blasphemous in Christianity’s heyday. This is because his views don’t require one to believe in the actual existence of God. Rather he treats religious beliefs as expressions of subconscious thought processes in humans while still holding on to a naturalistic worldview. AND THAT IS WRONG. There are good reasons to believe that a Creator of the world exists. Yes literally. And there are also good reasons to believe that He has decisively revealed himself in the person of Jesus Christ."

>t. fedora


do you think he chose the thinker as an avatar because he thinks a lot?

This has nothing to do with my views on Jordan Peterson
I was just under the impression he was an atheist and everybody is tripping over it.
Why are you tripping out so hard over a misconception :/.

>They are ruining him just like they ruined Rick and Morty.

Don't compare that low-energy, mom-humor-tier shit cartoon to Dr. Peterson, you retard. Only millennial fuckwits think that lazy writing is "edgy" or "cynical". Rick and Morty is fucking TRASH.

your bait is weak and you should feel bad

then kill yourself too


you are the problem

Dude, Peterson treats the Bible as one giant metaphore, never said one single prayer and even said that miracles and other supernatural events are clearly not to be taken literally. It's painfully obvious that he's an atheist.

It's not bait more than that if you google or bing it it comes up that he's christian.
I'm almost 100% he openly stated he was atheist.
You're so fucking triggered over this jesus christ.

That he's atheist*

>It'll be after
why after?
why not RIGHT NOW?

Nah, he'll finally speak while tired and come out as alt-right, advocating race war.

he's addressed exactly this though;
>my intent is to unpack these stories as a phenomenology, ... but I am in no way saying that that is all these stories contain.

i personally am christian, I dont find his claims necessarily sacrilegious.
his characterisation of God -psychologically- as the highest possible ideal is not too unlike aquinas' characterisation: that "grace perfects nature".

and it's not as though he's swinging people towards athiesm. quite the contrary. call him an athiest or a meme or whatever, he's winning souls; which is much more than what the vatican is doing at the moment.

it's a strange time alright.

I listened to him on Joe Rogan and I thought he was reasonable.

try harder and then kill yourselves

Yeah I mean maybe

I had a highly abusive alcoholic dad who cheated and beat my mom then went to prison.

When he got out of prison we spent some time together, even though I still hate him deep down. We shot guns and he taught me a few things about finance. I wouldn't say I exactly have a "father figure", probably just the opposite. My idea of "father" has a negative association.

Jordan Peterson sounds like the biggest faggot cuck I have ever heard in my life. I have an urge to punch him right in his fucking face the minute I hear him talk, because the shit he's saying is just stupid. A lot of it is actually bad advice, or common sense philosophy 101 type shit.

If there are guys out there who seriously find Jordan to be a father figure to them and the stuff he is telling them is improving their lives, then that's fantastic. But I hope these guys don't just stop at Peterson, because he is about as basic as you can get. But maybe that's just where young men are starting at in their path to "self-realization" or whatever, I don't know.

I feel like a dick bashing Peterson when I hear all these young males saying he is like drastically improving their lives, but HOLY FUCK, Jordan Peterson is a retarded cucked piece of shit.

In my estimation he was no joke.

He's massively overrated. His formula, for literally every piece his written or given orally, can be summed up thusly: reign in the audience on patriotism then spew a bunch of utter shit. His points on postermodernism betray his utter misunderstanding of what it is (as a philosophical tool), so he can instead portray it as the modus operandi for the edification of toxic progressivism and corrosion of western ideals.

He's the root of retards saying shit like "postmodernism is anti-science buh huh huh"

come up with something better than just spamming that to everybody you don't like over and over and over again faggot.

well, he's already selling his stupid (((personality tests))) online

it's scientology tier shit

yeah man fuck that guy. reminds me of your dad and he was an asshole who fucked up your life


it's not scientology tier shit.

it's psychology tier shit

reddit loves him, retard. At least understand what community you're referencing.

i'd join his clut

>He's the root of retards saying shit like "postmodernism is anti-science buh huh huh"

Jordan is literally a fucking post-modernist. When you deconstruct his philosophies on self-actualization and some of his "clean your room" bullshit, you will find it is post-modernist.

That is why I think many of his fans are continually frusterated when they apply his ideas to their lives. They don't actually work in the end.

I have a couple friends that think he is god. I think he rambles a lot, he's one of those guys that has a million thoughts in his head, and hasn't worked them out all the way yet, so he doesn't make much since a lot of the time. I wonder what it would be like to be one of his students, I bet that is his real cult, probably people coming from all over the world just to be in one of his classes. But he does more good then evil, one of the few people in the world that is bring actual truth to the insanity that is happening in university's right now. I just listened to that leaked audio from that professor that was punished for showing a Peterson wrong think video in class, terrifying university's think a guy that says men and woman are different and their are only 2 genders is Hitler.

okay I’ll just say it to

now please kill yourself

There's a small community that loves him there but your typical Redditor is a retarded lefty who has a deep rooted hatred for any right winger who speak a shred of truth, just like you.

No my dad is not a fucking cuckhold like Peterson, even if he is/was a degenerate.

I can listen to Stephen Molyneux and think "Ok this guy is a little unhinged but there is some interesting and unusual advice in here that kind of echoes Machiavellian/Robert Greene type of shit, and that is practical"

But the shit Peterson tells people to do is absolutely cucked and retarded

except you give him money and it's auditing

so it is scientology tier shit

What do you mean until he starts? He already has a loyal cult and gets 80k a month for his basic bitch anti-SJW opinions

What exactly does Peterson "tell people to do" that's cucked and retarded? Give some examples here.

"Not only cool people like me like this thing now so I have to stop liking it because that changes it somehow."

Honestly this. It's disgusting how many people are raised by single moms. Look at /r9k/ if you want to gaze into it. People who criticize Peterson tend to be those who had strong fathers growing up and see less value in his advice. Those same critics shouldn't be so quick to dismiss the other things Peterson talks about, like honouring your culture, understanding the Bible in a world of materialism, and the dangers of marxism/communism. What sets him aside from your standard Sup Forums shitposting is it's highly presentable, easy to understand and reiterate, and doesn't skip over details. He's effectively redpilling (and breadpilling) en masse to every generation that matters. This is also why it's easy for a redditor to idolize him, but that doesn't discount his character or message.
Just because he presents it a specific way, doesn't mean that's ALL he believes. He teaches at a college which is supposed to be bi-partisan to religion, especially in Canada where it's probably against the law too. How can you question a man's faith when he so clearly understands the texts and has never called himself an atheist. It's not his job to preach. He's explaining the value and wisdom of the Bible in a way that atheists can digest and possibly lead to faith. He's done more for Christians than anyone on this board has ever done, and it was him that lead me to faith despite what critics like to imply.
Oh look it's this shill again. For someone who pretends molymeme isn't a joke, you sure know how to spew a lot of non-arguments.

he hasn’t started giving orders yet

He came close with the “rat out your university” AI but decided against it. I’m watching him though, the tricky little leaf

Sorry but you sound heavily like you're projecting your own paternal issues onto other people. Does his "Venerate your father" line bother you? It sounds like it.

Which part is cucked and retarded? You are entitled to your opinion, but at least present some points. I don't think that Peterson has every answer to every question like his cult followers do, but I don't see any faggotry in what he says.

Who are you quoting, reddit?

lol is that why he makes his insane salary off crowd-funding and has a massive following on the internet that is largely represented by reddit? hah, my bad.

Kinda funny how you think I hate right-wingers, seeing as I am one. Sorry I don't buy into your moralizing mouth-piece!


That's exactly what he himself says about it from a psychological perspective.

>right wing
you know how I know you're underage?

You honestly just sound like a babbling, projecting idiot.

The National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) were hard left, not hard right. Sorry to break that to you.

I understand this statement about him and I do believe it has a good amount of truth to it, but I honestly think the majority of people who watch him just like how he cuts through a lot of modern political insanity by referencing established psychology, biology, and personality/behavior psychology.

He also does a good job explaining some mid-level Nietzsche and Carl Jung. The REAL meaning behind a lot of Nietzsche and Jung are seldom talked about or entertained in our society and those concepts we could certainly use to fix our problems.

Understanding personality and how to turn yourself into an upstanding and productive person to your nation without turning into a rabid dog of the state is complex, but important in order to create a long-lasting society.

Jung's archetypes and collective unconscious concepts are extremely entertaining thought experiements, and I think there is some lizard-brain truth to them--so they are useful despite not being quantifiable.

We've lost our reference to our pasts, we float stagnant as the world cries for change, but does not know what the change they believe in will objectively create for the future.

ehh whatever. Plenty of contrarian faggots in the thread doing what they always do. For awhile something will be discussed and considered, and then once most people agree with it those that feel the need to always be on the bleeding edge attack the very thing they agreed with only a few weeks earlier. Not that it matters, those people go dig up the next Peterson from the depths of obscurity to bring more new and interesting thought to the forefront. If reddit started using the swastika as their official symbol then the contrarian part of pol would attack it, just to be different from reddit and the normies. Winning is impossible if your goal is to always have an enemy.
Such is pol.

Peterson is smart as a whip and has done more to identify, defend, and rekindle the philosophy and lifestyle of Western culture than anyone else has in decades. No he doesn't know absolutely everything, nobody ever has, but he is damn good. He has probably helped tens of thousands of people improve their lives and get away from the delusion of marxism.

I've been seeing this guy's face on here for a while, but I still have no idea who he actually is, and what he does.

These are my complaints with Peterson:

>Clean your room

Peterson tells his followers to "clean their room" as a way to create a domino effect in their lives of productivity (I don't personally believe this works but whatever maybe it'll work for you). He also believes "cleaning your room" is an existential exercise to self-realization. He has explained in videos that before you are able to go out and project your worldview onto others, or preach an ideology, you must "clean your room" (a.k.a. find self-realization) first.

The problem is, he does not have any actual standards for when this abstract "room" is cleaned, meaning, there is never actually a point when somebody is permitted to go out and preach their ideaology or worldview to somebody. It is a subjective idea, and it means that the person can begin to move on with their lives after THEY believe that their room is "cleaned".

This is a post-modernist idea because it is rooted in the subjective perspective and not the objective. The Bible says "When you follow these rules and abstain from these rules while believing in Jesus, you will be a good/strong/wise person and you will receive divine enlightenment from God". The Bible has objective standards, there are actual standards you can measure to find out if you are doing well in life or not according to it. Jordan's philosophies are the complete opposite, which lead me to my next point

>The Bible

Jordan is too much of a cuck to actually embrace The Bible as a historical document despite there being tons of historical evidence that I am sure he has access to. He jumps through mental hoops to try and explain how "The Bible is a great collection of stories that western civilization was founded on, and not all of it should be taken literally or applied to your life". Okay, so which parts should we apply to our lives? The parts we like?


Jordan Peterson is way overrated and luke warm, I really don't understand the hype behind this guy, very strange.

Telling people to "apply the parts of the bible that you think make sense" is a post-modernist idea, and that is literally what Jordan does.

The Bible tells us to kill faggots and adulterers, so should we take that into consideration? No? Why not? Oh, because Jordan doesn't like that part. He just likes the vague morality parts that sort of fit into the modern secular moral paradigms that he operates within.

This is literally what post-modernism is. Self-interpretation and subjectivity.

Traditionalism says to read the Bible, believe it, and then do what's in it, then you'll be a good mentally healthy/emotionally healthy/strong/wise person.

Jordan says "Uhhh apply your own discretion to it and pick out some parts you think might be good". Then he does an entire series on this idea.

Fuck Jordan Petercuck. He is a fucking charlatan and an enemy of traditionalism.

>following a fucking leaf

Ah, I was wondering when he was going to drop out of fashion on Sup Forums for the same reason everyone on Sup Forums starts to dislike things:
Normies start liking it.

How exactly are you fags any different from Sup Forums or /r9k/? Or group-think SJWs for that matter?
Sup Forums is collectivism too. Stop fucking falling for it.

He would need equal number of female supporters to male. His biggest hit is with men seeing they can take responsibility for their lives and the harrowing situation around them.

>national socialism is leftist because socialist is in the name!

Wanna know how i know your a brainlet?

he was never "in fashion" here....some like him some don't

itt brainlets still angry that Jordan peterson publicly affirmed his distaste for fascism despite him writing about it for decades.

I get a much stronger sense of open antagonism towards him lately, probably started with the Faith Goldie incident

>I'm a right winger
>which is why I use patriotism as a pejorative and defend post-modernism


Yes cleaning your room and analyzing some biblical studies is "cucked and retarded".

Now who's paying you?

yeah he has a weird thing going on with Ezra from Rebel media. Probably because Ezra set up a kickstarter to fund his grad students after Peterson's application for a grant got rejected.

Now he is beholden. Sad!

I'm a fan of his and you're 100% correct, it is because my father didn't teach me how to be a man. That said, I don't completely idolise him and I disagree with some of the things he says. While it may be disgusting that a surrogate father-figure is in high demand, it's surely a good thing that that role is at least getting filled in some way.

That said, I'm not one of these autistic meme-posters that just spouts shit like "Clean your room" xdddd.

Specifically what do you mean when you say he gives bad advice?

Provide an example.

>itt brainlets still angry that Jordan peterson publicly affirmed his distaste for fascism despite him writing about it for decades.

Yeah of course, only a few people are full-blown fascists. Peterson is nothing but a moderate centrist cuck, and this was observable after Charolettesville.

Most of those people at Charolettesville were doing absolutely nothing wrong. Just protesting the removal of a statue and attending some speeches from people from all over the political spectrum, yet Peterson fucking RAN like a cowardly little bitch to disavow the whole thing, cry about how "Disgusting and WORRYSOME" the whole thing was, and quickly distance himself from the "alt-right".

>Yes cleaning your room and analyzing some biblical studies is "cucked and retarded".

Who's paying YOU? Are you on Jordan's paetreon payroll?

Does daddy need to tell you to clean your room?

lmao you're not supposed to read the youtube comments for any video, they're all terrible.
if you like what he has to say, keep listening

My rant about why I think Jordan's advice is bad is here

>Most of those people at Charolettesville were doing absolutely nothing wrong
Judging from the public's reaction
they fucking DID do something wrong

they wanted to protest the statue removal? well they failed, because they made the tactical error or immediately losing any weight their protest had by openly waving swastika flags and chanting "jews will not replace us"

that’s not the point

He appeals to the other basic-bitch brainlet pseudo-intellectuals. Which is most of society.

senpai if you didn't work this out a year ago you might be retarded. Peterson has always been E. Michael Jones for pussies who need to be told by a wise older man that spending all day jerking off and playing League of Legends is unhealthy behaviour for a young man. Jones goes straight to the real issue. Identifying how society is rigged to fuck you over.

yea i guess...but that's because he goes against Sup Forums's "core ideology" and the Goldie thing sort of brought it to's not because people are being contrarian

He literally gave it to Sup Forums for free, sorry you missed it.

I'm a decently well adjusted man and I think he's the bee's knees. I hope he continues to influence people for the better no matter how much people shit on him on this website. I visited Sup Forums the other day (fuck me right) and there was an anti-Peterson thread up, with nothing to do with TV, just pure anti-Peterson discussion.
I think shills hate him for sure, but real people who visit this site don't have any reason to slow him down. Fuck people who spam stupid shit in his comment sections and his 14 year old vocal fanboys too.

>Sup Forums's "core ideology"
what exactly is it anyway?

because it's certainly not fashism or national socialism or white nationalism or whatever, keyboardwarriors don't get to call themselves any of those

These threads are started by Molymeme, aren't they? fuck off stef you wannabe dimestore miscavige

I think it would be more amusing to give him a cult. Perhaps we could start one for him.
I'd very much like to see his reactions to it and how he desperately tries to handle it.
It would build more character for him I think.

>Judging from the public's reaction

You mean a bunch of retards who watched edited clips from Jew York Times and a bunch of scared republicans/cuckservatives who were afraid to lose their spots in congress/media?

They did nothing wrong. There was like 3 nazi flags out of 1,200 or so people. Many people know they did nothing wrong too, hence why even TRUMP defended Charolettesville.

But you have these alt-lite/cuckservative cowards who disavow immediately out of fear of being associated with an event that the corrupt media has labeled a "Nazi" event.

Fuck Jordan Peterson and anybody who disavowed Charolettesville.

>group of top-tier, international psychologists dedicate lives to researching trait personality and making incredible personal sacrifices
>create reliable and valid test for average user outside of lab setting
Give me a break. Your weak ass psyop against peterson is so empty.

>He is a fucking charlatan and an enemy of traditionalism.
>he is a charlatan for having his own views! if this guy doesn't start following my exact definition of traditionalism, he is my enemy!
SeeHow is your interpretation of the Bible not subjective? Every scrap of information you intake and consider is done so through a subjective lens. Peterson's argument seems to be that in spite of subjectivity, there are fundamental truths that everyone can come to if they dig deep enough. There is an objective 'clean room' that every subjective interpretation will get close to, albeit never reach it because no person is perfect.

Snake flags are the most annoying motherfuckers on pol. None of you say anything of value, just 'nazis are leftists!'. There is never even a follow up argument. Go read a goddam book and learn the actual differences between the left and right wing beyond free market economics.
Morons. At least the ancaps make efforts to argue.

>certainly not fashism or national socialism or white nationalism or whatever
but it is...and whether it's "real" or as you imply j"keyboard warriorism" is irrelevant.....

>There was like 3 nazi flags out of 1,200 or so people
That's 3 too many, it only damaged their own cause. Their own tactical error, so they get what they deserve for messing up.

Disavowing that was the correct thing to do if you didn't want to make a tactical error yourself.


Peterson is pozzed beyond redemption by what you refer to as postmodernism. There's a better word for it, a word that he should be very familiar with as a psychologist in a society that is drowning in this pathology, but our collective psychological defenses have twisted its definition and our perceptions of it in such a way that it goes unnoticed.

It's funny that he doesnt much believe in ADHD because you would swear he has it the way he's constantly getting sidetracked by his thoughts .

maybe you can say that it is
but you people certainly don't act like it is

I'd generally descibe it as a slightly chaotic anti-SJW sentiment, which is more fitting for people who discuss their ideas with members of their own group from the safety of their own homes

but it's certainly not nationalism, you can call it that but then again some people call some men "she" too
doesn't make it true

There will come a time when the Alt-Right should stop supporting the people that have been funnelling them new supporters and only support people that explicitly support white identity, but the movement still needs alt-lite types for now.

At some point though, they will absolutely be dead-wood.

Thats HIS point. When did you start thinking that the only valid worldview is the one which is yours?? I love jordan peterson because his lectures have changed my life for the better, and i dont give a fuck whether you like him or not. The guy speaks truth in a leftist world filled with bullshit, and there is nothing you could do to change my mind, and I am not trying to change yours.

>>he is a charlatan for having his own views! if this guy doesn't start following my exact definition of traditionalism, he is my enemy!

He is a charlatan because he claims to be "fighting post-modernism" by offering post-modernist tools to fight it.

I would almost call him controlled opposition, but I know he's really just a fucking cuck

The personality test front is a selection process to screen for the next generation of western civilization.
You should watch some of his stuff on the Bible and start sorting your life out to the max.

Cleaning a room is not a "subjective perspective" (???) it's a real thing, a real place, and has a real goal. You're grasping at straws to claim post-modernism (there are multiple opportunities to make that claim with Peterson, this is not one.)
>The Bible has objective standards, there are actual standards you can measure to find out if you are doing well in life or not according to it. Jordan's philosophies are the complete opposite
Yes and he has never implied you shouldn't follow those standards
>embrace The Bible as a historical document
He's not a history teacher. That's not a history class. You have no evidence he doesn't believe in the historical accuracy of The Bible. He gives commentary on what's important for his class, which is not heresy. If he stated The Bible had no historical value then you could make that claim.
>Telling people to "apply the parts of the bible that you think make sense"
citation needed
>The Bible tells us to kill faggots and adulterers
It also says God will deal with them Himself and He would rather they be saved. It's not Peterson's job to stone queers. This issue has never been brought up in regards to Peterson so I don't know why you're bringing it up now.
>This is literally what post-modernism is. Self-interpretation and subjectivity.
You're still grasping at straws to apply this label. The real time to say Peterson has post-modernist views is on ideology itself and its dangers. He instead says to value only the highest truth (i.e. God) and follow that closely to ensure a happy and fruitful life and secure a strong future for the west (kind of like what The Bible says.) If you're going to sit there and tell me that isn't a Christian thing to say then you can drop the charade and admit you're a shill. I'll let you have the last word, as I'm going to bed but I'll read whatever you write in the morning (however long it is)

>I let jews define my political status
Wanna know how I know you're a good goy?

unfourtenately Sup Forums's "message" has been muddled by the influx of new fags

>How is your interpretation of the Bible not subjective? Every scrap of information you intake and consider is done so through a subjective lens. Peterson's argument seems to be that in spite of subjectivity, there are fundamental truths that everyone can come to if they dig deep enough. There is an objective 'clean room' that every subjective interpretation will get close to, albeit never reach it because no person is perfect.

>There are fundemental truths because the bible is a neat book full of nothing but metaphors, see if you can dig around and find them goy

The Bible tells it's readers to read the entire thing and do everything in there. That's what a Christian is, and Peterson will not even contend this basic point.

>There is an objective "clean room" that every subjective inerpretation will get close it

LMAO ok what is it?

Oh, you don't know, because there isn't one. It's just some vague self-actualization bullshit for brainlets